The Healer of sorts

We came up towards a village, well it looked like a village of sorts, the people here..the males.. they have no horns..they didn't look like men their eyes they looked like goats or antelopes, or some sort of animals eyes. I think they're scared of him. He says "I need a healer, please. The female keeps blacking out." An older man appears out of one of the tent-like homes, he shows us inside. "She keeps blacking out?"- He said rubbing his beard. Please my dear lay down here, he shows me a place to lay down. I willingly lay down. He checks my pulse, she seems fine, I can't detect a low pulse. However, I will give you some medicine just in case you start to feel weak again my dear. He whispers to me-"make sure you tell him when you feel like fainting or weak!". I nodded in agreement. He looks at me with a stern sexy expression- "please tell me if you need anything I'm at your service." As we take our leave. We're about to leave when the healer pulls me to the side, turned to thank him before catching up to this mysterious man who had brought me here.

As we leave the village he asks me what the healer say to me. I told him "he said to let you know if I feel weak or like I could blackout again, he gave you that bag of medicine right? I think he meant to use those or something?!".

As we were leaving the healer comes out of his tent, he signals for a bird. Gracefully the magnificent eagle perched itself onto the one who signalled him. After attaching what looked like a note to the foot of the eagle, the bird took off in the direction towards which the handsome tiger man and the young girl were headed.

The eagle gracefully lands in a place of beautiful scenery, a shadow figure approaches the bird... the note was removed and a muffled noise is heard from the shadowy figure.