Fanny’s Attitude

"What are you doing?" Fanny lowered her voice and stared at Mary with narrowed eyes.

The passionate scene in the room was now in full swing. The volume was loud enough for the people standing outside the door to hear clearly.

Mary could hear clearly.

Fanny, who was standing behind Mary, could definitely hear clearly as well. She would also recognize that the sound coming from the room... was the sound of her daughter having sex with another man.

"It's Martin!" Mary broke free from Fanny's hand.

Fanny was indifferent as she spoke with a cold face, "So what?"

"What?" Mary stared at Fanny in disbelief. She knew that Uncle Jack had married a stingy, selfish and vain woman.

However, she didn't expect that this woman would allow her daughter to do such a thing with a married man.

This married man was even Mabel's brother-in-law!

"Martin has promised me to find a modeling job for Mabel. Not only will the income be high, but I'll also be able to get in touch with many celebrities." Fanny did not hide her hypocritical plan.

Fanny had seen Martin rushing to the third floor early that morning. At that time, she was staring at Jerry, Mabel's new boyfriend.

She made sure that he would not go upstairs during that time.

"Come on, Mary. Angela is pregnant. You don't understand men at all. No man can resist himself when his wife is pregnant. Do you want Angela to be scared by your impulsive behavior? Pregnant women can't afford to be scared." Fanny threatened calmly and arrogantly.

She even suggested, "Maybe you should wait until Angela gives birth to the baby before you expose Martin's guilt. If you do this now, Benny and Laura will become the butt of jokes, won't they?"

Mary's anger seemed to cool down as if Fanny had poured a bucket of cold water on it.

That's right, Angela would suffer a shock from this.

Her father and mother would also become the butt of the joke on this occasion. No one would really care and people would just be happy to witness the show.

Mary's hands and feet were cold as she made her way downstairs. 

In spite of all the noise around her, her heart was wavering, wondering if she should tell Angela the secret she had discovered today.

Should she not say it? For Angela's benefit and health, should she keep this secret that was big enough to cause the world to collapse?

No, Mary imagined that if such a thing happened to her, she would want someone to tell her. She would not want to be kept in the dark and remain in blissful ignorance

Yes, she had to at least tell Angela.

Mary's mind was in a mess as she went downstairs. She found that she had unconsciously walked to Angela's side.

She was holding a glass of water and smiling as she chatted with others. When she noticed that Mary's expression was not right, Angela asked worriedly, "What's wrong, Mary? Are you not feeling well?"

Mary licked her dry lips and thought about her words carefully. "Where's Martin? Why don't I see him?"

Angela looked around the hall. "I think he met someone he knows. Maybe he is outside."

Mary hesitated and said, "I heard that when a woman is pregnant, men can't stand the loneliness. Is there anything unusual about Martin?"

Angela smiled and pulled Mary aside. They had a private conversation. "Martin's libido is really strong. I can't do anything about it. During this period, I can only help him in other ways. Oh, sister, do you want to learn?"

Angela looked at Mary with a teasing smile.

Mary couldn't help it anymore. "Mabel isn't on the first floor either. I think I saw her go upstairs with Martin."

"Fanny seems to have asked Martin to help her find a job. Oh my god? Are you suspecting that they have something on? Come on, Martin doesn't like vain women. Also, you shouldn't imagine him to be that kind of person."

Angela seemed a little unhappy with Mary's hint, and turned to the others as soon as she finished speaking.