Danger Approaching

Ron had been setting up stalls for days.

The military saber was not even inquired about at all by anyone;he had already sensed that something was wrong.

However, he did not know where the problem laid.

If he could not sell it, Ron planned to try it at the Hawaiian Auction in a few days.

However, in the past few days, he had earned nearly two million USD from selling other products.

He was now a real billionaire.

And Smith had recently become Ron's errand boy.

He even stopped selling his own things. Ron was not a stingy person. He threw out ten thousand dollars as salary, which made Smith so happy that he could not sleep at night.

"Looks like there's no chance tonight."

With a sigh, Ron put the Napoleon saber around his waist and got up to see Mary.

She walked up to him. Neither of them spoke. Ron was still packing his things.

"What? Am I not welcome?"

"How would I dare? You're the daughter of a rich family. I'm just busy—"

Ron shrugged.

"Don't be so petty. When I returned home, my father stopped me from going out. He only allowed me to go out today."

"When or where you go out has nothing to do with me."

Ron finished packing and put it in the trunk of his car.

"You're so petty."

Mary pouted and sat in the passenger seat.

Ron didn't say anything and drove home.

Before they reached the house, they could hear crazy music and playful voices.

"You have someone at home?"

"Of course! It's a party. What a coincidence."


The two of them walked through the door, and Mary's expression turned unnatural.


"They were having so much fun. I was the one who called them over."

Ron said.

In the courtyard, two platforms were temporarily erected. There was a women in bikinis stripping, who knew what they were stripping for.

The swimming pool was even worse.

When they saw that Ron was back, the women swarmed up to him, gave him fruit, handed him wine glasses, and—

Mary's eyes widened the entire time.

Even though Country M was quite open-minded, such a hedonistic lifestylel made one dizzy.

Ron returned to his room, changed into a flowery shirt and flowery underpants, and walked out, holding up a glass of wine. "Hey, girls," he said.

Following that, the music became even crazier and crazier.

He had transmigrated once, so why did he have to live such a miserable life? Why did he have to live like a straight man?

Why did he have to talk about love? Wouldn't he have everything if he had money? He would be free and carefree.

"You sure are cool. With so many people, can you even take on all of them?"

In this courtyard, Mary, who was wearing a black leather coat, was directly outmatched.

It was not that her beauty was inferior, but rather, it was that of 'sluttiness'.

"Me? I'm amazing. As long as I want to, I can stay awake for a few days."

Ron raised his glass.

"Hmph, then we shall see."

"You really want to see…"

"I really want to see for myself."

Ron waved a hand and said, "I think we should forget about it. It's too exciting, and I'm afraid you won't be able to take it. Not only will it stain your eyes, but it'll also stain your heart."

"I just want to see if you're bluffing."

Mary was surprisingly relentless. She expected Ron to be afraid to do it.


But Ron suddenly clapped his hands twice. The music in the yard suddenly changed its style, and the notes became as soft as water.

One by one, the women began to look at Ron charmingly. There were at least dozens of them who took off their clothes at the same time…

Eight hours later, all the women left, exhausted.

Mary's face was red and she was completely dumbfounded.

Even his legs felt weak.

When she saw Ron approaching, Mary took a few steps back and said, "Don't come any closer."

"How was it? I'm not bragging, am I?"

Mary nodded instinctively.

Suddenly, Ron was alarmed.

Suddenly he lunged at Mary.

Then, he heard a gunshot.

They fell to the ground, and Ron suddenly vomited blood.

The mouthful of blood landed on Mary's face.

Mary's eyes widened in shock. "Why protect me?"

Ron smiled sadly. "Because you're beautiful. Don't look back. I'll take you into your room."

He got up with Mary.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three more shots, but this time they missed Ron.

The next moment, Ron appeared in the room, settled Mary inside, and left the room.

On the wooden wall of Ron's house stood a man in a trench coat, a cowboy hat, and reflective sunglasses.

Especially the silver pistol in the man's hand.

Roan frowned. His physical strength had increased a hundredfold, but not just in terms of strength, but also in terms of physical strength.

Not to mention ordinary bullets, even tank shells might not be able to hurt him.


"How surprising. What kind of monster are you to be able to block my bullet? You're barely injured. This is unbelievable."

The man jumped down from the wall and said, "I won't kill you today. I only hope that you hand over Napoleon Bonaparte's Saber."

Ron smirked. "Can I assume you're trespassing? I didn't welcome you in."

The man put down his hands and said, "I do value your skill, but if you fight against me and against a country, there will be no good outcome."

Ron frowned. "If I'm against a country, then so be it. I'm just trying to set up a stall."

"Don't tell me you don't know what the thing you are planning to sell means to France."

"I only know that the thing is mine. I'll sell it to whoever offers the highest price."

Ron said.

The man in the trench coat used his pistol to push against the brim of his hat.

The atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly turned tense.


Ron slowly drew his Napoleon saber.

"This is the Sword of the Emperor, right? I don't know, right? Today, I'll stain the sword with your blood.

The next moment, both of them moved.

The man in the black trench coat was surrounded by silver light.

Bang! Bang!

He fired two consecutive shots at Ron. With each shot, golden light condensed at the muzzle and then suddenly burst out.

Ron was so fast that it was difficult for him to dodge.

Ron disappeared on the spot and reappeared in front of the black-cloaked man in the next moment. He pulled out his army saber and slashed.

The man in black moved quickly as well. He retreated more than ten steps before taking out his gun. "Bang, bang, bang—"

Three shots. These three shots had sealed off all the blind spots on Ron's left and right sides.

The next moment, Ron's heart was still as water as the other's bullet was fired.

But time seemed to have stopped. A Tai Chi field formed around Ron.