1. Evil

"I chose to be bad because when I was good many people doubted my goodness and found fault with me and tried to make me look bad in everyone's eyes."

- Laura Chintya Bella


The girl ran down the stairs in a hurry. The high school uniform he wears looks messy with her shirt taken out, the top two buttons still open and her tie tied carelessly. Her bag was slung over her right shoulder, and in her left hand she carried shoes that were predominantly white with black stripes around them. Her right hand grabbed the bread that was already on the dining table.

"Damn it! I might be late again!" Laura cursed with her mouth chewing bread as she ran out of the house to the black car that was waiting for her.

Monday, the day Laura both hated and loved. Hate that there is a ceremony that makes her stand in the sun and hear speeches that never end. It's nice because on Mondays there are only two subjects, unlike other days where the schedule is always busy.

Honk! Honk!

"Noisy!" Laura screamed as she threw her shoe into the car and hit the driver.

"Ouch! You've been rude in the morning, Ra." Vikram groaned with a hand stroking his forehead where Laura's shoe was.

Vikram Andreyson, the man noticed Laura who was already sitting in the seat beside him. His gaze scrutinized Laura's disheveled appearance. "Tsk tsk tsk, what kind of student wears such a messy uniform?"

Laura looked cynically at Vikram who was wearing a regular t-shirt with school pants while his white shirt was in the back seat. "You don't know yourself!"

Vikram chuckled while scratching the nape of his neck. "Don't worry, Ra. There are no guards and teachers at the gate. We have escaped punishment this time."

"How do you know?" Laura glanced at Vikram who was smiling to himself as he started his car. Laura's best friend this one is a bit tilted brain.

"Ah, you don't seem to know me. I used my strengths to find out."

Very arrogant...

Laura had almost forgotten the fact that Vikram was a psychic. He can know the future, but even then he can't just do it. Sometimes he unconsciously gets visions of someone's future. Vikram can also know the future according to his wishes, but it will take a lot of energy.

"It's really useless for you to use your strengths for small things like that. I don't mind if you get punished later. If you get to school you feel weak, I don't want to bother taking you to the UKS!"

"It's okay, I'm just happy because yesterday I got a vision about my future with a girl. But the girl's face isn't very clear." Vikram, who had been talking passionately, at the end of his sentence he looked gloomy because he couldn't recognize the face of the woman in his future.

"So, fix your slanted brain first. That girl definitely doesn't want to meet you who has half a brain left." Laura said in a disdainful tone that made Vikram pursed his lips.

"Evil Laura!"

Laura snorted. "Let me go! I really want to be bad because the bad one has a role that affects a lot of people. Anyone who wants to be good will end up being the wrong party."

Vikram's eyes lit up at Laura's words. "Brush my boss! I want to be bad too."

Laura turned to Vikram, one eyebrow raised at her mockingly. "What kind of you want to be bad? I'll hurt you first before you become evil!"

"Well, how come my intentions are not supported anyway?" Vikram curls his lips.

"If there's a bad person like you, it's useless to know? It's not cheating, you're the one being cheated! After all, being a boy why does you act like a girl."

"I'm not teasing! I'm a real boy! You want me to prove it? Let's see." Vikram was about to unzip his pants, but Laura grabbed his hand.

"Seeing what you have, I have no taste! At least yours is small." Laura looked down at Vikram who was glaring disapprovingly.

"Are you insulting mine?! Oh well, I'm angry!" Vikram looked away annoyed, he shut his mouth tightly not wanting to utter a word.

"If you want to be angry, just be angry! What are you talking about!"

Laura rolled her eyes lazily. They were used to fighting in the morning over trivial matters like Laura's insult to Vikram. Vikram, who already knew Laura's character, still had a problem with it. Their bickering will culminate in an angry Vikram for a moment.

Vikram's car finally entered the school parking lot smoothly without any obstruction from the security guard or the picket teacher as stated by Vikram. Before getting out of the car, Laura glanced at Vikram who folded his arms in front of his chest as if wanting Laura to persuade him.

"I was going to go to the mall with you, but you're angry with me. Well, I'll just go alone and you don't have to come!" Laura slams the car door making Vikram jump in surprise.

Vikram's eyes widened at Laura's words. Oh, come on! Vikram couldn't help but follow Laura wherever Laura went. That Vikram had no friends other than Laura. He was not sociable but often spread charm under the pretext of defending Laura.

"Laura, wait for me! I'm not angry, I'm not angry, Laura! I want to come with you!" Vikram ran after Laura who was far in front of him while wearing his shirt.

Vikram caught up with Laura who was already lined up at the back of her class. "Laura, I'm coming with you."

Vikram's slightly loud voice managed to attract the attention of several students. Most of the girls like Vikram which they find adorable. Laura glanced at Vikram, Vikram's face was handsome but he was a little childish and not sociable.

"Noisy!" Laura hissed sharply with sharp glaring eyes at Vikram who suddenly fell silent while puffing his cheeks making the students squealed to see the look on Vikram's cute face.

Cute? Geez! They don't know what Vikram's true nature is like. Cute and adorable is not even a proper word to give to Vikram.

"This is what I hate the most when making friends with girls. They can only judge someone from the outside as if they don't want to know what's inside. Judging someone when they themselves are not too close to that person."

The ceremony went smoothly, Laura and Vikram did not get punished because the teachers did not know about their tardiness. Laura walked towards the girls' restroom at Merpati High School. Laura opened the toilet door and saw an unpleasant sight.

"What are you doing, huh?"