Excommunication From the Family Tree

Emily was Shen Yu's weakness, not to mention that Shen Xue had touched Emily. Others couldn't even touch, let alone hurt Emily so badly. Shen Yu naturally wouldn't let Shen Xue go, which was why Shen Yu quarreled with Shen Yan in the study.

"Lesson? I see you have forgotten the Shen family's rules?" Shen Yan's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Dad, let's not put it that way. The Shen family's teachings value harmony, but is it because of a piece of rat poop spoiling the porridge that the entire family is rushing to protect it?"

Third Aunt had long forgotten about the rules of the Shen family. She thought of the things that Shen Xue had done, and Shen Yan did not intend to teach her a lesson. Instead, he began to teach Shen Yu a lesson? Wasn't this putting the cart before the horse?