Mr. Stranger Turns Out To Be Mr. Perfect

"Hey what are you doing?" whispered by the scary man beside me while poking on my back.

"You remember me right?" I asked desperately. I'm completely ignoring the guy at the back instead I'm focusing on the man infront of me, hoping that he will still remember.

"Yes, I do." he said fiercely.

"....." I just bite my lower lip because I don't know what to say this time, I don't know why my heart is beating so fast, maybe just because I'm too overwhelmed when I saw him again.

All the silence broke when he spoke again.

This time, he move his face close to mine.

So close, that I can feel his breath touching every inch of my skin, just like what happened when we first met at the lake.

"I'm going to remember you from now on. We hired you because of your skills but that's not enough. You need to work your fingers to the bone and take your job seriously but, you are the first ever employee that is late on his first day of work." he said while shaking his head lightly from left to right, having a disappointment look then he passed by at a speed of light followed by his bodyguards and a woman beside him looking like a clown because of the thick make up she wears.

It's like a deja vú.

The employees go back to their own places.

"Don't do that infront of the Vice President. Show some respect. And also don't be late next time." the scary man at the back suddenly said while crossing his arms again.

He probably didn't remember nor recognized me but I wanted to thank him personally. He had a big part in my life.

If it hadn't for him, I will probably regret that decision and made my family suffered.

The scary man snapped his finger right into my face that made me surprised and leaved my own thoughts.

"Focus and follow me." the scary man grumbled.

Every single thing in this company looks classy and expensive no wonder they're always on top of the best companies.

We entered a room that is so fancy. Every little thing you need in yourself is right here. It has it's own bathroom, a mini kitchen with a small refrigerator and even a bed where you can take a nap if you want to. You can even live here. How amazing is this!

"This is going to be your office." the scary man said.

"Wait sir! What am I supposed to-" he slammed the door and leave immediately.

"-do first." I sighed.

Okay, so these people here doesn't allow me to finish what I say. What am I going to do now?

I saw an ID in the desk. It has my name on it.

Yeol Dela Cuesta

Graphic Design Especialist

Team B

I hold it while smiling. I carefully put it in my neck and face the front card correctly, so perfect.

My eyes stunned by all the things I see here inside the room. I touched them one by one caressing everything that I see here. I also have my own closet with a lots of working attires and suits. I checked them all and it truly suits me. I should try to wear one later.

I still can't believe I'm working here. It's like I'm on a fairytale, a handsome prince living in a gorgeous castle.

All of my thoughts faded away when I hear a husky voice talking behind me.

"You're not here for a vacation." he said firmly while handling the documents to me.

I lost my balance when I'm trying to reach the documents but luckily I managed to handle it properly.

"What a clumsy human being" he murmured.

"What are you saying sir?" I asked him confusingly.

"I said you better start working on those projects now so you can pass that on the management team within 2 days." he said while walking towards the door.

"But I-" he opened the door and leaved immediately. Ohoo.. I'm so done with them!

I took a deep breath to release all the stress I'm feeling today. I get the documents he handed out to me lately and checked them one by one.

I should read the summarization of these books one by one to know the messages that the authors give in every masterpiece they made.

I can do this!

After 5 hours of reading and researching here and there I stretched my body and check the time on my wrist watch. It's already 1pm no wonder I'm so hungry now. I skipped my lunch just to finish it quickly but it looks like I'm still not even on a half of it.

I stand up and walk through the mini kitchen here in the office. I remember the refigerator I saw earlier, I immediately opened the door and saw a lot of foods inside it and guess what? It's all healthy and organic. I chuckled softly thinking that those people here are all vegetarian and does support cruelty-free campaign.

I made a vegetable salad and sliced an apple for my lunch, afternoon snacks rather.

I'm finally taking my first bite when the mayonnaise scattered on the corner of my mouth, leaving me a sticky feeling so I decided to lick it to wash it off.

I freaked out when someone came in and heard that annoying voice again.

"What a mess!" he said while rolling his eyes at me.

I didn't mind him instead I just keep on munching. I am so hungry that I don't even have the energy to argue with him.

"You should eat your meals on time! Finish the project without skipping a meal. The employee's health is also the company's concern and priority." he said while leaving me confused.

Is bugging me everytime also the company's priority?


I am too busy that I didn't notice the time.


My arms and legs are all stiff now. I stand up and stretch my body.

Oh sh*t my back hurts af.


I picked up the phone to check who's calling.

It's mommy.

"Hello mom? I'm still on my work now, I think I'm going to take an overtime."

"Are you sure? Did you eat dinner already?" she asked over the phone.

"You don't need to worry, all I need is already here." I said while searching the office with a glance.

"Okay, don't get overworked and make sure you eat your meals on time. Love you sweetie." she said.

"I love you too bye-bye." I hanged up the phone and sat down.

I was just starting to rebuild my layout when the girl earlier with a high stilettos, wearing a see through office attire and have a thick make up knocked on the door.

