The Beginning Of The Banquet

Elena walked over in a dazzling purple evening gown, unlike her usual naive self. At this moment, she was the daughter of the Underground Emperor of New York City!

Her father had a dignified look on his face, like an old but robust lion inspecting its territory. He held Elena's hand and slowly walked down the corridor.

The people in the hall applauded. This man had the right to receive their applause, Nicolwayne.

He was not a good friend to everyone, but it had to be said.

No one would want to be his enemy, because one day, he would carry a shotgun, kick open the door of that person's house and blast inside.

Then, he would leave.

Elena saw Weiss and winked playfully. Weiss raised his glass in greeting. His mouth was full of food now. He had just left the house in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to eat.

He had a big pork shoulder in his left hand and a wine glass in his right. He was drinking like a master.

Ma Hao was dumbfounded. He quickly said.

"Big brother, have you not eaten for a few days?"

Weiss rolled his eyes at him. He didn't want to eat that much either. He'd just fought all night and fallen asleep when he got back.

Intermediate Physiques required a lot of energy. Without replenishment, Weiss might faint.

As he ate, he kept an eye on Elena's dad, Wayne. He was deep in conversation with a couple of nobles in long tuxedos. From time to time he burst out laughing.

As soon as Wayne arrived, he firmly captured everyone's attention.

Weiss was a little emotional. As expected of the New York gang leader, this kind of style was not something that others could imitate.

Elena jumped over and asked with a smile.

"Whis, what gift did you prepare for me?"

Weiss was so frightened that his food almost fell to the ground. He could only say.

"Of course, I am ready with it."

Just as he finished speaking, a well-dressed young master with an extraordinary family background walked over.

"Honorable Miss Elena, I have prepared a very good birthday present for you."

Without caring whether Elena agreed or not, he clapped his hands and a servant brought over a piano made entirely of crystal.

Heintzman Crystal Piano.

This piano was produced by the famous Canadian piano maker Heintzman. Almost all of it was made of crystal, so the entire piano was very crystal clear.

The crystal piano, which was designed for large-scale concerts, was played by Lang Lang in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics and witnessed by nearly a billion people worldwide. The crystal piano was later auctioned off to an Irishman for $3.22 million, making it the world's most expensive piano.

The young man was very pleased. After all, his gift was very expensive. No one cared more about it than him. He spent a lot of money to get it from the Irishman and even booked a plane to send it over.

It was all for the sake of getting Elena's adoring gaze and wanting to build a relationship with Wayne, the big shot of New York City. It would be best if he could also take Elena in, so that his family could obtain Wayne's full support.

One had to know that Wayne's power wasn't limited to New York City. If he took down Elena…

At the thought of this, the young man looked at Elena passionately.

Although Elena was a little unhappy, she still agreed and turned to ask.

"What gift did you bring me, Weiss?"

Elena's original intention was to tease Weiss. He was only the chairman of Changhong Group and didn't have much money to prepare gifts. Moreover, Changhong Group was in a difficult situation recently and everyone knew that.

Weiss didn't waste any time and took out the Heart of the Ocean that had been forged into a necklace from his wrinkled pocket with a greasy hand.

It had to be known that Weiss spent 160 million to buy this sapphire. The Metropolitan Auction House was not careless and directly hired a master to make it overnight. The material of the chain was made of the best alloy, ensuring the comfort of the wearer.

Elena was stunned at the sight of such an exquisite necklace. The blue gem glowed in the light. It was hexagonal, with blue light flowing through it like transparent blood.

It was obviously a rare treasure.

Those who had participated in the auction immediately recognized the Heart of the Ocean. After all, such a pure and huge gem was rare. Or rather, not many people had seen it before.

They began to whisper among themselves. Naturally, Elena knew. She said to Weiss.

"This gift is too valuable. This—"

Weiss waved his hand. This was prepared for Elena. If he didn't give it to her, who would? Besides, he didn't need it.

The young man behind Elena was livid. He knew this kid, the chairman of Changhong Group.

However, compared to his own family, it was not just a small matter but he could not lose the demeanor of a noble.

So he moved between Weiss and Elena and said to Weiss.

"Mr. Weiss is so handsome and rich. I think he can play the piano well. Why don't we have a competition?"

He knew that Weiss was born a commoner, so how could he have the time to learn piano, a skill that required both money and time. He wanted to make it difficult for Weiss.

One had to know how long he had prepared for today. In the end, his limelight was snatched away by Weiss, making him lose all face.

The upper families of New York knew that he was courting Elena. If they knew that he couldn't even compare to a poor kid, he would become the biggest joke in New York.

Weiss was a little stunned. He only wanted to have a good meal. Why were there so many things to do? Moreover, he had Top-Level Piano Skills. This person wouldn't stand at gunpoint, right? Just as he was about to refuse, Elena quickly stood up and said.

"I know how you feel, James. How can Weiss compete with you when he's never learned piano?"

The young man knew that he had achieved his goal. He only said.

"Elena needs to let such people know the gap between herself and a true noble. Otherwise, people will have thoughts that they shouldn't have."

Then, he turned around and walked to the crystal piano.

Wayne was talking to the old man beside him.

"Is your Gawain family so petty?"

Wayne's tone was cold. This was his daughter's birthday party, not a place for these people to show off their family backgrounds.

The old man next to him didn't mind. He chuckled and said.

"The younger generation is just fooling around. Does Master Wayne not even have this bit of confidence?"

Wayne knew that this farce would probably not end. He also wanted to see what capabilities Weiss had to make Elena fall for him.

In the blink of an eye, James had already walked to the piano seat and started playing.