5. Male Figure

"If you compare yourself to other people. Then you will look worthless more than others. But even so you still have to respect yourself."

- Vikram Andreyson


The atmosphere in the dimly lit room was eerie. The previously clean floor was stained with blood and broken glass. The once tidy room had now turned into a broken ship, while the culprit was kneeling on the floor with her hands covered in blood.

Vikram took a deep breath. He had intended to visit Laura because he had something to say about the future vision he had. The vision was related to Laura, so Vikram wanted to tell Laura immediately.

But, unexpectedly, Vikram gets a call from Aunt Sumi saying that Laura has returned to her illness and is raging in her room. Of course Vikram immediately came to prevent unwanted things from happening to Laura. Although at first Vikram did not accept their friendship, the years spent with Laura made Vikram know who Laura was and what Laura was like. Sometimes what is seen is not necessarily the truth.

"Laura... calm down, okay?" Vikram slowly stepped closer to Laura with his outstretched hand trying to reach Laura.

Laura who was gradually gaining sense, little by little raised her head to see Vikram's figure in front of her. "Vik... ram..., La... ras... where?" Laura said in a shaky voice, her breath still ragged. She seemed to be trying to say it clearly.

"A-ah? L-Laras?" Vikram's voice choked, the first thing Laura asked wasn't even herself but Laras?

"Haha..." Vikram burst out laughing, but the laughter was filled with bitterness. "Even between wounds and blood the first thing you ask is Laras? Are you that much disrespect for yourself, Laura?!"

Vikram is angry, Laura doesn't even care about herself and cares more about Laras. Laura always thought that she was the villain and that everyone had the right to hate her.

"Appreciate?" Laura parroted, the next second she was chuckling in amusement as if what Vikram had told her was just a laughable joke. "Am I that valuable? Even I can't be compared to a gem. My sister is even more valuable, so precious even that I look despicable when compared to her."

"Enough!" Vikram snapped slightly, which made Laura raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Don't say so much nonsense!"

"Why? Wasn't what I said right?"

Vikram did not respond to Laura's words. He was too sick of responding to Laura's words. He looked away and walked towards Laura's bedroom door. Before leaving Laura's sight, Vikram left a few words. "Hurry up and get ready! I have something important to tell you."

"Hmm." Laura just mumbled. She glanced at the door to her room that was tightly closed and then shuffled to her feet. Her eyes wandered around the room and then shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't care about what had happened to her a moment ago.

Her foot stepped on the broken glass making some glass shards pierced her leg. Blood seeped from the soles of her feet as she walked towards the bathroom leaving bloody footprints that looked horrific.

Laura slammed the bathroom door and turned on the shower causing water to splash all over her body. Laura mumbled a few words with a sinister smile etched on her face. "Tch, even what he said was more nonsense."


Vikram taps his finger on the steering wheel. He was waiting for Laura who was getting ready a few minutes ago. Vikram turned his head when he heard the sound of the door closing from beside him. He frowned at Laura's silence.

"Are you calm, Ra?" Vikram asks attentively. However, Laura didn't respond but poked her head out of the window as if she didn't want Vikram to ask her some questions.

"Huft..." Vikram let out a resigned sigh. He started his car leaving Laura's mansion yard. "Can you recommend a comfortable place for us to talk about what I want to say?"

Laura remained silent not responding to Vikram's question. Her gaze looked blank as she watched the other vehicles passing by. Every now and then there was a sigh of despair. He don't know what Laura was thinking to make her like that. She only mumbled a few words. "Where are you?"

Vikram growled in annoyance at Laura who looked unusually lethargic. He ended up stopping his car in any quiet place. Laura who felt the movement of the car stopped finally turned her head to Vikram who was looking at her sharply.

"Listen to me!" Vikram forced Laura to face him by pressing her shoulder. His voice sounded cynical and tired. "I just wanted to say that I had a vision of your future with a man."

Laura blinked a few times. She looked at Vikram interested which made Vikram smile faintly. "A man? Is he a pet?"

"Ah? Pets?" Vikram is stunned to get the unexpected response.

Laura nodded enthusiastically but her gaze was still as sharp as ever. "The man is the woman's pet."

Laura's brief explanation made Vikram understand a little about the direction of Laura's conversation. He was speechless, finally only responding carelessly. "Yes, man or pet, whatever you want but he will always be with you later."

"Together? Like a pet and his master?"

"Ah, maybe that's how it is." Vikram was speechless, finally he took something from the dashboard of his car. "This is the face I saw in my dream. It's up to you to find this guy or not."

Vikram handed over a paper containing a picture of someone's face that seemed foreign to Laura's eyes. The face was very handsome with thick eyebrows and thin lips and a strong jaw. The look in his eyes in the picture even looks sharp, whether it's Vikram who is originally in the drawing or it's true that the man is as drawn

"Search." That one word was filled with a commanding tone that seemed undeniable.

Vikram smiled wryly seeing Laura who was looking at him demanding. "I knew for sure you wanted me to find that guy. But, Ra... that guy is in a place I didn't even expect."

"Where?" Laura suppressed every word. She glared at Vikram who seemed hesitant to say it.

Vikram stared out of the window wondering whether he should say it or not. While Vikram was still looking doubtful, his eyes accidentally caught a building that looked far from the road where Vikram had parked his car. The faded white-painted building looks sturdy even though there are many wild plants that creep and stick to the walls.

Vikram flinched, his eyes widening at the familiar building in his eyes. "Th-this is where that guy is."