Genetic Pill

De Long and his daughter did not return to their villa directly.

"Father, I told you that this thing is not that simple. It must be fake. Why don't you believe me?"

"Mary, are you the collector of ancient books, or am I?"

"How about this, let's go to Uncle Colon and let him take a look?"

Although he was very indignant, De Long also admitted that his big brother was indeed better than him in terms of collecting books.

"However, there is one thing that you need to remember. We need to get your Uncle Ke Long to do a fair test.

You can't tell him the origin of this thing.

Otherwise, it might affect his judgment. "

Thinking for a moment, Mary nodded.

The father and daughter arrived in front of a castle.

This castle was worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

The castle looked rather sinister from the outside.

It was like the castle where the Prince of Vampires lived in ancient times.

Naturally, no one stopped their car.

Soon, the father and daughter met up with Ke Long.

This Ke Long had a large beard, wore a tuxedo, and combed his hair neatly.

Other than the beard that ruined his image, his face was as pale as a real vampire's.

"De Long, why are you and your daughter here late at night?"

However, his voice was filled with warmth.

Mary laughed softly and came to him. She put her arm around him and said, "Uncle, Father collected a Bible. When I said it was fake, he insisted it was real.

What kind of collection are we planning to display? I'm so angry. "

"Ah, since when did our little Mary become interested in ancient books? You even questioned your father. Your father is an expert in this field."

' Yeah,'said Ke Long, laughing and blowing Mary's nose.

"Big brother, what I have is really a treasure. Take a look and tell me."

De Long was afraid Mary might spill the beans, so he quickly snatched up the conversation before carefully placing the Bible on the table.


Ke Long perked up.

He took out a small professional magnifying glass and put it over his eyes. He did not miss a single detail on the cover.

He watched for a good ten minutes, and Mary grew nervous.

"F*ck, is this for real?"

Mary swore under her breath.

"This is unbelievable. This is too beautiful, too beautiful."

The more Ke Long inspected it, the more shocked he became. In the end, he actually began to yell.

"The wooden carving on the cover is not a printed version. It was carved by the hands of a person.

Furthermore, even though the illustrations in the Bible were copies, they were also photocopied by the hands of a master. They were definitely not something that ordinary people could draw.

It's confirmed. This is definitely a Dindall Bible, De Long. Where did you get this thing?"

When De Long was about to speak, Mary quickly covered his mouth and said, "Uncle, we really have troubled you. My father bought this for a million dollars."


Ke Long almost jumped up and said, "A million dollars in cash?"

Mary said worriedly, "Did Uncle accept the money?"


"How is it expensive?"

"We've really gotten lucky this time."

"Two years ago, the broken Dindall Bible was auctioned out already got us one million. Even though it was an authentic one, it was still incomplete.

"Yet this Bible of yours is perfect. It even looks like it's brand new."

Unwilling to give up, Mary said, "Uncle, it's so new. Can't it be fake?"

"That's impossible. The craftsmanship from a hundred years ago is completely different now.

Even modern people could not replicate such a thing.

"Because this Dindall Bible's paper pulp technique is made from a type of paper pulp that had gone extinct a hundred years ago. It is impossible for it to exist now."

Ke Long dropped a bomb.

"That's right. When I saw that, I was confused. The person even gave me a certificate of authenticity"

Handing the certificate to Ke Long, Ke Long slapped the table and said, "This makes it even more legitimate. This is a handwritten proof. It has a hundred years of history, and the words on it have a hundred years of history. I really can't imagine it.

Who knew there were people who kept this version of the Bible so well.

"With this kind of quality, if we auction it now, it will sell for at least $1.5 million. However, from a monetary point of view, you have made a killing."

Mary opened her mouth but did not speak.

However, the shock in his heart was obvious.

"Mary, your father's Bible can be displayed at any exhibition. In terms of value, this thing might not be the most valuable.

However, in terms of collection value, it was hard to say what the price would be in the future.

After all, it was complete?

And it was very likely the only complete 'Dindall Bible' in the world.

Ron, of course, didn't know any of this. He dismissed it, the landlord, his brain still buzzing with excitement.

This level of excitement made it hard to fall asleep.

"No, no, I have to sleep.

Otherwise, I might die before I even spend the money. "

Ron kept talking to himself.

However, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

In the end, he had no choice but to open the Dimension Merchant City and looked for the same item.

This time, there were more than 1,000 items. If he wanted to do research on them one by one, he would not even be able to see the sunrise.

He only picked those that he had never seen before.

Because the system had explained it before.

One day, he could only get one or two items with high rarity.

Of course, it was possible to get more items that were more cost-effective, but the probability was rather low.

Once it was past 12 am, the Dimension Merchant City would refresh.

Ron grimaced. "Guess we'll find what we need to sell tomorrow and go to bed."

He randomly clicked on a candy pill.

"This thing is so expensive. It costs 100,000 USD?"

"Genetic Pill…"

Ron sprang to his feet. "What the hell? What genetic candy pills?"

Genetic candy pills:

Pills made from the extracts of hundreds of living beings.

The effect of consuming it was determined by the user's physique, and the effect would be to grant the consumer the power that was within the range of a hundred type of organisms.

Within these types of hundred creatures listed were The strength of ants, the jumping ability of fleas, the ability of dragonfly waste, the vitality of cockroaches, the resistance of mice…

There were a hundred types of creatures, all of them snakes, bugs, rats, ants.

If a person were to take this genetic modification pill, then the flea's jumping ability could instantly give a person the same jumping power it had. According to the jumping height of the flea, it was 400 times the height of itself.

If a person obtained this ability, they would be able to jump onto a building that was hundreds of stories high.

The pills extracted the abilities of these creatures.

He thought about the black people he met today.

Ron gritted his teeth and clicked on the purchase button.