138. Don't Think Too Much

"Stop! I told you to wait outside!" Vikram urged Susan, holding Susan's shoulder, so she wouldn't turn around and see all that Vikram didn't want.

Doctor Yuni took a deep breath. How long will they delay Angkasa's treatment? The bruises on Angkasa's body will get worse if he doesn't get the right treatment right away.

"Huft… Susan, fulfill Vikram's request. Let Vikram help me treat his friend." Doctor Yuni immediately made the right decision to deal with the current situation.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" Susan made sure that Doctor Yuni didn't say anything wrong.

"It's all right. Wait outside."

Susan finally stepped out of the School's Health Clinic. She did not want to dispute Doctor Yuni's decision. Vikram's gaze followed Susan out of the room. After confirming that the girl was really out of the room, Vikram closed the School's Health Clinic door.