Chapter 32

Vanessa's P.O.V.

The three have already been taken to jail. While Lia's dad ... my dad was taken to the hospital. When we came out we saw Manang Emily. She explained everything to us. She called the police and when she found out that we were here, she used GPS to track Mommy's cellphone. She had planned to leave Vince at home but when she came out she was crying so she just took him. She was also surprised when she saw the condition of us all.

Until now, the guilt feeling is still here. I was really to blame then, if only he hadn't saved me it wouldn't have happened.

We went to the hospital and when we arrived there we immediately sat on the bench.

Rhea, Kesha, and Hannah went home first because their parents were worried. Later they came to the hospital and changed their clothes.

When I saw a doctor come out of papa's room. It's still weird to hear me call him papa but as long as I see him, as long as I touch him, and as long as I hug him I will never get tired of calling him papa. I hope I can still hold him, I hope I can see him laughing while Mommy and I are flirting, I hope I can see him hugging Lia and me ... or Lia, Shanaya and I. I was also sad to learn that Lia was not Shanaya.

"How is my dad?" I asked.

"We don't know yet ..... but he is being operated on and we will do our best. But we will never promise that he will survive."

𝐋𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰

Two days later we still do not know the result. I haven't bathed or eaten for a few days.

"Lia ... here, get dressed first after you eat it." Vanessa's Mommy handed me a lunch box full of food.

"I don't want to take a bath yet."

"When are you going to take a bath? Christopher might scold me for not taking care of you."

"Who said I need your help?" I was quick to say that they were all shocked.

Vanessa is here, and so are her friends. Oliver is not here at home and taking care of Olivia.

"Lia ... you're weak. Eat first so you can get strength and so you don't turn pale. Look at yourself."

"I said. I don't want to! I'll wait for him to wake up." I said while looking at my dad who was lying down and lots of tubes tied to his body parts. P-papa please fight ... you are my only remaining parent. Mama has left us alone and then you have plans to leave me. Please fight papa.

Suddenly some tears fall on my chicks.

I rubbed it and looked at papa again. I'll wait papa .... at least a few days or months I can handle as long as you just live. Dad woke up.

"Lia." I heard Vanessa's voice from behind me. She took my hand and looked straight into my face. "If you're always like that, do you think your dad will be happy when he wakes up to see you in this condition? Please strengthen yourself, just trust that he will wake up."

I quickly let go of the hand he was holding. "You have no right to threaten me."

"I didn't threaten you Lia ..... I just want you to eat so you can get stronger." She said and took my hand again.

"Let me go. Vanessa, you're not my sister and we have no connection with each other so don't interfere in my life. Y-you're all the same! Just calm down there, as if no life is in danger because of you!" I shouted while pointing at her. At Vanessa.

She suddenly nodded. "I-I didn't know he was pro-protecting me. I-I'm sorry."

"There! That's it, isn't it? This is what you remember Vanessa, everything doesn't go through an apology." After that I left them there and walked away.

As I was walking was the heartache. T-they didn't understand me. Because they have parents.



I stopped walking when I heard them shout. I turned quickly and saw that they were worried and seemed to be looking at something. But it was too late when I realized what had happened, Vanessa and her Mommy were on their knees.

I quickly ran over to them and looked at papa. I was shocked to see his eyes opened but it was blinking.

"Doc!" I cried but it was a long time before the doctor came and took care of papa. I cried. P-papa fight please ...

I sat on a bench ...

A few minutes ago I immediately stood up when someone suddenly came out of the operating room. "Doc, how is my dad?" I was the first to ask.

"I'm sorry to say this but ....... his dead." The first word broke my heart. W-why is this happened?

"T-that's not true, get out of my sight. I'll wake papa up." I said and I quickly went inside but they stopped me. "Let me go I said!" I shouted and struggled.

"Sorry to you miss but we've done everything ..."

"N-no!" I shouted and cried. "You're a liar! H-he's still alive, I saw him stare before .... my dad is still alive." I couldn't really control myself and just got on my knees.

P-papa ...... did you leave?

As I cried my heart was breaking ... there was anger ... I felt angry. I-I'm angry!

I-I'll take revenge!

I quickly went inside and saw them crying too ...

"Y-you!" I shout because I grab their attention. "You're to blame for it! This is all your fault!" I shout. "I will promise myself ... that I will take revenge! I will take revenge on you!" I shouted and quickly turned my back on them.

I heard them calling me but I ignored them and continued walking.

I'm not joking....

I will really take revenge ...


Author's Note:

So that's it mistakian's .... I finally finished a story.

So I hope you always support me :)

It still has an epilogue so see you in the epilogue!

By the way, there will be book 2! There will reveal the truth ....


꧁𝙵𝚋 𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎:꧂