Fishing for the Tuna king

But suddenly, something happened.

John's friend. The line of George's fishing rod snapped.

"Damn it."

Old George slammed the side of the boat.

"Damn it! Didn't we agree that this fishing line could catch a fish that was up to fifty kilograms?

The tuna definitely did not weigh more than twenty kilograms.

Isn't that a lie? "

Old John said regretfully, "Sigh, this fish ran away just like that. I'm really uptight about it"

Old George took back his fishing rod and was about to tie the new fishing line when his face suddenly turned green.

His eyes were fixed on the tip of his fishing rod. He realized that it had changed shape. If he was fishing, there would only be one outcome—breaking it.

"D*mn it, are fishing poles nowadays that bad?"

Old George threw the fishing rod on the ground and stomped on it.

This reminded Old John.

"George, George, don't be angry. Yesterday, I bought a precious fishing rod. My fishing rod can hook the tires of a pickup truck. Also, the boss said that as long as you don't try to fish a submarine, it won't break."

George perked up. "Is that so? F*ck, Old John, why didn't you take it out earlier if you had such a treasure? If you took it out, would that fish have not escaped?"

"I thought so too, but that fishing rod is really expensive. It costs 300,000 USD."

"F*ck, 300,000 USD. I'm looking forward to it even more. What kind of fishing rod is it? It's 300,000 USD. Take it out, take it out. We're not fishing with it. Let me admire it."

A BMW paired with a hero.

A sword paired with a warrior.

Fishing rods with fishermen.

The saying that never changed was that a good fishing rod could increase a fishman's attack power by 50%.

John quickly ran to the cabin of the yacht and soon took out an exquisite box.

"Don't do all that useless stuff. It's too flashy."

Old George snatched the box.

Then he opened it—


He glanced at Old John and said, "Are you kidding me? Where's your 300,000 dollar fishing rod?"

Old John said awkwardly, "This is it."

Old George looked at the ordinary-looking bamboo rod in the box and said, "Do you think that's all? 300,000 USD?"

John Senior nodded.

"F*ck, Old John, you're being silly. How can you fall for such a trick? This is a scam. This thing is used by children to fish in river bubbles."

"That's not true, George. Listen to me. This thing's fishing line is really solid. I didn't break it when I came home and tried it with the cutter," John explained.

"Can't cut it?"

Old George looked around and saw a large pair of pliers. He said, "You say that this fishing line can't be cut with scissors. But the pliers will cut it immediately. How can it not break?"

With that, he used a pair of pliers to try to cut the fishing line.

Old John did not rush to stop him.


"Are you sure?"

Old George said without even looking.

John Senior shook his head.


Old George looked down. The fishing line was intact.

Following that, he still did not believe in the supernatural. He picked up the pair of pliers to cut again.

John Senior quickly said, "Pick the wires for experiments."

George hesitated for a moment, then obeyed.

He found the part where the hook was tied. He could remove it from here and start from the new one.

He picked up the pliers, picked a spot, and pinched it hard. He used all his strength, and even his face turned red.

The ppliers were removed, and when he looked closely at the fishing line, he saw that there was only a white mark on it. It did not do any damage to the fishing line itself.

Old George was shocked.

John said, "Yes, this fishing line is sure to be worth something."


Old George was confused. He looked at the fishing rod again.

"This is unbelievable. Perhaps I can test it out."

Therefore, the two old men tied the sea hooks and hung them on the hooks. They were the tuna's favorite food, North American lobster.

With a whoosh, the bait was thrown out.

The two old men were shocked.

There was a particular reason for this. The better the fishing rod, the greater the force.

At the very least, when the two of them swung their fishing rods earlier, they had surpassed all the fishing rods they had used before.

The two old men stared at the surface of the sea quietly. They waited for a long time, but nothing happened.

The two of them took out beers and drank while waiting.

Half an hour later.

Suddenly, the fishing line became taut.

The two old men were shocked and quickly pulled the fishing rod.

Then, he tightened the axis.

"John, this is a big fish. At least, I think it's not smaller than the tuna before. Don't let go."

The two of them held onto a fishing rod.

However, the power of the giant fish in the water was extremely great.

The scene before the two old men changed.

"F*ck, what the hell is this, so strong?"

Old George said in a hurry, 'You keep one short end of the fishing pole fixed to the side of the boat. I'll go and sail.'

Even though this was a little crazy.

However, their strength was indeed limited. This was indeed a method.

In the heat of the moment, the two of them forgot about something else, whether the fishing rod would hold.

The fishing rod remained fixed to the side of the iron ship.

The yacht swam slowly.

The two old men sighed in relief.

The yacht sailed five to six kilometers.

The yacht slowly came to a stop.

The two old men came to the bow and looked at each other in disbelief.

The two unbuttoned themselves and pulled the fish out of the sea.

When the fish reached the boat, the two old men were so excited that they almost had a heart attack.

"Oh my god, oh my god, this is the king tuna. We actually caught something like this. Oh my god, this is unbelievable."

The two pulled the tuna onto the boat.

The two old men exchanged glances.

They saw excitement in each other's eyes.

This is the highlight of the two old men's lives?

Such a huge fish, if one looked at it with the naked eye, it could be estimated to weigh around 200 kilograms.

Most importantly, the world record for king tuna was only 180 kilograms.

This fish has become that King Fish infinitely, and that King Fish is a million US dollars?

What did this mean?

Such a large tuna was worth more than just its value meat.

These tuna bones could already be used as jewelry, and they were very expensive.

The two old men still found it unbelievable that they could fish up something like this.


Suddenly, Old John jumped up.

Startled, George asked, "What's wrong?"

"Fishing rod—"

The two old men's faces changed.

This was a tuna that weighed almost two hundred kilograms. To be able to catch such a fishing rod, one could imagine the quality.

Compared to the tuna, the fishing rod seemed to be more valuable.

The two old men quickly removed the hook from the fish and examined the rod carefully, but there was no damage at all.

George looked at John and said, "John Senior, I really envy you. You seem to have found yourself a treasure."