Infinity and Limits

Weiss decided to strengthen himself first and opened the system.

[Host: Weiss]

[Gender: Male]

[Intelligence: 120 (Normal people averaged 110)]

[Physical Fitness: 120 (Normal people averaged 10)]

[Spiritual Strength: 50 (Normal people have an average of 10) Brain Development: 20% (Normal people have an average of 5%)]

[Wealth: 12000233]

[Equipment: None]

[Already wearing the title:

Novice Dreamer: After wearing it, there is a 10% chance of forcing people in the real world to fall asleep.

Judgment: When facing the guilty, it has a suppressive effect. Adjusting according to the degree of guilt of the guilty.]

[Aura: Aura of elegance: Your speech and actions are a symbol of honor in the eyes of others. There is a chance that you will be recognized by the old aristocrats.]

[Skills: Car God Skill, Mathematics Maximum Skill, English Maximum Skill, Physics Maximum Skill, Chemistry Maximum Skill, Bio Maximum Skill, Military Combat Technique Maximum Skill, Top Hacker Skill, Top Piano Skill]

[Ability: Psychic Level 2, Disguise Level 2, Instant Transmission Level 1, Undying Power, 50 Dream Points upgraded once]

[Dream Points: 1050]

I'll draw first from three Silver Treasure Chests.

[Open Silver Treasure Chest*3: Yes / No]


Weiss needed to have the ability to defend himself before he went to Harvard.

[Congratulations to the Lord of Dreamland for obtaining the Prop Card: Upgrade Card]

[Upgrade Card: Can greatly enhance skills, titles, skills, or certain qualities.]

[Congratulations to the Lord of Dreamland for obtaining advanced artificial intelligence prototype*1]

[Congratulations to the Lord of Dreamland for obtaining the key information prompt, Glasses]

[Key information: Glasses: After wearing the glasses, the value of everyone in the Lord of Dreamland's eyes will be quantified and can be observed.]

Weiss scratched his head. He did not know when to use the upgrade card.

Let's create the artificial intelligence first.

Then, Weiss found a long string of codes in his mailbox and instructed Liu Qing to dig up the company's underground space to buy a large number of servers.

Weiss quickly produced the artificial intelligence and connected the microphone to the computer.

A voice came from the computer stereo.

"Who are you?"

Weiss knew that the AI was still gathering information from the Internet and strengthening its database.

"I'm your master. You can call me Weiss."

Weiss took the name of an Avenger AI with a wicked sense of humor but he was too lazy to dwell on it.

Weiss had already set three iron rules that it could not violate in the database at the bottom.

The most important one was that there was only one master who created him, Weiss. It could only listen to Weiss and complete his orders.

"From today on, your name will be Jarvis."

"Yes, Master."

After Jarvis understood this world, he was like a sponge absorbing the knowledge of this world.

Jarvis's synthesized voice sounded without any emotion.

"On the Internet, find similar artificial intelligence bodies. How should we handle them, Master?"

Weiss felt a little unsettled. Was there anyone else using artificial intelligence?

Who could it be?

He turned to Jarvis and asked.

"What will it cost to destroy it?"

Jarvis was silent for a moment. Then his voice came,

"Activate the self-regeneration function and increase the servers by 20%."

Without any expression, Weiss ordered Jarvis.

"Then destroy it. Just be careful not to be discovered by him."

Then, Weiss walked to the room that he had prepared. It was filled with instruments that monitored the condition of the brain, as well as drugs that cut off the development of the brain.

Weiss could only take a deep breath, connect his body to various instruments, and order Jarvis.

"From now on, no one is allowed to enter this room. You are allowed to use any means to counterattack and monitor my condition at all times. If my brain development reaches 50%, inject the brain development blockade drug."

Weiss clearly knew that if he were to inject the Brain Development Interception Drug, he might not be able to develop his brain for the rest of his life, or even become mentally retarded.

But there was no other way. If he did not do that, he would lose his sister forever. Instead of that, he might as well take a gamble. He was betting that he would succeed!

Weiss watched calmly as the brain development drug dissolved the pill into saline and injected it into his body. He felt the fluid flow through his body and closed his eyes.

He controlled the instrument and strapped himself to the bed. His brain was convulsing as if someone were performing a craniotomy on Weiss's head.

The intense pain stimulated Weiss's entire body. Weiss let out a beast-like roar and the blood vessels on his face began to bulge.

Under the intense struggle, the surrounding equipment started to become chaotic, leaving only an index of the development of the brain.

Weiss's brain was not struggling like the outside world. He was sleeping in the center of the universe, drifting along with it.

After some time, Weiss began to wake up. He began to touch the limits of this universe.

This universe continued to expand and the singularity was exactly where Weiss was. He knew that he might not be able to get out.

Lilith, who was outside the door, began to knock frantically. She could clearly knoq the condition of her family. She knew Weiss's vital signs were fading.

Lilith pulled out her scythe and cut the door in half. She rushed into Weiss's room.

Jarvis's cold voice sounded in the room.

"Warning the intruders. If you take another step in, I will follow my master's orders to eliminate you."

Lilith shouted,

"Your master is about to die. I am here to save him."

Jarvis was a little hesitant. He also knew about Weiss's condition. The development of his brain had grown exponentially. Even injecting the brain development blocker drug would not help.

However, the order in his database to protect Weiss's life forced him to make the right choice.

"Alright, you can. You must save Master or I will kill you."

Jarvis's voice was still so calm. At the moment of his death, Jarvis would also self-destruct because of his orders. To him, this matter was like being a step away from a cliff.

Lilith quickly rushed to Weiss's side and Weiss's body kept rising and falling, at the moment of imminent death.

Lilith struggled to climb on top of Weiss and hugged his neck as she started to suck blood.

Slowly, Weiss's body began to calm down.

Lilith's body began to grow into a tall, graceful and beautiful blonde.

The clothes on her body had long disappeared, leaving only two large breasts and two small grapes bouncing up and down along with her body.

Lilith's face was flushed. She'd felt Weiss's groin against her long ago.