Buying a House

At the same time, there was a worry in Ron's heart.

Mary, who saw himself entering the sea, was nowhere to be found now .

The people around looked at Ron as if he were a monster.

It was a miracle that he was still alive after three hours.

Some people took pictures with their phones and uploaded Ron's pictures online.

"The king of the street stalls, courting death—surfing at night, lost in the wind and rain for three hours, actually rebelling against nature—so he has—"

Then many people uploaded videos of Ron selling the Dindall Bible and the collection of Tom and Jerry online.

This caused quite a stir online.

For three consecutive days, whether it was real or fake, the headlines, all kinds of news were mixed together, all about a stall owner.

It was difficult for Ron to not get any attention.

Because too many things had happened in these three days.

Firstly, it was the Dindall Bible that Professor De Long had bought. He was going to attend an antique exhibition in New York.

This was like a stone that caused a thousand ripples. People had linked the Bible to Ron.

Then, two big shots from the underworld gangs bought the videotapes together.

The discussion forums were in an uproar.

Some people thought that there was a conspiracy behind this. A conspiracy of capital operations. Otherwise, why would a small stall sell such a valuable item?

Some people thought that the stall owner was a mysterious boss.

In an instant, the internet was in an uproar.

Because at that time, many customers who were watching had taken pictures of the products and posted them online.

Naturally, there were many people who knew their stuff.

"Gosh, if the pictures hadn't been photoshopped, these two things looked real."

"If it's true, then the person who bought it must have gotten an extremely good bargain."

"That's right. Take the tape for example—such a perfect one would cost at least 250,000 dollars per set, and whether we can buy it or not is still a question."

"Yeah, that Bible gives off an ancient vibe. I didn't expect the Dindall Bible to have such a complete version lying around."

"The Dindall bible is going to be exhibited at the New York Ancient Artifact Exhibition. We can go see it in person."

"Furthermore, have you realized that the value of these two items is extremely high? It is very likely that the price will continue to rise as time passes, because they represent an era.

People kept talking about this on America's largest forum.

This caused the situation to not only not be suppressed by time, but instead become more and more talked about.

What was worth talking about was that Ron had spent three hours in the ocean talking about it.

Ron, on the other hand, went straight to his trishawand returned home in front of everyone.

Lying on the bed, he looked around. The Dimension Merchant City had not been refreshed.

Closing his eyes, he willed, "I should have a good sleep."

This thought only lingered in his mind for a week.

Ron drifted off to sleep.

When he opened his eyes, it was already daytime.

He looked at the system. It had been refreshed.

"There's no rush today. Let's go buy a house first. It's not a good thing to not have a place to stay."

At the end of the day, he had more than a million dollars. It was more than enough to buy a house.

The money earned was not meant for him to just to stay in a snail's nest.

With that thought, he rode his rickshaw out the door.

He arrived at the suburbs of Hawaii.

As it got closer to the beach, the prices of housing also rose.

To reiterate, the houses in Country M were not sold according to square meters. They were sold in sets..

Riding the trishaw to the castle, yes, the sales center.

He was stopped by two tall security guards.

"Sir, trishaws are not allowed in here."

"Oh, I see. Well, why don't you put my trishaw in the garage or wherever the parking is?"

Ron got out of the trishaw and shoved the trishaw at the security guards.

"Sir… this…"

The other security guard reacted quickly and said, "Sir, without the intention to buy a house, you cannot enter this place."

"Of course,if I'm not buying a house. What am I doing here?"

The two security guards were at a loss.

A white couple walked past them.


"That homeless man said he wanted to buy a house."

The two couples laughed.

Ron watched them walk away. "What, homeless people can't buy houses now? I might have more money than you."

"Even if you earn ten lifetimes' worth of your current salary, you still won't be able to afford this place. Do you know how much this place costs?

The man turned around and said in disdain, "At least 500,000 USD. Do you have it? Do you even have 50,000 USD? Brother?"

"Look after my trishaw. Do I need to show it to you if I have it?"

While the two security guards stared blankly, Ron strode over to the couple.

The woman blushed and said, "Jack, what did you say to him? These homeless people are very dangerous."

Ron smiled wryly and looked at his tattered clothes.

"It's true that in that world, clothes make the horse."

He looked at the man who was walking toward the sales counter in flip-flops.

The two security guards looked at each other.

"Should we stop him?"

"He looks so calm. If he's not crazy, then he's really rich. Let's wait and see."

"Why wait?"

One of the security guards looked at his watch and said, "There's still one hour to twelve. This is break time. As long as you're not a VIP, you'll be cleared out."

As Ron entered the sales hall, everyone who walked past looked at him strangely.

There was disdain, surprise, and disgust in his eyes.

A pretty blonde hurried up to Ron and said, "What took you so long?"


"What are you on about? Come with me. The water pipe in this bathroom has been broken for an hour."

Ron froze. What pipe? Who cares?

Seeing Ron standing there in a daze, the woman turned around and said with a frown, "Why aren't you coming with me? Hurry up, if you delay our shift, you won't get a tip."

"Beauty, I'm not—"

"I know. Are you complaining that your salary is too low? I'll give you another fifty dollars. No more than that. Hurry, hurry."

Ignoring Ron, she ran into the ladies' room.

"F*ck, am I going or not?"

He saw everyone looking at him.

Ron waved a hand. "I'm here to buy a house."

"She has some personal matters to discuss with me, and she wants me to go with her to the toilet. Please continue."

Ron followed her into the bathroom.


The woman pointed to a cracked white hose.

Since he had been called to help, he could earn some money, although he did not know how much.

Come on then.

"What a small opening. Do you really need to fix such a pipe?"

Ron pulled the tape from his pocket and wrapped it around the pipe.

"Ah—why are you fixing the water pipe like that? Are you kidding me?"

The woman screamed, and Ron shuddered, unable to control the strength in his hands.

The water pipe was crushed.


The water in the pipe suddenly raged like a fountain.

The two were instantly soaked.

Her clothes were rather thin, and she did not seem to be wearing a bra. Her hair was messy.

At that moment, a saleswoman stood in the doorway, looking at the two of them. With a shriek, she turned and ran.