
A nobody from the Hawaiian beach was now getting attention.

Ron had achieved this effect without any particular publicity.

"Hello, everyone. Next, we're going to reveal the home address of the mysterious owner of the stall."

Mary spoke into the phone.

Ron's five senses were a hundred times stronger. Although they were separated by a hundred meters, he had long discovered Mary's whereabouts.

He did not expose her and allowed her to follow him.

He did not return to the villa directly but returned to the rented apartment.

"Heavens, did you see that? The king of stalls lives in a house like that?"

"This place is like a slum."

"Host, please leave. It's very dangerous here at night."

"It's fine. Thank you, babies. I brought a weapon for self-defense."

Ron was here to move.

He had very few things. A big trishaw could fit all his belongings.

After tidying up the room, he opened the door and sent a message to the landlord before leaving.

There were still two months of rent left for him to stay at this place. This was like a courtesy gift from the landlord.

Once he was out of the door, he took a shortcut. Since he was capable, he was naturally not afraid of taking the dark path.

When he reached the place where the black men were buried, Ron stopped for a moment.

Because there were police officers investigating the place.

But Ron knew that there would be no investigation results. There were too many cases like this every year.

There were no cameras, no eyewitnesses, and no causal connection, so it was a case without a lead. Everything would not end up like the police films.

Ron headed straight for the beach.

Suddenly, there was a storm. It could be imagined that the passionate men and women on the beach, even those who lived in tents, would escape in a panic.

Lightning flashed across the sky, as if splitting the sky apart.

When Ron reached the beach, bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky.

"Damn it, I'm so lucky."

Ron muttered.

He turned to look at the dark coastline, and suddenly, he heard a woman's voice mixed with the wind and waves.

"Hmm—What happened?"

Ron hadn't meant to be nosy. This happened every year.

If he had been nosy all the time, he would probably have lost ten lives, he was not a saint or Mother Teresa, and did not need to get himself in troublesome.

At the very most, it was robbery or attempred rape. It shouldn't be life-threatening.

But Ron realized that as he walked toward his house, the woman's screams became clearer.

"No—that sounds familiar."

Ignoring the trishaw, he jumped directly onto a large rock.

Three strong men were tearing a woman's thin clothes.

Ron did not know the three men, but he knew the woman.

"Ah, that's really good. It looks like there's going to be a typhoon."

Ron crouched over the boulder.

The three men shivered in fear and turned to look. Suddenly there was a loud crack and a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, covering Roan entirely in light. Everyone could see it clearly.

Mary calmed down and took the opportunity to retreat four or five steps away. However, the gun in her hand had been taken away.

"Boy, in the middle of the night, pretending to be mysterious, come down—"

A burly man with a pistol hit the stone at Ron's feet.

The shell bounced into the air in the dark night.

Ron, however, was not intimidated at all. It was as if the wind, the rain, and the lightning had nothing to do with him.

"If you want to be passionate with the woman, then continue. I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you."

Before the three men could react, he jumped from the rock to another side.

"Ah! No—"

One of the men went behind the boulder where Ron had been, but there was no one there.

Mary's eyes widened. She had not expected this.

"Ah—no—you can't hurt me."

The three men smiled strangely. They rubbed their hands and walked closer.

"Why can't we hurt you? The three of us have been paying attention to such a thing for a long time."

"Your earlier incident has been exposed. You'd better leave. Please don't hurt me. The police might be here soon."

Mary sobbed.

She was indeed very scared. She was not supposed to be here.. He followed Ron and saw that he had returned home and could not come out, so he left. However, when he reached the beach, a strong wind suddenly blew, and all the men and women on the beach were running towards the shore.

No one dared to stay by the sea in such stormy weather.

Mary wanted to go back to her hotel too, but suddenly she was hugged by three men. Taking advantage of the chaos, they knocked Mary out and brought her behind this boulder.

When she woke up, Mary's heart turned cold. Under such circumstances, no one would notice her.

"Now, let's see who will save you."

The three men rushed forward.


The leader, who was suddenly thrown towards the wall, had his head shattered. It shattered silently.

The blood and brains splattered all over Mary.

The two men looked at each other and said, "Who is it? Come out."

They took out their guns at the same time and leaned back against each other. They looked at everything in the dark with fear, hoping to discover something.


Another man's head exploded.

His friend could feel the heat of the blood on his face. This sudden and strange incident had scared him so much that he had lost all ability to resist.


His voice was shaky, but the devil in the dark night would not give him a chance.

Another sound that pierced the night.'Boom'.

The last man collapsed in a pool of blood.

Mary screamed in horror at the strangeness of what was happening.

The three bodies slowly melted away.

This made Mary lose her ability to think.

"How is this possible? What power killed them? It actually corroded their corpses."

In just three to four minutes, the three men were completely corroded.

If not for the fact that Mary was covered in blood and the scratch on her calf, Mary herself might have thought that everything that had happened was fake.

"Who saved me?"

Mary looked confused.

She looked around. Her fear subsided a little, and her strength returned a little.

The wind grew stronger.

She looked for a direction and climbed up to leave. After walking for who knew how long, she saw light at the foot of the mountain. She believed that it was someone else.

It was a large courtyard, and it could be considered a luxurious house.

She was innocent. The person who owned such a house was definitely not a bad person. She went to stay for the night, and the wind and rain became heavier.

If she ran into bad guys again, there might not be anyone to save him.

With that in mind, he knocked on the door. "Is anyone there? I'm a passerby, and I wish to stay here for the night."

Ron found it strange that someone would want to stay in his manor on such a stormy day.

However, he had a guest, and there was no butler. He put on his clothes and ran to the door to open it.

Mary's eyes widened. "It's you?"

Ron laughed. "Why can't it be me? It's late, my bed's big."