I opened the door and she handed me an envelope. What is this another work again?

"The vice president has a meeting so he wants you to review that." she said while making a poker face infront of me.

"Okay, thank you." I said to her and closed the door.

I opened the envelope to check what's inside..

I was surprised to saw a food delivery service flyer inside of it and a black card.


New message received.

"You can order any food that you want, you may used that card. It's from the company."

Don't tell me this message is from the vp?

"Is this Mr. Davey?" I replied to his message.

"Yes, who do you expect with? from your girlfriend?" he replied sarcastically.

"Where did you get my number?" I replied to him again.

"You put it in your resume Mr. Dela Cuesta." wow he replies so damn fast.

"Okay sir. Thank you for your concern in your employees. I highly appreciate it." I replied once again.

"NO PROBLEM." he replied all capslock.

I didn't bother to reply again but I do save his phone number.

This nickname suits him better. Even though he has this personality like a girl on a period.

I smiled like an idiot at that time.Gosh.. I can't believe I did that.

I put down my phone and get the flyer and the card.

Wow, this company is really something.

I ordered my dinner and it came pretty fast. I went down to get it from the lobby because they can't proceed inside not unless they have an authorized identification card released by the DP Inc.

"Here's your order now sir. Chicken Combo Meal with fries and drinks" the delivery man said while handling my orders.

"Thank you. Can I pay using a credit card?" I asked him.

"Sure. That would be 1,250 pesos sir." he answered.

I ordered a set of meal good for 2-3 person I wish I can eat these with mom and dad. I miss them so much. I'm going to go home tomorrow.


I'm on my way now going back to the office when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"I'm very sorry." I apologized to him sincerely.

"It's okay." he said while smiling.

Oh I was blinded.

By his smile.

All black-colored hair.

Two deep dimples.

Skin that is white as snow.

A perfect body built.

Perfect jaw line.

Have a white perfect set of teeth.

He's such an angel when smiling.He has a calm aura that can make you feel safe whenever you're with him. I saw the ID his wearing.

Kent James Mercado

Project Evaluator

Team B

"Oh. we're on the same team." I said to him surprisingly.

"Really? It's a pleasure to meet you." he said to me while offering his hand so we can do a shake hands.

"Me too." I accepted his hand.

"Are you going home now?" I asked him.

"I need to finish some paperworks so I'm having an overtime. I will just go out to eat dinner then I will come back." he said.

"You can share this with me." I said to him while waving my order earlier.

"Can I?" he asked me curiously.

"Sure no problem. I ordered a chicken meal combo and I can't finish these all by myself. So let's go." I invited him in my office.

"Wow, this office is so cool." he said with a surprising look.

"I'll drop by your office next time." I said to him and he just smiled. What a cute smile does he have.

I prepared the dinner. Twelve pieces fried chicken drumsticks, 2 large fries and 2 pieces coke. I can't at these alone so I better share it with him.

"Okay, let's dig in." I said to him while waving my hand like a child. I'm totally getting a proper meal now.

"Did you order all of this?" he look surprised.

"Yes, the vice president gave me a credit card, the black one. He said it's from the company. Don't you have one? " I said to him.

"No I don't but it's okay I'm just a newly hired evaluator so I guess it's not counted." he said while shrugging his shoulders.

"I am also a newly hired too. Maybe, he just forgot don't worry I will tell him." I said while eating my holy grail dinner.

"No it's okay. Let it be. You look close to the vp so maybe that's why. Are you close friends or just known each other?" he asked.

"Why do you think I'm close to him? Like what I've said I'm just a newly hired." I said while looking at him innocently.

"Just a guess." he said while smiling.

We continued to eat peacefully until we're so full. I literally can't breathe now I finished the chicken without a single trace on the bone.

"Did you know he's going to be the chairman of this company soon? He's going to replace his father once he came down from his position." he said out of the blue.

"He has 2 brothers. A half brothers rather, his mother is a-"

He came closer to my ear and whispered

"-mistress." he added.

"And his brothers are the legitimate sons but everyone knows he have a good relationship with them especially his father, the chairman. His older brother is on Taiwan right now and happily married while the youngest one is still studying and is about to graduate with a masteral degree this year. He's the second son and rumors speculating that he's going to be the chairman. Even though he's an illegitimate child of Mr. Davey, the family blood still runs into him so the chance are higher than expected." he said that continuously. This guy is something.

"Really? So he's a heir. Obviously born with a silver spoon but he's really kind." I said while keeping myself from smiling.

"Why do you think he's kind?" he asked.

"Well, just a guess." I said while shrugging my shoulders and smiled at him.

"I can't see a reason why he doesn't have a girlfriend. Do you think he's gay?" he added.

"Maybe he has one but he wants to keep it private. You know, not everyone wants to publicize their relationship and who cares if he's gay? Being gay is not a sin." I explained to him firmly.

