
In a pharmaceutical company in New York City, a doctor in a black coat was monitoring the body of a man lying on the bed. Suddenly, the man's heart started to beat faster. The doctor panicked and started checking the man's body condition. Several doctors rushed in at the same time but it was too late. The man on the bed had already lost his heartbeat. The doctors around started to examine the man's body. Finally, the doctor who was beside the bed made a call and said in a low voice.

"Bishop, the mission has failed. Father Maxi is most likely brain dead. As for the exact condition, we have to wait for the autopsy results."

From the other end of the line came the bishop's exasperated voice.

"What an idiot. We couldn't even complete such a simple mission. Who was the one who sabotaged our plan? Originally, after this mission was completed, we could have taken Elena and her father into our hands and also complete our control over the other important characters. What a useless piece of trash."

The bishop hung up angrily but the doctor was distracted, knowing that a huge change had occurred. It seemed that the higher-ups had to speed up their plans.

[Congratulations to the Lord Of Dreamland for completing the "A+" Grade Dream, Repentance Church]

[Reward: 1,000 Dream Points, 1 Billion Jiang Xin Villas]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first dream invasion mission. Now, you will receive a Novice Gift Package.]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first dream invasion mission. You have received the title "Novice Dreamer" and the title "Judge".]

["Novice Dreamer": There is a 10% chance of forcing people in the real world to fall asleep after wearing it.]

[Judgment: In the face of the guilty, the pressure is overwhelming. Adjusted according to the degree of sin of the guilty.]

[Congratulations host, you have achieved 100 Dream Points. The lottery function has been activated.]

[10 Dream Points for opening a Bronze Treasure Chest, 100 for a Silver Treasure Chest, 1000 for a Gold Treasure Chest, 10,000 for a Diamond Treasure Chest]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching 1,000 Dream Points and activating the constitution upgrade function]

[There are three stages to the improvement of the constitution. The first stage requires 100 Dream Points, the second stage requires 300 Dream Points and the third stage requires 1000 Dream Points.]

[I hope that the Great Lord Of Dreamland will continue to work hard and invade more powerful Dream Worlds to obtain more Dream Points.]

After reading these things, Weiss rose from the bed with difficulty. His gains from the night were not enough to draw a few times. He cursed under his breath.

"This dog system really is a pit, the kind that can't be filled."

He had to properly plan where to use these Dream Points. Otherwise, how could he repay the brain cells that died last night? Intermediate Physiques were very necessary. After all, who didn't like a strong body? Although it couldn't reach the strength he had in the dream, he still needed a strong body to ensure his safety.

Thinking of this, Weiss opened the system interface.

[Do you want to spend 100 Dream Points to raise your constitution to the Low-Grade? Yes / No]


[Do you want to spend 300 Dream Points to upgrade your constitution to Middle-Grade? Yes / No]


In an instant, a powerful force gushed from his muscles and instantly dispersed into his limbs and bones. His body began to reconstruct and his shriveled body began to expand like a balloon. His body had an explosive change.

He looked at his information.

[Host: Weiss]

[Gender: Male]

[Intelligence: 120 (Normal people averaged 110)]

[Physical Fitness: 120 (Normal people averaged 10)]

[Wealth: 2333]

[Equipment: None]

[Dream Points: 600]

[Owning Asset: A villa in the middle of a lake]

Looking at his robust body that had 12 times the physical strength of an ordinary person, Weiss punched forward with a series of sonic booms. He knew that he had already surpassed the majority of people in this world. His reaction speed, strength and flexibility, perhaps even professional athletes could not compare to him. Is this the pinnacle of physical strength? The system was really awesome.

In the blink of an eye, Weiss forgot about the harshness of the system. If he had a High-Grade Physique, wouldn't he be comparable to Superman? He threw all distracting thoughts to the back of his mind. There was still the Lottery Function that was useless. He opened the lottery panel.

Weiss gritted his teeth and initiated the lottery option for the Silver Treasure Chest.

[Do you want to spend 100 Dream Points to draw Silver Treasure Chest: Yes / No]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Dream Immersion Technology. The specific technology is already in your email.]

Weiss was puzzled but he still turned on his phone and read the document sent by an unknown person in his email. After reading it, Weiss was a little shocked. Wasn't this an extension of the brain-connection technology developed by Maxus in China? Using an external device, he could project a dream into a person's consciousness and build a whole new world. If Weiss revealed this technology, he could become the richest person in the world and every country would offer him an olive branch. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this technology could change the world!

[The Lord Of Dreamland is omnipotent in this constructed Dream World. He can achieve his goal of invading Dream Worlds and obtain large amounts of Dream Points.]

Weiss forcefully suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to draw the lottery.

[Do you want to spend 100 Dream Points to open 10 Bronze Treasure Chests?]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Driving Skill.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Maximum Level Mathematics Skill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Maximum Level English skill.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Maximum Level Physics Skill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Maximum Level Chemistry skill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining Biomedical Upgrade Skill]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a limited edition Lamborghini. The car is already in the garage of the host's villa in the lake.]

Weiss was ecstatic. He got a 100 Million worth Lamborghini that was also limited edition.

V12 engine, 750 horsepower! A 100-kilometer acceleration would only take 2.8 seconds. This car was extremely stylish and the design was definitely not ordinary which showed how high the standard of the design was. At one time, it was sold for four Million US dollars and there were only three in the world. It was sold out before it was even listed. Weiss still remembered that the three buyers were Kris from Miami, Dominic from Long Island in New York and a mysterious buyer from Macau in China.

He saw that the car purchase certificate was placed on his usual desk and the system did not forget to give him a driver's license. Weiss thought to himself, the system was quite thorough.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving 10 Million cash]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving 10 Million cash]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining all the shares of Changhong International Group]

Weiss was already numb in his heart. He had never received more than 10,000 Yuan in his hands. He suddenly received a huge sum of money and became the chairman of an international company. It was said that this company had a market value of more than 1 Billion Yuan. Furthermore, it spanned across real estate, hotels, medicine, technology and other industries. It was the most popular unicorn company in P Nation and was about to be listed.

Who would believe that he had already taken over this highly-anticipated company? Yesterday, he was still a poor high school student. Now, he was a big shot wih an about to be listed company.

The lottery ended and a halo appeared above his head, pouring a large amount of knowledge into Weiss's brain, driving skills, mathematics…

After all the knowledge, skills were mastered, Changhong Group's purchase letter and a black bank card appeared on the table. The passcode was stuck to the back of the card.

From today onwards, Weiss would start to change his own destiny and open a new world for himself!