Your Boss is a Really Good Person

In his half-conscious state, Francis felt someone press down his chin, and then pour warm, light-tasting soup into his mouth.

As he gulped it down, Francis opened his eyes a little, and saw Mary staring down at him from above.

Her beautiful white face was full of worry.

Was she worried about me?

Francis narrowed his eyes and drank the whole bowl of soup.

He enjoyed leaning against Mary's soft arms, which were full of lavender fragrance. He didn't move after drinking the soup. He even found a comfortable position for himself.

On Mary's side, she was trying to get Francis to sit up from the bed. However, after a while, she realized that she was sweating all over but didn't manage to move the guy at all.

Furthermore,, the two of them ended up in a strange position.

Mary leaned against the headboard with one leg on the bed, while Francis leaned against her chest, his head pushing up against Mary's chin.

This position was a little too close for comfort, but Mary could not move the man despite all her efforts. Every time she tried to move Francis, the two of them ended up in a more awkward position than before.

"Damn it!" Mary began to feel anxious. She pulled Francis's hair.

Even if this would hurt him, it was the only way she could quickly get out of this awkward situation.


Francis felt a huge pain on his head. As expected, he moved a little, giving Mary more breathing room, but still he didn't give Mary the opportunity to leave.

Instead, Francis suddenly turned over and pressed Mary onto the bed. His face was flushed and he panted heavily. He frowned, obviously angry at Mary's action of pulling his hair.

Their eyes met. Mary's cheeks were still red from the intense exercise and her forehead was covered with sweat.

Francis's handsome face was slightly red due to the fever. He opened his eyes with difficulty and stared into Mary's eyes. His handsome eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his beautiful lips were tightly pursed into a straight line.

Mary was stunned and struggled for a while. However, she found that her body was pinned down by Francis and could not move.

"Francis? Are you better? Come on, we're going to the hospital." Mary tried to communicate with him. At the same time, her heart was thumping, as she felt that Francis's expression was very strange and unfamiliar.

It was a completely different expression from Belland's.

Cold, evil, arrogant, and dangerous.

As he stared at her, Mary felt as if she was being eyed by a ferocious wolf. One misstep, and she would be swallowed by the wolf.

"Hey... I'm Mary...," Mary tried to remind him who she was. "I didn't mean any harm. You have a really bad fever, and I thought we should go to the hospital."

Before she could finish her sentence, a thin, soft, and slightly cold lip was pressed upon her face.

Clearly, the other party's target had been her lips, but Mary turned her head in time, causing Francis's lips to meet on her face instead.

What is this guy doing!

Mary's eyes widened in horror. She felt the man's cold lips gently moving across her face. Suddenly, he stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the corner of her mouth.

Mary shuddered, before rage began to well up within her. She did not know how, but suddenly, she managed to push him away.

Francis's body collapsed to the side. His eyes were closed as if he had fainted.

Mary panted and stared angrily at Francis who was lying on the bed.

At this moment, she heard Francis mumbling something.

Mary frowned and lowered her head to listen.


He was calling out a woman's name.

Mary's brows gradually relaxed. It turned out that Francis had mistaken her for another woman, perhaps one of his girlfriends.

Since the other party did not mean to offend her, Mary did not plan to pursue the matter.

She returned to the living room and gave Belland a call, explaining the circumstances.

"I happen to know a doctor who can provide door-to-door service. Leave this to me," Belland said over the phone.

Mary was a little worried. "But I haven't experienced such door-to-door service before. Will the price be be very high? If it's very expensive, maybe we can call an ambulance for Francis. Maybe I can find a friend to help carry him into the car."

"Don't worry, dear. This doctor is contracted with our company. The company has given him sufficient payment, so we can enjoy a few free door-to-door services without paying any fees."

Mary was surprised. "Your company? Doesn't that mean that he'll have to head over from the city? The boss of your company is really a good person!"

After hanging up the phone, Mary mood shifted for the better, and she quickly forgot about the earlier unhappiness.