"You're defending him now. Hmm.. I smell something." he said while he pretends to smell me. I keep on tapping his face while he acts like smelling me. We're comfortable with each other now it feels like we've known each other for a long time when in fact it's just a few minutes ago since I bumped into this person, such a gossip guy. :D

"Wait, why did you know about this?" I asked him confusingly.

"When I applied on this company, I researched about its history, achievements and of course their family background. Luckily, I found those informations from my trusted informants." he said proudly.

"Sshhh.. lower your voice! Somebody might hear us." I whispered to him while covering his mouth with my hand.

"Okay, okay calm down now. You know what, I'm thinking what it's like to be a Zed Patrick Davey in a day." he said while tapping his fingers into the table.

"You probably have a lots of girls! But he's too perfect so you can't be him." I said while laughing continuously.

"Bratty kid!" he said while he flicked my ear softly, but my skin is sensitive so it leaved a red color that made him feel so bad.

"You're too much. My ear huhu." I said while pretending to cry.

"I'm sorry! I should blow it come here." he said.

I moved my right ear closer to him and grabbed my phone using my left hand. I turned off the phone screen so I can see his face reflecting on the screen.

As I planned, I'm going to flick his forehead once we get close but suddenly my phone rang.


My LifeSaver is calling..

Accept. Decline.

"Uh-huh who's that? You should answer now before your life saver gone mad." he said while chuckling.

"Okay I'm off now. Bye." he said while waving his hand at me. I waved back as my response.

"Thanks for the meal!" he added but I didn't get to answer him because my phone is keep on ringing.

I answered the phone call.

"Hello Mr. Davey?"


"Uhm- hello?" no response from the other line.

I heard a deep sigh.

"Are you okay, Mr. Davey?" I asked again hoping for a response.

"Where are you?" he finally answered but I felt that he was a bit upset so I just try to get along.

"I just finished my dinner here at the office." I said nervously. Is he going to nag at me again?

"Can you go to my office now?" he asked.

Is he going to give me a pile of work again?

"Okay sir, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Make it 2." he said and hanged up the phone.

I run as fast as I could. I'm at the first floor and he's office is on the 3rd floor.

I'm infront of the elevator, and it took so long to go down. I should use the stairs to make it on time.


One message received.

From: My LifeSaver

One minute left.

As I saw the message, I climb up the stairs as fast as I can and made a big steps that's when my right knee hit the edge of the concrete stairs that made it bleed so much.

I groan in so much pain but I managed to stand up and keep going. It hurts so much whenever the wound rubs on my pants.

Just a few steps ....

I knocked on his door three times.

"Come in." he said.

I opened the door and entered the office.

"You are 1 minute l-" he was surprised when he saw me in that state, and because of that he immediately ran to me.

Full of sweat, and blood scattered on my knees down to my feet.

I breathed heavily and I'm having a feeling that my knees can't handle it anymore but before I fell right into the floor he immediately lifted me up like we're a newly weds.

"Cross your arms on my neck." he said in a husky voice.

He lay me down on the couch and made an attempt to remove my pants.

"W-w-wait! What are you doing?" I was a bit surprised.

"Removing your pants." he said calmly like he doesn't feel any awkwardness that time.

"Why do you need to?" I asked him again.

"To treat the wound of course! What else could it be?" he said like he was so annoyed at me and at the same time I can feel that he's so worried or, am I just imagining things?

I can't describe this feeling I am feeling right now. I'm confused.

I just follow what he wants. He helped me remove my pants slowly. I was just wearing a boxers at that time. He get his first aid kit at the cabinet and went back to the couch.

"I'm going to disinfect the wound first after that, we were going to put an ointment." he said while looking at me.

I just nodded as a response and also I'm too scared it might sting. He grab a cotton and put some alcohol into it.

"It might hurt a little." he warned me.

He damped the cotton into the sides of the wound to clean off the dry blood.

"I'm sorry" he said as he blows lightly into the wound.

I pulled my knees sometimes when it stings so much and everytime I did that he keeps on saying sorry and blows the wound.

I can feel that my face is so hot right now. I can't understand why he's doing that. He must be guilty on what he did to me, this is his fault after all.

After he disinfect the wound, he put some ointment on it and lastly, the bandage.

"You can rest now." he said.

Wait, what?

"Here?" I asked him confusingly.

"Yes. You can't force yourself to walk on that state."

"But I-"

"Do you want me to bring you to the bed?" he said that like it's normal for him.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Okay then, sleep here." he said and went outside.

Hah. Finally, I can breathe normally now

I checked my phone it's 11pm.

I try to move my right knee but everytime I'm standing and moving it, it hurts so much so I decided to just get a well rest so I can continue my work tomorrow.

It's just the first day of my work today but a lot of things happened already. I hope I can hold on as long as I can. I'm so glad I got the chance to work here.

Keep on fighting, something big might happen soon.

I'll always remember that day.

It doesn't matter if he remember or not but

I will do my very best to return the favor now. It means a lot to me.

But, the world is just too small. Nobody knows that Mr. Stranger turns out to be Mr. Perfect.
