Starry Sky

Cheng Che said with a hint of fear, "As expected of Grandma. Fortunately, she found a way to help us. Wisdom really does come with age…" After a moment, he looked at Mu Chen, horrified, as he asked, "Brother, this means Grandma knows as well, right?"

Mu Chen neither denied nor confirmed it. "I didn't explicitly discuss this issue with Grandma, but Grandma had tested that woman a few times in front of me. She always…"

"Always what?" Cheng Che asked.

Mu Chen looked out of the window. "She made the baby cry this morning so I got angry at her. Grandma then said that I promised Song Ning that I would never bring my emotions from work home and vice versa and that I would never get angry at Song Ning…"

Cheng Che's eyes widened. "Isn't this like the first sentence in our company's employee code?"

Mu Chen nodded. "However, Song Ning agreed that I promised her this…"

Cheng Che was rendered speechless by these words.