Chapter 29

Danica's P.O.V.

"Robert ...... Brother w-why didn't you tell me?" about this. That's what I would have said but I couldn't stop myself because my mouth didn't move. Yes he is my older brother. He is my brother. We are not married. We cheated on my daughter Baby Van. I was so scared of what Baby Van would tell me.

If only that incident hadn't happened, it wouldn't have happened.

~ Flashback ~

"Danica, Vanessa and Shanaya are here in La Esleda Park. Lying down." I was immediately taken aback by what my older brother said on the other line.

"H-ha! W-where are you now brother? My God!"

"I'm here now in the Park we're still waiting for the ambulance."

"All right, Christopher and I are going there."

"All right, hurry up." I immediately cut off our call and I immediately went to Christopher in the living room.

"Christopher, our daughter. We need to take them to the park."

"Why what happened to them?"

"I'll say later we need to hurry."


When we arrived at the park I immediately saw Baby Van stunned and in tears as she repeatedly said 'I didn't kill Shanaya!'

I couldn't hold back my tears because of their condition. I saw Shanaya lying down with a stab wound to the chest and a gunshot wound to the head. I immediately went to Baby Van and hugged her.

"M-mommy." She said but a few seconds later she was speechless. I immediately looked at her and was surprised that she fainted.

Arriving at the ambulance Christopher and I took our daughter to the hospital. My older brother also came because he was worried.

We sat on the bench to wait for the doctor to come out. A few minutes ago, someone suddenly came out of Vanessa's room. We immediately stood up.

"How is our daughter doc?" Christopher and I asked the same question.

"The woman who fainted is in a stable condition, but she has amnesia." I was immediately aroused to hear that Vanessa was ok but she just developed amnesia.

"What about Shanaya?" Christopher asked.

"The one who was stabbed and shot in the head?" Christopher and I immediately nodded. He suddenly shook. I didn't realize that my tears were already dripping. I got on my knees because of what I found out.

"She's dead. She had too many wounds and especially her head that was hit by a gun. I'm sorry to say this but she's already dead." I cried and Christopher hugged me. He also cried.

H-how is this happening? Why?

"I have to go." After that the doctor left.


After three days since we buried Shanaya we immediately lost our appetite.

Christopher left to take care of our company while I was left at home to take care of Baby Van. She had amnesia so she couldn't remember us so I gave her a picture of us and asked her if she knew us.

A few hours later I decided to go to Christopher's company and leave Baby Van with Manang Emely.

When I arrived at our company, I immediately went to his office. But when I got there he was not there so I went inside.

"Excuse me did you see Christopher?" I asked an employee of Christopher.

"Ah, is it the boss? He was talking to a woman earlier." Talking?

"Do you know what the girl's name is?" Question but he just shakes.


"Do you know where they are now?" I will ask.

"I saw them earlier in the office and came out."

"Is that so."

I walked around the company until I came across an image. I was in tears I wanted to cry. C-Christopher is hugging a woman. And that woman, she was the doctor who treated Baby Van.

He suddenly looked at where I was standing and the shock was obvious in his eyes. I no longer wasted time and left there.


"Danica let me explain. We were just talking about 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚢𝚊. I didn't know she was going to hug me. I was surprised that too. But-" I didn't finish him and slapped him with all my might.

"Shanaya is already dead Christopher!" I shout.


"What are talking about? Your crazy!"

"I can explain!"

"Who said I need an explanation? What I see is enough, so you don't need to explain." I said and turned away from him.

"Danica I am sorry."

"Shut up! You'd better just leave this house! I don't want to see your face!" I shouted that even though I wanted to hug him and kiss him on the cheek but I saw enough to break our relationship.

~ End Of Flashback ~

"Danica!" I was thrown back to my feet because of the shout I heard. I looked at who was shouting and saw Christopher's wife. I used to hate Christopher and I still hate him.

"Did you still remember me Ms. Danica?" She asked causing me to frown. I looked at her carefully because her face seemed familiar to me but I just can't really remember where and when I saw her. Then realization hit me.

Shocks! S-she's the ...

No way. Impossible!

She's that doctor!

The one who treated Baby Van and the one who said that Shanaya was dead and the one who hugged Christopher ...

"Y-you?" I only spoke because of the question that was on my mind.

"You already known each other?" Zero- I mean Emmanuel asked. Until now, I still didn't expect him to be Zero. He was too young to kill and play with people's lives.

"Were not so close, but we meet twice. Right Ms. Danica?" I immediately looked at her. "Will. Maybe you don't know yet that the Las Feras Game has three Killers. Yes you can call us killers. And they are Mask Man or Zero, Spy Man or Phantom. And I am the Doctor or you can call me Amulet . " The weirdness of your names. That's what I would say in case I don't want to move my mouth.

"Zero, Phantom, Amulet are the three killers in this game and they will make and control the game." Amulet says to you. "Now I'll be the first to make the game." She said once closer to me. "And the name of this game is ..."

"Tell Me The Truth ..."


꧁𝙵𝚋 𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎:꧂