Chapter 15

***** ***** A few weeks later I forgot about the cellphone and now it's Welfred's birthday. Welfred was helped by his parents for his upcoming birthday party. Many people come only to know Welfred. As I stood I found something, a figure of three women coming to where I was standing. Yui, Fiona, and Wendy were my friends when I was in high school. "How are you? Gosh I miss you so much." "We're ok with me, but it's a bit difficult too haha." "You Marga how are you and your handsome husband." Fiona smiling. And because of her question I remembered what Kristine's father said. 'And if you want to know the truth you open his cellphone. Make sure he doesn't notice. ' "Hey your spacing out my dear Marga." Yui waved in front of me. "A-ah .... sorry cr me first --- go ahead and eat there first." "All right."

***** *****

When I finished cr I immediately went out of the cubicle. But as soon as I turned the doorknob I was stunned when I heard a familiar ringtone and I'm sure it was him. It's Welfred's cellphone. After hearing that ringtone is making this situation easier. I mean Welfred is here now and little by little I will come to know the truth. "Hello?" When I heard that voice, I could not move from where I was standing. I still held the doorknob and was stoned to my stand. I

a ...... a woman?

"Sorry this is not Welfred." This woman is a bit strict but I am more strict when she precedes me. "Yeah ...... Ok, I will tell him ....... Ok bye ... ..... Haha were not yet married .... But I am officially his Girl Friend. "

Remained standing,

Holding the doorknob,


The heart is broken,

And that was because of the last word she left out. My head heats up, my other eye heats up. W-why? Why am I weak when it comes to this? Marga it's not you, Marga fight, fight her, kill her Marga! But I can't move my knees are weakening. I heard the door open from outside as the woman holding Welfred's cellphone opened the door.

"Oh, Hi babe." Is thay? Is that my husband Welfred? My husband who was kidnapped by this woman? "Hello." He said once kissing the woman. I would have come out of- "I have to go babe." Welfred said after exiting the cr. I went out and saw the woman holding Welfred's cellphone earlier that was now out of his hand.

The witch was still singing while looking in the mirror. My hands are itching. The soul of the former Marga is returning. "If the voice isn't good, don't force yourself to sing in front of the mirror." I said sarcastically cause he turned around. "Maybe the glass will break. It's a pity if your face is hit by the shattered glass." She frowned. She smirk.

"Oh thank you for your support, but FYI I have a beautiful voice. And who are you?"

"I'm just your boyfriend's wife, in other words you're just a mistress!" She was stunned. Will should just surprise her! "Oh so you are his wife? Tss. It's just funny to listen because your husband is loved by others and that's me." Her voice was quite soft. "Tss. You're just a mistress and I'm his legal wife."

"You're just married on contract while I'm the one he really loves."

"But he loves me more and you're just a Mistress! You're just a Mistress!"

"Ahahaha you have nothing else to say but I'm just the Mistress?"

"There's more."

"And what is that?"

"You can't take him away from me. Welfred is mine! And you don't have any!"

"Ahahaha you're so funny. Let's just see who he really loves. If it's his wife in the contract or the fixture he really loves. Will I expect him to choose me, you should see our picture in his cellphone."

I was stunned by the last thing she said. That's also what Kristine's father told me. She turned her back on me but she turned first before leaving. "I am Marlowe Reyes. And nice to meet you Marga Ramos Bautista." H-how did she know my name? "It's good you haven't forgotten my husband's last name."

***** *****

"How is cr my dear Marga?" Yui was kind to me. "Damn." I whispered and sat up.

"Oh madam is angry."

"Why. What happened Marga?" Wendy asked. "Nothing." I shouldn't have told them that Welfred had a fixture. They might gossip. "Is that so?"

"Mama, papa is sending you there." We all stopped when Joshua suddenly appeared in front of me. "All right son tell him I'm coming."

"All right."

"Oh how is that, I'm leaving first?" "All right my dear Marga be careful." "Oh Yui you too!" Fiona reached for a glass of beer. "Ha? Eh I just finished Wendy oh that's not drinking yet." "You know I don't drink, right?" I just ignored them and went to Welfred. As I approached him my heart was beating faster and faster. As he smiles my heart breaks. How does he do it? Is he talking to Marlowe's family now? His fixture. "Welfred." I called him so I got the attention of them all. "Marga come let me introduce you to my boss's parents." Boss? "She's your husband Welfred?" "Yes." He sneezed first. "Ahm Marga Marlowe Reyes is my boss. Marga Ramos is my wife's boss." I just noticed something. Why didn't he mention his last name? We are married so he should have mentioned that. "Nice meeting you again Marga Ramos." Welfred frowned. "Have you met yet?" "No/ Just now." We were all stunned both when Marlowe and I spoke at the same time and we still didn't have the same answer. "What is really true?" Realy Welfred? I should ask you that. What is really true! If you really have a fixture. "Ahmm .... I'm leaving first." I say goodbye to them. Even before I turned my back on them, I turned to them and uttered the words I had been harboring before. "Nice to meet you Reyes Family." And I completely turned my back on them. ***** ***** I went home first to rest. As I sat on the sofa I felt something vibrate in the chair and that was the- Welfred's cellphone. This is Fate. This is my chance. I immediately picked it up and opened it but as usual it was still loading.


While still far away I first lay down on the sofa and examined the ceiling.


I didn't expect my family to reach this far.


Hayyy ... it looks like maybe it's my destiny. 67%









. 78%















. 95% . . . . . . . .

It looks like that really is. I will know the truth for sure.

96% . . . . . . . . . . . .

97% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I was stunned for a long time. So first I went to the kitchen to drink water because I was thirsty. As I was drinking the water I came across something that surprised me. How? No. Why? It hurts. I can not believe. They hold hands.

Wendy's P.O.V.

While I was eating the cake, Yui and Fiona continued to drink alcohol. Hayyy these are really drunks. "Wendy why don't you have a boyfriend?" "Yes Wendy." They asked me at the same time. "Wow, I'm proud to say that. Why do you have a boyfriend?" "No. But we have a crush."

"I'll leave it to you. You're drunk!"

"I'm not drunk yet!"

"Drunk on Yui."

"Hey Fiona that's drunk too."

"I'm not drunk!"

"I'll leave it to you. There you are!" I got up and took a walk first. I didn't expect Marga to have many guests. Speaking of. Where is he? "Hi." I stopped walking when I heard a child's voice. I looked at it and was surprised to see Joshua. "Hello Joshua. Why?"

"Did you see Mama?" He asked. "Ah, is it Marga? I didn't see her. Weren't you together before?" "Yes. But she left and I haven't seen her." "All right, let's split up, you're there and I'm ok here?" Okay. My God what is happening to you Marga?

***** *****

Marga's P.O.V.

After I saw that I got on my knees. I could no longer hold back my tears. As I cried I remembered something. Welfred's cellphone. I immediately stood up and opened it. When it opened, my heart was immediately broken. His wallpaper is his fixture. I swipe up the screen and the words-

Please enter your password. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Now I'm just having a harder time. I typed Welfred's name but it still didn't open. To Joshua but still not. My name but still nothing has changed. There was only one thought that broke my heart. Not allowed. If it wasn't for Welfred and neither Joshua nor I he couldn't. I immediately type the name Marlowe which surprised me to have opened it. My knees were weakening I wanted to kneel and moan in tears but I had to fight back.

Agad akong pumunta sa gallery and bullseye! I saw there picture with holding hands.

And the worst part is.....

They were kissing each other.


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