26. Acting Controlled

"Sometimes hardening one's heart is also a way to subdue someone and control them in the palm of the hand."

- Laura Chintya Bella


Vivi's Club'.

That was the name of the place Laura went to. A lively club' even if the sky is still bright. Not only that, the club' is also devoted to providing handsome men and beautiful women so that not only men have fun at the place, but women are also busy arriving.

"Laura! This place is very strange. There are too many people walking around with their faces reddened." Angkasa followed Laura while hugging the girl's arm tightly. His feelings seemed nervous to see the presence of many people in one place.

Angkasa is still not used to places packed with people. School is an excluded place because at least it is not too crowded because the students there are not crowded in one place.

Laura glanced at Angkasa who was trying to hide from behind her back. The man didn't realize that his hand was holding Laura's hand so tightly that it hurt. However, Laura let Angkasa's act. After all, she didn't think it's hurt at all because she actually enjoyed the pain.

"Angsa, be a good pet. Follow me to the club' without saying much." Laura reached out to pat the top of Angkasa's head. However, she soon realized that her actions seemed too soft on Angkasa.

Laura squinted as she looked at her hand, which was now stopped in midair. ( "I shouldn't show too much affection for my pet. There must be a clear limit to the tolerance for his behavior. He can be rebellious and will not be controlled if I am too lenient." )

Hence, Laura pulled back her hand. Angkasa, realizing Laura's movements, suddenly felt disappointed because he didn't feel a warm caress on the top of his head. Laura kept trying to be in control of everything she did.

There should be limits and benchmarks in everything she does, that's Laura's principle. If Laura were to violate her own principles, it would mean that the madness within her would be exposed to the surface.

( "Laura still treats me like everyone else. I want to be treated differently as Laura's boyfriend." ) There was a strong desire in his heart to fulfill the words he couldn't express with his own mouth.

Finally, not wanting to swallow his disappointment easily, Angkasa decided to take the initiative to hold Laura's hand and point it at the top of his head. With Angkasa's control, he erased his disappointment by making Laura's hand pat the top of his head, even though it wasn't Laura's wish.

Fortunately, Laura did not rebel from the hands of Angkasa. She didn't seem to mind Angkasa's actions and just watched her pet with cold eyes.

"Welcome to Vivi's Club'! Can you show me your membership card?" One of the guards at Vivi's Club' entrance asked Laura a question when it was Laura's turn to enter.

Laura just released her hand from Angkasa to take a membership card to enter the club. "This is my membership card."

The guard checked Laura's membership card and pasted it on a device that scanned it. After completing recording the identity on the card, Laura and Angkasa were only allowed to enter.

Angkasa frowned in confusion when only Laura had a membership card, but she was also allowed to enter. "Uhm… Laura, is it okay if I don't have a card to be allowed in?"

Laura, who was keeping her membership card back, raised an eyebrow. "In this club', only people who have a membership card are allowed to enter. However, those who are coming for the first time and don't have a membership card, are required to bring one person who has a membership card in order to be allowed to enter."

"Hm… I see… I didn't think they would have such strict rules. Not only that, but I think anyone can enter this place, except for minors." Angkasa expressed his thoughts about the club' which was within the scope of the knowledge he studied.

Laura nodded her head in agreement with Angkasa's words. "It's true that only this 'club' applies such a rule. But, this 'club' is also the one that people are most interested in. After this, stop asking because there will only be noise around."

Angkasa looked to the side with a confused face. "What do you mean, Laura?"

Laura lowered her gaze at the stairs they were descending. After passing through the entrance, they had to descend many steps to really get to the place that brought pleasure.

Laura had no intention of answering Angkasa's questions. This was because they had reached the club' after descending the last rung. The noise suddenly burst out to make the ears feel ringing.

Angkasa, which was not used to the deafening noise, reflexively closed his ears. He frowned while grimacing, feeling uncomfortable with the surroundings that turned into noisy.

"Ugh… L-Laura… It's so noisy in here…" Angkasa whispered in Laura's ear, so his lover could hear his voice amidst the noise.

Laura didn't feel the same way as Angkasa. Instead, she enjoyed the ambient noise that came from the music on the dance floor. Laura glanced at Angkasa who seemed to have difficulty covering his ears while trying not to let go of his grip on Laura's arm.

"Angsa, enjoy the music." Laura lowered Angkasa's hand so that the man enjoyed the music, instead of avoiding listening to it.

Even though he felt uncomfortable, Angkasa obeyed Laura's words. His ears adjust to the noise. "Uhm… All right, Laura."

Laura smiled with satisfaction. She continued her steps towards the sofa, which became a gathering place for visitors who wanted to enjoy the atmosphere at Vivi's Club'. There are some who join on the dance floor with others to dance and relieve stress.

Laura would usually join the dance floor. However, the current conditions are not possible because the presence of Angkasa, which is still foreign to the place they are visiting, makes Laura unable to leave the man alone.

"Laura! Come here!"

Laura and Angkasa reflexively turned to the source of the sound. They could see Vikram's figure, who had been sitting on the long sofa alone. Vikram is seen waving his hand, signaling for the two to come to him.

Laura pulled along with Angkasa towards Vikram's place. She doesn't see anyone else besides Vikram at the party they are going to celebrate Angkasa's first day of school.

"Vikram, are you alone? Don't you have any other friends besides me?" Laura asked sarcastically. She sat beside Vikram followed by Angkasa who sat clinging to her.

"Tch, bullshit! I have other friends besides you, Laura. You must remember Susan, right?" Vikram squinted sharply at the arrival of two people, who did not have the slightest guilty expression on their faces.