
Weiss then said coldly.

"Sure, how far have we progressed?"

Dale said quickly.

"We've already entered the third phase of the experiment. However, the brain of an ordinary person is too small and they can't endure the berserk medicinal energy. A few of the experiment subjects died but the improved ones can already move objects with their thoughts."

Weiss ws incredulous. Has their research already reached this point? Letting ordinary people have superhuman abilities was already touching the limits of humanity.

Weiss wanted more information, so he asked.

"How much longer do you need?"

Dale was a little puzzled. Wasn't this something only the experimental team knew? Also, the boss would be asking about the progress tomorrow. After discovering these questions, Dale understood that the person in front of him might not be the boss.

Dale shouted.

"You're not the boss. Who the hell are you?"

Weiss understood he'd exposed himself. Then he remembered that this Dale couldn't remain alive since he wanted to do something to his sister.

But he could not do it now. Weiss intended to deal with him in the dream after he was gone. He answered.

"Since you already know, then wait for me to find you."

With that, Weiss left the dream realm.

Dale woke up. His men were holding him. He looked terrified. He had to let his boss know right away that someone was trying to deal with him. He didn't care what Weiss thought. He turned and left.

When Dale got into the car, he still couldn't calm down. He was about to take out his phone to make a call when he realized that he couldn't move his entire body. His mind started to go blank as blood flowed out from his mouth and nose. He fell onto the car seat.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 50 Dream Points]

Weiss stared down at his car, cold inside. He had to do this. Get rid of the threats that could threaten him and his sister.

Weiss finished his business here and turned to Liu Qing.

"Let's stop the development of technology for now. Also, check the researchers and suspend the company's listing for now. I'll think of a solution for the company…"

After saying that, he left without caring if Liu Qing understood him. He had a lot of things to do now and it was impossible for him to deal with them one by one. Furthermore, the company needed someone who knew the company well enough to manage it. If he blindly managed it, it would only backfire.

After doing this, Weiss sat in the car and organized his thoughts. He had to draw another prize. He needed an ability that could turn the situation around in one go, as well as the power to resist the cult.

After having a simple meal at noon, Weiss planned to draw the lottery.

[Host: Weiss]

[Gender: Male]

[Intelligence: 120 (Normal people averaged 110)]

[Physical Fitness: 120 (Normal people averaged 10)]

[Wealth: 2000233]

[Equipment: None]

[Already wearing the title:

Dream Newbie: After wearing it, there is a 10% chance of forcing people in the real world to fall asleep.

Judgment: When facing the guilty, it has a suppressive effect. Adjusting according to the degree of guilt of the guilty.]

[Skills: Car God skill, Mathematics skill, English skill, Physics skill, Chemistry skill, Biology skill]

[Dream Points: 450]

[Owning Assets: A villa in the middle of a lake, a limited edition Lamborghini, Changhong Group]

Looking at his dream point, he could only sigh and open two Silver Treasure Chests.

[Open two Silver Treasure Chests: Yes / No]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dream Creation Card!]

[Dream Creation Card: The host can create a dream world and pull others into it. Everything in the dream world can be created by itself. The more complex a person's feelings are, the more Dream Points the host can obtain.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the highest level of Military Combat Skills]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching a certain number of draws and obtaining the Lucky Halo!]

[Lucky Halo: There is a certain probability that the host will succeed in whatever he wants. When he is in a predicament, he will definitely turn defeat into victory.]

Seeing these two things, Weiss thought, How unlucky. Not one of them could be used currently.

Weiss' phone began to ring. When Weiss answered, he heard Liu Qing's excited voice.

"Chairman Weiss, you're too amazing. Not long after you left, a few big companies called us to ask for a collaboration and a few investment companies wanted to sign contracts with our company."

Weiss understood when he heard that. His halo had taken effect and he replied.

"That's good. I don't have time right now, so you can sign those contracts. You can manage the company now."

Liu Qing understood that Weiss was giving her a chance. She immediately promised that she would do a good job and hung up.

Weiss thought for a moment. How about letting Acute Macro Pharmaceuticals explode on the spot? Or maybe he could immediately obtain Ten Billion worth of assets. After waiting for a long time, he finally received some news.

Weiss thought about how this was really a system that knew from peoples faces. He started the car and decided to check out the school. After all, he was still a high school student and had to talk to his teacher. Besides, Weiss remembered that the mock exam was coming soon. He could skip school but he still had to take the exam.

He drove to school.

A group of doctors were working in the basement of Acute Macro Pharmaceuticals. A tall man in a black robe monitored everything. A doctor approached the man respectfully and reported.

"Yes, it's the same brain death as the death of the priest."

The man's eyes were fierce as he said.

"Where has Dale been before?"

The doctor answered.

"Dale went to the Changhong Group and met with the new chairman, Weiss."

The man smiled playfully.

"Weiss, is it? Let the Black Angel know."


Weiss didn't know any of this. He'd just reached the school gate, parked his car and walked over to the teacher's office. He spoke to the teacher in charge and was about to return to the classroom to pack.

He was met with the sight of Elena walking over, her head lowered. He intended to passby when he heard Alina's resentful voice say.

"Aren't you going to explain yourself?"

Weiss let out a long sigh inside but still couldn't hide. He turned to Elena and said.

"If I say I don't know either, can I?"

Helpless, Elena said.

"Definitely not. My dad wants to see you."

Weiss exclaimed.


Elena replied.

"The new chairman of Changhong Group won't be so disrespectful, right?"

Weiss understood. He'd suddenly become the owner of a well-known company. And after Elaina found out that her best friend's death wasn't so simple, she'd definitely tell her dad. Then it would make sense for him to be invited.

'What is it?' Weiss thought.


Elena thought for a moment.

"Tomorrow then. It just so happens that it's my birthday. Don't tell me the Grand Chairman won't prepare a present for me?"

Elena blinked and Weiss could only agree.

And he wanted to know how much Elena's dad knew about this cult.

When Weiss walked back into the classroom, he didn't see the tears in Elena's eyes.