132. I'm Not Interested In You Anymore

Laura's words are true. Vikram should have kept his attitude if he didn't have any particular intentions towards the girl. Vikram's attitude, which seems to care about Susan, makes Susan misunderstand. After all, who is the girl who doesn't misunderstand the caring attitude of a man? Then, in the end, the girl is disappointed to find out that Vikram has no more feelings for her.

Vikram was also sad just like Laura who was raging and almost crazy. He struggled to stop Laura's tantrum, which was filled with blood and tears. The deafening screams still rang out until they became shadows in his nightmares, which evoked an indescribable feeling of goosebumps.

Vikram coaxed Laura repeatedly while crying. He took the initiative to hug Laura whose body was shaking with anger, sadness, disappointment, and betrayal filling her heart. Vikram at least knew how Laura was feeling at that moment.