45. Laura's Tantrum

"A shameless woman is a woman who target someone else's man and ruins the happiness of a family."

- Laura Chintya Bella


"Show me the most expensive clothes here! Give me the best service because I am the wife of the owner of this mall! I will report it to your boss if you make me feel the least bit dissatisfied with your service!" The voice sounded so loud that it could be heard in all directions.

Vikram closed his eyes tightly. ( "Shit! I have a bad feeling!" )

Vikram felt Laura's hand struggle from his grip. Vikram immediately turned his body to face Laura, who was glaring at him with a sharp gaze. "Ra, we're going home, okay? Please, don't make a fuss with that woman."

Laura's jaw tightened. Since hearing the voice of the person she hated so much, she finally understood why Vikram was in such a hurry to take her home. As it turned out, Vikram had already noticed the woman's presence.