15. First Impressions For Angkasa

"It's funny when I mention the bad things they do behind my back with my own mouth. They look embarrassed as if it's their disgrace I'm exposing. But, shouldn't I be the one who should be embarrassed because of those who talk about me badly? This is very strange. If they end up being ashamed of their own actions, they shouldn't have done it in the first place."

- Laura Chintya Bella


Vikram swallowed hard. Usually if a premonition like this comes, Vikram will likely get a picture of the future through dreams. It had been a long time since Vikram had this bad feeling about Laura. The last time Vikram had a bad dream that happened to someone was when he was a child and Laura insisted on changing the future that Vikram saw through that dream.

"A lot of people thought I was going out with Laura because they believed the rumours. But, with Laura bringing another man right in front of my eyes, people might think Laura is having an open affair in front of me without thinking about my feelings. What's worse, people will think of Laura as a slut and a flirt. If people react badly to Laura, I'm afraid they won't hesitate to attack Laura when I'm off guard." Vikram expresses his concern to Susan.

Vikram also thinks of another bad possibility he feels. "Plus, bad boys who are looking for opportunities to do something obscene to Laura are bound to target Laura even more because they think she wants to 'play' with anyone."

The expression on Vikram's face showed the anxiety directed at Laura. Susan felt that everything Vikram said was purely concerned with Laura as a friend, not as Laura's lover. Vikram also seems to be guarding Laura from the perverted men who are after Laura.

Susan hesitantly reached out to pat Vikram's shoulder, hoping to ease Vikram's anxiety. "Vikram, there's no need to worry. I'll help as much as I can so that nothing bad happens to Laura. I'll let you know if my classmates who like you plot bad things on Laura."

Vikram saw the sincerity in Susan's eyes. This made him feel relieved that at least someone else would help keep Laura safe. "That's great, Susan. Your help has been very useful to me."


"Angkasa! Angkasa! I want your number, please!"

"Angkasa, where do you live? I want to play at your house sometime!"

"Angkasa, you're so handsome I swear! Have you got a girlfriend yet?"

Angkasa suddenly became popular on his first day entering Dove High School. He had just sat down in the chair next to Laura, but there were already a lot of students swarming around him. The eyes of the students were filled with enthusiasm and high curiosity about things related to Angkasa.

Angkasa seemed to feel uncomfortable with the crowd that suddenly surrounded him. He occasionally glanced at Laura who was burying her face in her hands on the table. Angkasa still remembers the message from his lover asking him to be cold to everyone except Laura.

Angkasa opened his mouth which was hard to move. He tried to take the first step in making a cold impression on himself in the eyes of others. "I don't want to give you my number. I don't even know you anyways!"

There was a moment of silence in the crowd that surrounded Angkasa. The students were stunned to hear Angkasa's sarcastic answer which did not have the slightest friendly impression.

"B-but, I asked for your number so we can get to know each other." The figure of the girl who previously asked for Angkasa's phone number defended with a stuttering voice.

Angkasa frowned, annoyed with the girls who were like flies to him. Wasn't his words clear beforehand? Angkasa really doesn't want to know any other girl except Laura!

"I don't want to know you! Can you guys get out of my way?!" Angkasa increasingly issued sharp words like a knife that made the girls' hearts stabbed.

Laura, who was cradling her face in her hands, straightened her back for a moment. She looked around her which was filled with her female friends who were busy admiring the handsomeness of Angkasa.

"Heh, are you deaf or stupid? Didn't you hear that Angsa told you to get out of his way?" Laura cast a scornful glance at the people around her. She really felt disturbed by their presence. Whereas before Angkasa arrived, no one dared to approach her desk or even disturb her while Laura was getting ready for bed. However, everything has been different since the arrival of Angkasa Ardiansyah who shocked Dove High School.

"Angsa? Laura, his name is Angkasa, not Angsa. How come you call someone else's name so casually?" The girl that Angkasa refused turned to look at Laura sarcastically. She always didn't like Laura's arbitrariness, plus now Angkasa, the man she wanted, seemed close to Laura.

Laura raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was very unusual for someone to dare to reply and even question Laura's actions. A smirk appeared on Laura's lips, her eyes filled with interest in the girl in front of her.

"Grace, it's really hard for you to talk to me. Usually you only dare to talk about me behind my back. Why are you protesting? Those who have names are just ordinary when I call him Angsa."

Laura's smile looked annoying in Grace's eyes, which was now growling furiously. Her face was now red with anger and embarrassment. "Laura, shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

Grace must have been embarrassed when Laura mentioned herself talking bad about Laura behind her back. She hastily averted her gaze and looked back at Angkasa who was watching her interaction with Laura.

"Angkasa, do you mind being called Angsa by Laura?"

Angkasa didn't even look at Grace for a second because his gaze was fixed on Laura. Angkasa automatically shook his head in response. "I don't mind."

Grace smiled brightly. She suddenly got a unique impression of Angkasa's figure. Her eyes looked at Angkasa expectantly, followed by a question that sounded clueless. "Can I call you Angsa too? It's funny that your nickname is the same as a swan."

"Pfft..." Laura deliberately let out a laugh, amused by Grace's question. She rubbed the corners of her eyes in a dramatic motion as if she had laughed out loud before.

"It's so funny you ask like that with such a shameless face." Laura made fun of Grace while chuckling condescendingly to the girl.