125. Not Allowed To Approach Me!

Angkasa's father thinks his son is crazy, so he sends Angkasa to a mental hospital without trying to treat Angkasa to a psychiatrist. Angkasa was thrown away without getting proper treatment because it was considered a shame for his father.

Since then, Angkasa is determined to control himself so as not to harm others and no longer be dumped by the people he cares about.

Vikram swallowed his saliva roughly. Laura already knew about Vikram's ability to see the future because Vikram was urged to tell about himself. "Laras will be beaten and beaten to a pulp by friends..."

Vikram pauses his speech. He brought his mouth close to Laura's ear. "Valen."

"Hm, I have an idea. Vikram, you come with me." Laura's eyes stared at the mysterious Valen who was gathering with his friends.

"Sis Laura!" Laras ran to Laura. "I'm going to the bookstore near our school. You going home first."

Laura smiled lopsidedly. "Me and Vikram are coming."