
"What's wrong with you? Boss said that this girl can be exchanged for a good price. If we can't exchange her for money, you won't get any meat."

The square-faced man pushed the scar-faced man out of the door. "Go buy some food. I'll take care of this girl."

"Tch, look at your cowardice. When I get the money, I'll definitely kill that girl with my own hands. When that time comes, I'll peel off her skin and make a specimen. Hahaha."

Emily's body trembled. She forced herself to calm down, but she couldn't do it, especially after what scarface had just said. No matter what, she would die? What should she do? When would her brother come to save her?

Would her brother miss her after she died? Was she going to see her parents?

Thinking of this, Emily's tears fell even faster. This made the square-faced man even more unhappy. "Why are you crying? You're not dead yet. I still have to serve you. You still dare to cry now? How unlucky."