33. Day Without Laura

"When a feeling grows and is realized, but the owner of that feeling pretends not to be aware of it, then that feeling will only grow. It takes root in the heart and mind until the owner can no longer pretend not to know the presence of the feeling."

- Laura Chintya Bella


Grace's guts shrunk after getting the high notes of Angkasa aimed at her. She squeezed the edge of the table tightly while biting her lower lip in doubt. She could just stick with what she wanted. However, who can guarantee how Angkasa will respond to Grace's stubbornness? The possibility that Angkasa really would be rude was known from the seriousness in his words.

"Come on, Grace, you better go back to your seat."

"Yes, Grace. It's been a ruckus in the morning. Everyone is annoyed by the commotion you're making."

"Just give up, Grace. You can see, only Laura can make Angkasa gentle."