The Black-robed Father

After class, Weiss returned to his rented apartment.

He closed his eyes and saw his information.

[Host: Weiss]

[Gender: Male]

[Intelligence: 120 (Normal people averaged 110)]

[Physical Fitness: 8 (Normal people averaged 10)]

[Wealth: 2333]

[Equipment: None]

[Dream Points: 0]

He went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for himself and his sister.

During dinner, he briefly asked about how she was doing at school.

Her results were very good and he hardly had to worry.

Moreover, without their parents by their side, his younger sister was very sensible and did not give him any trouble.

However, when he asked about her classmate, she averted her eyes. Weiss didn't pay much attention to notice. After finishing his daily homework, he fell into a deep sleep on the bed.

[Great Lord Of Dreamland, welcome to the Dream World, the Repentance Church]

[The Devil Father will judge everyone for their sins. Only one of the six is innocent. Find that person and punish the guilty.]

[Hope the host has a good experience.]

Opening his eyes, he saw himself sitting on a church bench. Six people were sitting away from him, four men and two women.

A priest was kneeling in front of a sinister-looking demon statue.

He muttered to himself, "We are all guilty. Father in Heaven will eventually punish us. Only those who glorify Lord's name and repent will receive forgiveness."

Then he got up and said:

"The Lord will judge everyone's sins. Everyone will have to come to the confessional to confess their sins. Only the honest will be forgiven."

Before he could finish, a square-faced man in a suit with the air of success around stood up and shouted angrily,

"I don't have time to play games with you. No matter what this place is, I'm leaving."

With that, he stormed to the main door and prepared to leave. He pulled the door open but found that it was impossible to open.

The black-robed priest said faintly, "Are you sure you want to leave?"

The square-faced man's face was filled with arrogance. "Of course, I don't care who sent you. I'll give you double the price. Let me out now!"

The black-robed priest waved his hand and the door opened. The man did not even look. There was no light outside the door. It was eerily silent.

He did not think much of it. Just as he took a step, a twisted but bloody tentacle in the darkness suddenly grabbed his leg. The man struggled in horror, only to realize that his leg was badly mangled.

He struggled in terror but he had no choice and suffered. Fear had already consumed his body, and his struggles became smaller and smaller until he was devoured by the darkness outside the door. There was a scream before the cries for help became softer and softer. Only the bloodstains on the ground remained, proving that someone had struggled here just now.

All but five of them looked at each other. Weiss looked around and saw Elena. She was staring into the darkness with horror and shouted:

"Don't come near."

Then she saw Weiss while sobbing like a drowning man clutching at straw. "I didn't do anything wrong. Why am I here? Think of something, Weiss. I'm innocent."

Weiss felt helpless and didn't know how to comfort her. He could only reassure her continuously.

But he understood that he could see the monster in the darkness, the indescribable, deformed tentacle monster. Disgust and fear enveloped his heart. Although the things in the church were filled with strangeness, he held the power to change everything.

Even though he wanted to bring Elena out, he did not understand the principles of the Dream World. With the mission of earning Dream Points, he could only temporarily give up on destroying the Dream World.

When the black-robed priest saw that the five of them had no intention of leaving, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Right. This is the way. You have to fear and be in awe of God and then think about your sins. That's how you get redemption."

"Everyone will have to come to the confessional to repent for their sins. If no one comes, I will be the one to take them. I hope that the Lord will forgive you."

With that, he turned and entered the confessional, leaving the four men behind, unsure of what to do.

Everyone wanted others to enter first. No one wanted to go first.

There was a long silence and then a dull man in shabby clothes entered the confessional. He said nothing, showing no concern for those around him.

After the dull man walked in, his voice was heard.

"Ignorant believer, what sins do you have?"

"I was the foreman of a private mine. When I was digging in the underground mine, there was a serious accident. The mine had collapsed. My workmates and I were trapped underground. When everyone was at their wits' end, I told them that I had a way to get out. Then, I dug forward to get out of the mine. I made them come over one by one to dig the hole. Then, I ate them and successfully survived. I also asked for a huge sum of money from the owner of the private mine for the sake of confidentiality."

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but shiver in fear. Perhaps everyone was at fault but nothing was more serious than this.

"Yes, you are an honest child. The Lord will forgive you."

The two of them walked out at the same time. The miner was silent. The black-robed priest had filled the prayer table with food. It was all in its color, smell, and taste.

"Eat. This is the Lord's forgiveness."

With that said, the man seemed to have no choice but to swallow the food on the prayer table. Like a person who had not eaten for many years, he swallowed and swallowed, completely ignoring his swollen abdomen.

"The next believer can come in."

The priest smiled strangely and closed the confessional door. Everyone felt cold.

No one dared to go to the confessional again.

After a long time, a middle-aged woman with a head full of white hair suddenly walked in with trembling steps as if her soul had been stolen.

"Believer, repent."

The woman yelled:

"I didn't do anything wrong. It was all that woman's fault who seduced my husband, that adulterous pair. That woman couldn't stand the cold words of others and hanged herself. What has that got to do with me? He scolded me and even threw himself into the well to commit suicide. Why?! I've helped him raise our children for so many years. How can I be inferior to a vixen? It's all that woman's fault. Why should I repent?!"

"Believer, you will also be forgiven by the Lord."

They both came out at the same time. The woman was still swearing and chanting. "I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong."

The black-robed priest waved his hand, and a large pair of pliers appeared in the hands of the demon statue. The woman seemed to have lost her consciousness as she climbed onto the statue. She picked up the pliers and pulled out her tongue, throwing it on the ground. Soon, the woman's tongue grew out again and was pulled away again. Soon, the ground was filled with the woman's tongue.

Weiss suppressed his fear and began to think hard.

There must be something wrong.