The Process

Mu Chen finally stopped speaking.

Cheng Che looked at Mu Chen. "It's… The changes are really so drastic?"

Mu Chen nodded as he leaned back against the chair and crossed his arms. His voice was grim as he said, "Yes. Every day, every moment, every second, the feeling like something is wrong grows stronger and stronger. There's a voice in my heart telling me that the person at home isn't Song Ning no matter how much she looks like Song Ning. Cheng Che, I'm certain that she isn't Song Ning…My Song Ning isn't like this!" 

Mu Chen rested his head against his hand with a barely concealable sorrowful expression on his face. He shifted his eyes back to the computer and screen and asked slowly, "Brother, you think the switch was carried out during the time the hospital caught fire?"

Cheng Che knew Mu Chen was truly sad. Apart from the time Mu Chen's mother died, he had never seen Mu Chen so sad before.