The king has arrived

Lavi's thoughts- She's the most beautiful female I've ever seen, I must tell her how I feel. No, she couldn't feel the same as me, most females tremble and cry with the presence of my face, how could she feel the same way. But, she's kind and thought-full, and pregnant, that's right she has a male, she won't want me around her. I should go for a walk to clear my head

- While walking around for a bit he came to where Lilly and Celeste were sitting and chatting, the words "Twins and Female."- He quickly turns into his beast form and disappears into the bushes. Thinking to himself what did I just hear?!

Celeste looked, gobsmacked "twins and female. How can that be possible?" That's when Lilly told the story of the young female who gave birth to twin females who became the Queen. Anyone who gives birth to twin females is very special.- "Lilly, please keep this a secret"- unknowing that Lavi had heard these two important pieces of information.

Lavi was known to be a cold person, but around Celeste, he couldn't help but be friendly and kind, he barely spoke and that gave people the impression he was cold and mean. It had started from his birth just being born with black fur and red eyes, even his own mother couldn't be around him for a long time, and soon she would pass away, leaving Lavi the only heir to the throne. Only in the past few years, he reined differently from his predecessors, made things easier for the males who work in the fields, creating more suitable housing that would protect against the floods in the rainy season.

The rainy season was one of the worst seasons of the year, with each passing year in the new king's reign, fewer females would die from starvation and having no home to live in, he would make it that all the females would have enough food for this period, storing up meats and berries. For Lavi, he tried his best to find a mate, but all of the females would reject him, not because of who he is but because they fear he's ominous and will bring bad things into the people he cared for, they all thought this since his mother died shortly after he was born. But in fact, his mother had become very ill, this was hidden from the people as they thought it would make things become worse, they never corrected the people who blamed Lavi for the queen's death, he just had to accept this, that was until he met her.

Now all the females which had been kidnapped were safe, it was too late in the season to take them back to their village instead an announcement was made to take the females to the lion castle and to send word to the village they came from that they were safe, the king had stated that all the rescued females must write their names down, to ensure that these were all the females that were kidnapped from the village.

Soon they heard the news from the village, all the males were happy to know their females were safe and sound. With the rainy season upon them, they said it would be better for the females to stay safe in the castle the king gladly accepted this, it meant he could spend more time with Celeste, but he didn't know that Arian the father of Celeste's children was not going to sit and wait for her throughout the rainy season, it would take him five days normally to get to the castle, but with the rain, it could take over a month and the rainy season is three months long, she was already nearly three months pregnant, he thought she'd give birth soon to his cubs, he couldn't waste time, he needs to find her and fast.

Two weeks had passed by now Celeste wondered how Arian was doing, unknowing of the danger he's put himself through just to get to the lion castle to find her. Celeste started to wondering the magnificent castle building, she hadn't left her room for a little while, Lilly stayed with her, but Lilly hadn't been sleeping so well during the night, she left Lilly to sleep. while exploring the castle she noticed the walls were stone but had slight engravings on the bottom half, they were roses, the petals were floating away in the wind, it went all along the wall, but it stops at a wall and goes onto one stone piece and doesn't continue, without knowing she was doing it her hand reached and touched the stone, a secret passageway opened up, and without thinking she let her curiosity get the better of her and went through. She found herself in a secret tunnel, she couldn't go back the way she came, all she could do was go forward, after what felt like a long thirty minutes, she found herself in a different room, in a different part of the castle.

Lavi looked up and noticed a shadowy figure, being on his guard walking up slowly, that's when he heard a "hello?".