128. I Want to Get Recognition

Laura was already disappointed. Her mind had been filled with negative thoughts about Vikram possibly insulting her behind her back for being disgusted with Laura. Actually, this never happened but because Laura was filled with negative thoughts, she brought up negative memories that never existed.

Angkasa pursed his lips, looking like he was about to cry. Concern was still in his eyes. His thumb carefully brushed the blood flowing from the cut at the corner of Laura's lips. "How could I not be worried if you were to bleed like this?! Laura, you have to believe that you are still beautiful, no matter how you look! I will still like you and my feelings won't diminish in the slightest just because of a bruise on your face!"

Laura snorted in amusement, she had already guessed the answer that might be given by Angkasa. Considering how crazy he was about her, Angkasa would still like Laura without a doubt, no matter how bad Laura was.