Chapter 3

Chapter 3: What If Its Love?

Vanessa's Point Of View

When I woke up, I immediately took a shower and got dressed, then I looked at the wall clock and it was past 9 o'clock!

I'm late again!

I quickly went downstairs and went to the kitchen to drink strawberry juice. This is what I will drink when I am in a hurry because I will not eat anymore.

"I'm coming in."

"Have you eaten yet ma'am?"

"No, I'm going to be late, bye!"

As I rode in the car I remembered something. By the way, we will meet Oliver this afternoon in that place.

--- ♡ ---

"Your 1 hour late Ms. Stewart!" Our teacher was kind to me so I just bowed down.

'Why did I wake up late?'

"You're late Vanessa again, now I won't miss it! Grrrrr." I could barely move because her whole face was filled with fire!

"S-sorry maam-"

"Get out!" I was surprised by what she said, I did not realize that there were tears in my eyes. What is it Vanessa if you cry you show everyone that you are a weak one!

"Ah sorry maam because I really know why she is late." I turned to the source of that voice and as I suspected I was right.


"What are you saying Mr. Santiago?"

"We've met yesterday and she went to there house at 8 in the evening. So I apologize to you ma'am."

I was stunned by what he said, I could not move from where I was standing. 'What is this man saying?'.

Maam Gomez turned to me and frowned at me.

"Take your seat!" Because of her shout I suddenly jumped up and quickly sat down in my chair.

When I sat down, I saw the mad man smiling! I also realized that Emmanuel was already here.

When will he come?

"I told you, I can protect you anytime." I was thrown back in my seat when someone suddenly whispered to me.

'Oliver again ?!'

"Why do you really like to surprise someone?" I whispered to him.

"That's not my fault." I turned to him and his face was exposed to me with an engraved smile.

I just ignored him and listened to our teacher again.

--- ♡ ---

"Class dismissed." As soon as maam Gomez said that, my classmates stood up and left the classroom.

I was about to leave when suddenly someone called my name.

"What else?" I asked him.

"Didn't you say you're my girlfriend?" He whispered softly.



He suddenly grabbed my hand and turned to me in a daze.

"Let's go?"

"You're really crazy!" I cried because he frowned.

"Ahrmmm." Oliver and I were both stopped by someone sneezing next to me.

By the way, Emmanuel, I blocked the door again so I quickly left and stood next to Oliver.

"Goodbye Emman." Goodbye, I felt Oliver's fist suddenly move.

"All right, goodbye to you too."

I looked at Oliver's face and he frowned at me.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him.

"Aren't you my girlfriend?"

"I'll leave you!" When I said that, I left him and went to the library.

--- ♡ ---

"Hi Vanessa!" I was stunned to read someone call my name. I looked at who it was and-

"Oh, it's you Lia." I smiled at her and as I expected she smiled at me too. She sat down next to me. "How are you Lia, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yes, I was absent yesterday because no one helped mama to sell isaw because papa left, he said he was going somewhere." I nodded at what she said.

"But wait. If you were absent yesterday, why did I see you in the hallway yesterday morning?"

"Ah that's it. Yes I was there to see you, then I went home." She was still smiling.

"H-ha? You just came to see me?"

"Yes. I have never experienced this kind of friendship so-"

I was shocked when she suddenly looked down.

"I made the most of it before our friendship broke down." I was confused by what she was saying. I do not understand her, what is she saying will be destroyed?

"Our friendship will never be broken Lia."

"I know." Now I'm really confused. 

"I know our friendship will not be ruined, but because I feel something bad. I feel like one of us has a secret, and I feel that because- but I have no secret ah. I just really feel like I will hurt you, so sorry. "

"What are you saying there Lia?"

"N-nothing go ahead, maybe your second subject has already started." Then she left me stunned here. With so many questions on my mind, why is she so sorry? Why does she seem to be acting strangely now?

On the other hand, I walked towards our classroom.

