Around 6:30pm in the evening Joshua decided to go home and he told to Ysabelle that he was going home and he wanted Ysabelle to go with him, but Ysabelle refuse it because she still has a lot of work to finish , so she said that she going home after she finish. Joshua did nothing but nodded and say yes.

When Ysabelle finished her worked around 9pm in the evening so she finally go home.

While Ysabelle was on the road, driving, she noticed in her front mirror that someone following behind her.

She accelerate her car because she seemed to feel that the car behind her was actually following her.

She blocked by a car so she stopped immediately. Four vehicles intercepted her and all were unknown men.

Ysabelle blow her car horn very loudly for the unknown men to leave but the unknown men did not budge and laughed at her.

A leader of the men got out of the car and was holding a cigarette, his teeth were yellow as if he did not brushing his teeth maybe for almost a years.

"Miss maybe you can join with us here, let's have a drink first." said the yellow-toothed man. Ysabelle was terrified.

"Go away! I don't know you!" ysabelle doesn't know what to do because she's afraid that men might do something bad to her.

"Oh, common miss, I'm being nice to you so, don't force me to do a harassment to you." said the yellow-toothed man.

Ysabelle cried and she would rather commit suicide than be raped by unknown men but suddenly her phone rang and she quickly answered when she saw joshua calling.

"Joshua, please help me, a group of unknown men harassing me here on the highway,they blocked the whole highway and cornered me, please help me ! I dont know what to do!" Ysabelle was terrified while asking help to Joshua.

"Okay Ysabelle ,relax , listen to me , no matter what happens don't open your car window . We will come with the police to rescue you. Don't worry take a deep breath and send me your exact location now, so we can get you right away." Joshua replied to Ysabelle who was obviously worried.

"Okay , please Joshua I'm afraid ." Then she send Joshua on wechat where her exact location .

Joshua called emmie to ask for help and he send the exact location of where Ysabelle is, so that they immediately rescued her.

"Okay young master , no need to call the police I can handle with this, it's just a piece of cake. I'll be there in just 10 minutes. "said emmie confidently.

Joshua was surprised because emmie is confident to go with here own. He was confused what emmie does mean, so he immediately straight to Ysabelle's location .

Because Ysabelle's location is not far from Joshua's house, in about eight minutes , Joshua reached Ysabelle location.

Boom! A loud sound crashed into one of their car.

"What the heck! " the yellow-toothed man was shocked and furious because someone had hit their car.

"Boss a young man hit into our car."a man answers to his leader.

Joshua went out to his car and saw Ysabelle was terrified inside her car , so that he went to it immediately.

" Ysabelle are you okay?" Joshua asked her in a concerned .

Ysabelle hugged him tightly and while crying .

"We need to get out of here, come with me quickly. " Joshua said in a hurry.

"Hey you,! How dare you to provoke us! Now repent of what you have done! and I will kill you with my own hands!" The yellow-toothed man laughed demonically.

"How much money do you want?" Joshua ask him .

"Oh really? You're so generous kid! I want you're all money and I will kill you after.!"he laughing out loud.

Ysabelle is just behind Joshua and being protected while emmie has not yet arrived to rescue them.

The yellow-toothed man approached them and he hit Joshua hard in the face.

Joshua fell to the ground and the men even laughed.

"Where's your courage kid?! You're shame and useless !" The man laughed wickedly then he kicked Joshua very hard .

Suddenly! Toco..toco.toco..toco!

A loud chopping noise that so familiar, they looked at the sky and they all shocked , the helicopter blades make the choppy sound when they spinning around in a constant speed.

The sound of the helicopter was so loud that they were almost deafened.

When the helicopter landed on the highway emmie came down wearing protective gear.

joshua was baffling when he saw the helicopter pilot was none other than emmie.

The groups of men who harassed Ysabelle were also shocked when they saw a very beautiful woman with a perfect body shape piloting a helicopter.

"Young master" emmie was worried and immediately ran closer and approached to Joshua and Ysabelle.

"Hey miss, I think you are more beautiful and you have a sexy body. marry me miss and come with me. I will make you happy and you will be a living queen when you join my kingdom. what do you think miss? Is my offer good for you?" The yellow-toothed man said impulsive.

Emmie's eyes became cold and she paid attention to the words left by the yellow -toothed man.

"Ysabelle, can you please support with my young master to get up and I'll just finish the cockroach that has been roaming around here." Emmie talked seriously and coldly.

Emmie's temperament and aura changed and as if someone will die and bleed tonight.

Emmie was even more emotionless and timid when she looked at the man who molested them, insulted and hurt Joshua.

"One question one answer! Are you the one who mercilessly hit my young master in vain?" emmie ask him raspily.

"What? young master? Do you call that stick man a young master? it's ridiculous ! What now if I hurt him? Is there a problem? I will do what I want because I'm a leader of the gangster here. This is my territory ! I have nothing to fear whoever you are! I give a chance, If I were you miss, just come with me and I'll make you happy! The yellow-toothed man talked nonsense and laughed wickedly.


Before the man could finish his words he was struck with a strong slap in his face .

No doubt emmie punched and kicked the man, the man plopped like a piece of paper with the excessive force of emmie's kick and punch.

The man was spat out a mouthful of blood and couldn't speak because of the pain emmie had done.

Like a white lightning when emmie moves and she keeps kicking, slapping and punching to the man and he spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"" the man has passed out.

All the remaining men were shocked and dumbfounded .

The men felt intimidated because they didn't think that the beautiful and sexy woman was an expert in combat.

Slap! Another men was passed out

Emmie was exasperated and blatantly showed her true identity.

The men yelling at her and begging for mercy.

"Please spare my life , please don't kill me." The man's fervent pleading to her.

Emmie was like a lion hunting for foods .the men were so scared and other were pissed on their pants.


A hard kicked to the men begging emmie.

Things happens so fast, it's like they're just insects flying through the air.

Ysabelle and Joshua were schoked because they couldn't quite imagine that emmie was a combat expert. Within 5 minutes all the men passed out unopposed to emmie.

The next time you become a gangster , make sure you know how to deal with your opponent.