Stay Away From Me

Emily frowned and continued to walk forward. After walking for a distance, she looked back and made sure that she didn't see anything. Only then did she feel assured and boldly walk forward.

After walking for a while, Emily looked ahead. If she wanted to stay in the dormitory, she had to walk past the Forest Avenue in front. The Forest Avenue was surrounded by lush trees, and there wasn't a single person on the road under the street lights.

The already tense atmosphere coupled with the road was indeed a little scary, especially when Emily felt that there was someone following behind her. Emily felt that this was the best place to ambush the enemy. However, it did not seem to be a big deal to her now.

Emily boldly continued to walk forward. She placed the bag on her wrist, held her cell phone in her hand, and chatted with Qi Yan. 'Walking on our school's Forest Avenue at night is a little scary.'