Luring the Snake Out of Its Hole (3)

Shen Nan obediently attended a few classes in the classroom. After finishing lunch at school and preparing to rest, Li Yu hurriedly ran in from outside the classroom. He grabbed Shen Nan's hand and prepared to run. "There's news," Li Yu said.

Fortunately, Shen Nan's reaction was fast enough. Otherwise, he might really have been pulled to the ground by Li Yu. That would have been very embarrassing.

Shen Nan originally thought that Li Yu was going to bring him to some hidden place to eavesdrop on the conversations of some people. However, he was wrong. Li Yu directly brought him to the computer room of the school, he saw a boy wearing a junior high school uniform holding a laptop in his hand. His fingers were moving nimbly on the laptop.

"Brother Nan, this is my buddy, Liu Huai." Li Yu pointed at the boy who was holding the computer and continued to introduce Liu Huai to Shen Nan.