The Dindall Bible

He took a closer look at the bible's introduction.

The origin of this Bible dates back to 1536 B. C., a total of 228 pages.

Some of the wooden diagram etchings on page 48 were missing.

This Bible was translated by the British religious pioneer Dindall, straight from the Hebrew and Greek versions of the bible.

It was precious as it is the first edition of the Bible printed in English in the world.

In the country of Great Britain, more than a million copies were printed.

But during the 20th century, in the war of the 1930's the Degas slaughtered Jews and destroyed everything related to them.

In the seventies, this English version of the Bible would not exist anymore.

It was known that this book was sold at the auction house at 10,000 pounds, which was equivalent to 15,000 USD a book.

Seeing this, Ron gasped. "What the f*ck, auctioned in the 1970s for 15,000 US dollars? What kind of concept is that? Back then, it was completely different from modern technology.

The purchasing power of money is also two different things. "

He continued to read on.

After the war ended, due to the different factions of the Bible sects, this version of the Bible was even more sought after to be destroyed and banned. In modern times, there were only a few copies of the Bible left.

Two years ago, at an auction in Great Britain, an incomplete Dindall Bible appeared and was bought for a million US dollars.

Ron gasped.

"F*ck, a Bible, a million USD. Do you have to be so ridiculous?"

Ron wasn't convinced. The auction wasn't far away.

He took out his phone and checked the 2018 auction venue.

Sure enough, the Dindall Bible was sold at a price of one million US dollars by a Frenchman.

Ron's eyes twinkled as he continued to study the Bible in the Dimension Shop.

He realized that the Bible was intact.

Most importantly, the wooden carving's cover was also intact.

The angel on it seemed to come alive.

Looking at it, the Dindall Bible was only worth one pound.

Any item in the System Shop could be converted into US dollars.

But Ron shuddered at the price.

He felt that even breathing was difficult.

"F*ck, let me calculate, is a pound 1.5 USD?"

He counted a few times, and his hands were trembling.

He clicked on the virtual interface excitedly.

Ding—Congratulations, honorable customer. Congratulations on buying the Dindall Bible. I hope you make a fortune.

The purchase was successful, and the gentle voice reminded him.

Ron's pocket suddenly sank.

His eyes widened, and he quickly reached out to touch it. It was a squarish object.

The thickness was similar to a dictionary.

He carefully took out the Bible.

At the fold was a little cowhide link. On the cover of the Bible was a wooden relief.

He was afraid that he would break it. This was money. He slowly opened the Bible.

A blessedly beautiful angel illustration, between words.

The character in the book, every expression and gaze, seemed to be hinting at the greatness of God, the sole existence of God.

"Heavens, this is definitely a masterpiece."

Ron hooted from his room.

Then he started to worry.

Would anyone buy something like this at a roadside stall?

Or rather, would anyone know what was good?

Moreover, the most crazy thing was that the items bought from the Dimension Merchant City had to be priced clearly.

Moreover, the price could not be reduced or raised unless the buyer was willing to pay more.

If the price was not stated explicitly, Ron could have written, "Price negotiation or something, subtle. But now—"

Isn't this too scammy?

He had no choice. He could only go through the Dimension Merchant City again and again to find a new target.

A night passed.

Even after an entire night, his eyes were bulging, but he was still in high spirits.

It couldn't be helped. Who wouldn't be able to fall asleep after encountering something like this?

Even if he were to marry a fair, rich, and beautiful woman now, he would still be able to play for a night.

Not to mention obtaining the system and finding treasures from the Dimension Merchant City .

Also, after obtaining the system, who would not take their time to enjoy it? What about the future?

After receiving this response, those who could fall asleep were not humans.

'Whatever's going on? Whatever's going on, Ron, you've got to calm down?'

Ron kept reminding himself.

He knew that if he could not calm down, there would be a big problem if he went to set up the stall today.

If a person remained excited, they would easily become a target.

He washed his face.

He still could not calm down.

After some thought, he brought a blade with him.

He was afraid of accidents.

A Bible worth over a million?

It had only been two years, but someone had auctioned one off at an auction in Great Britain for a million dollars.

Moreover, the "Dindall Bible" from the auction in Great Britain was incomplete. There were only 36 illustrations inside.

An incomplete wooden relief cover.

Even so, it was sold for $1 million.

"This one is complete, so no matter what, it should be worth one million US dollars."

Normally, the auction price was higher than retail.

However, another two years had passed since the appearance of this complete 'Dindall Bible', and the price would be higher than the auction price.

Thinking of this, he wrote a billboard that was half the height of a person.

On it were detailed parameters, data, and historical changes.

It was written at the bottom. "Extinct item—Dindall Bible 100,000,000."

"Calm down, calm down."

"I have to calm down."

With the Bible and the usual groceries, he loaded the car.

He walked out the door.

Along the way, Ron muttered, "Calm down, I need to calm down."

"In the future, I will gain more. This is the first step in my life.

Perhaps it was because he was mumbling too loudly, but when they passed an alley, the three gangsters looked at each other. They exchanged glances before moving to the other alley.

"I have to calm down and be normal."

"Hey, boss, stop for a moment."

Ron's heart skipped a beat, and his hair stood on end. He felt his scalp go numb, and all his nerves twitched.

In front of him were three black boys.

Looking back, there were two other black boys rolling around with baseballs.

"F*ck, if you were to ruin my source of wealth, I'll go all out."

With this in mind, Ron did not slow down. Instead, he pedaled his rickshaw crazily towards the three people in front.


The three black men in front were scared out of their wits. They wanted to stop the car, but the momentum of the rickshaw was too fierce.


Ron's heart sank, and he stomped the air.

"It's broken."

His rickshaw was lifted up by two people behind him. His kick made the wheels spin quickly, but the rickshaw stood still without moving.

The three black men in front of him walked over with a grin.

Ron was terrified. One of the black men patted him on the face with a dagger.


Ron's heart sank as he felt the cold, icy dagger. He instinctively looked around, but there was no one there to call for help.

"You guys, search him. He has something on him," The leader said.