--- ♡ ---

"Class Dissmissed."

All my classmates left while I was here on the edge of the University gate while waiting for 5 p.m.


It was 4:59 so I quickly got up from my seat and went to the place I went to yesterday.

When I arrived, I immediately saw Oliver sitting while looking at the sky.

"Hi." I greet him when I get close. I sat down next to him.

"Oh, your here."

"Was it here before?" I'm a little disappointed because I just came.

"It's ok. Im fine, I can wait in how many hours, days, weeks, months, and even years. Just to see you."

"Stop that. What are we going to do here, are you sending me back here?"

"There you go again." He whispered softly but I could still hear that because of the closeness of our distance.

"What did you say?"


Why am I acting like this? Aren't we, why do I seem to feel like we have already signed?

"Are we really there? Why do I seem to feel like we don't have a sign yet?"

"You want a sign?" I just nodded. Suddenly he stood up and held out his hand to me. "Give me your hand."

"What are you talking about-"

Even before I finished what I was about to say, he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me.

--- ♡ ---

"Wow!" I can't believe the view here. If the view was good earlier, it was better here!

There is a false with very cold water, and there are flowers on its side. The view of the whole of LaEsleda can be seen from here because it is a Mountain with false. And there are also many tourists here who are mostly rich.

Only now have I seen such a false in the top of the field. But the source of that false is even more obvious here, which is probably the most obvious.

There are also trees full of birds singing, it is nice to hear their voices so I just close my eyes and continue to listen to the chirping of birds.

"Is it amazing?"

"Yes. But what is this? Is it a dream?" He laughed softly, but what was funny about what I said?

"This is a sign." I frowned a little at what he said. "A sign of our love." He said so I just nodded. Yes, when I came here I felt a strange feeling, the feeling that you are not alone, and the feeling that someone loves you. OMG is this LOVE?

But it is not possible, it is impossible for me to fall in love with a man who is rude and a bit picky. But What if it's Love?

"So. Let's go?" I turned to him and frowned at him for what he had said.


I could not continue what I was about to say because he pulled me again. There he is again.

"Where are we going?" I asked because he still wouldn't let me go. After a while our run to the falls suddenly approached so I knew what he wanted to happen.

No No No!

"No." I told him but he continued to pull.

"Don't say! I don't want to-" I interrupted what I was about to say when we reached the river and he suddenly jumped.

I didn't know I was screaming because I covered my nose as fast as I could. I quickly went to the surface so I could breathe easily.

"What do you think you did ?!" I shouted at him when I saw him.

"You want a sign right?" He asked. "Now look at me, and feel the love that you deserved."

I looked at him and only now did I notice that he was handsome even though his hair was not styled. Her eyes were shining like stars, and the water was dripping from her hair. Suddenly my cheek warmed up, so I turned my back on him.

"Are you thrilled?" My two eyes widened because of what he said.

"What did you say?"

"Are you thrilled?" He repeated but with a mixed smile on his lips, a smile that can stop your world.


"Sus. Denial?"

"What, I said no. I am already cold."

I got out of the water and went to the bench, Oliver followed me.

"I love you till the end of my life Vanessa."

"I love you too Oliver."

He smiled very sweetly and kissed me, I felt his lips very soft. I was lucky because my first kiss went to an important person.

"Please dont leave me."

"I wont." I answered and hugged him very tightly.

"Please dont leave me." Should it be repeated for me to understand? He bent down so I was surprised and could not move, did I hurt him?

"Again ...." I'm confused by what he said we haven't met before, why is there Again?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry but I'm not ready to tell you this."


"Just- love me." I smiled because of what he said.

"I will."

Now my question has been answered that always clogs my mind. What if its love? .... What if its love? ... What if its love? .... I think it really LOVE.


AN: Yey! What is that and I shuddered. Haha I did not know that Vanessa will finally feel love.

I hope you like their thrilling moments :)


Nonstop reading ♡

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