Only She Could See It

Darren, who was originally in the kitchen, heard his daughter's abnormality and immediately rushed to the living room.

He quickly walked to Layla's side and saw that she was bent over, her hands gripping her calf so hard that she couldn't straighten her body from the pain.

Darren half-knelt in front of Layla and reached out to help massage her calf together. He asked anxiously, "Layla, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing Layla remain silent, Darren's brows creased tightly. His face was full of worry and heartache that he could not hide. "Don't be afraid, Layla. You're not doing too well right now. Why don't I take you to the hospital to have a look again?"

"I don't want to! Dad, I don't want to go to the hospital!" Layla endured the cold and bone-chilling pain coming from her calf as she insisted!

This d*mn thing had first appeared in the hospital, and the doctors and nurses could not see what the problem was at all.

She didn't want to go to the hospital!

Ever since the car accident, Layla had been in a coma for nearly 10 hours in the hospital, and aside from drinking some water, she hadn't eaten anything.

Now, her calf was in constant pain, and she was anxious and agitated. She didn't want her father to send her back to the hospital.

The dual ravages from both physiological and psychological aspects… No matter how strong Layla's physical constitution was, she could not withstand it. Her entire person was in a state of collapse.

Darren was really panicking now!

What was going on?!

When they were at the hospital previously, Darren had already repeatedly confirmed Layla's physical condition with the doctor before signing his name on the discharge consent form.

Just as Darren was frantically and clumsily trying to comfort Layla, who was about to break down… Creak.

The door opened.

The moment Susan entered the room, she saw her daughter sitting on the sofa breaking down into tears. Susan's heart clenched.

Not even bothering to greet several of Layla's classmates, who were following behind her, she walked quickly to Layla and hugged her gently.

As soon as Susan received the news of Layla's car accident, she pushed aside her work and rushed to the airport immediately. She took the earliest flight back.

She had just landed and turned on her phone when she saw the message her ex-husband had sent her, informing her that Layla had already been discharged.

On the way home, she bumped into a few classmates who had wanted to go to the hospital to visit Layla. Among them was Sean, who was dating Layla, so she brought them back together with her.

Susan and Darren exchanged a glance. Darren opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything to greet her in the end.

"Darling, what's the matter? It's okay, don't be afraid. Mom is here. Darling, tell Mom. Where are you feeling unwell?"

Susan asked patiently as she gently stroked Layla's back and fought back tears of heartache.

Sean also walked to Layla's side. "Layla, are you all right?"

Layla saw that her parents were both by her side, and her teammates and boyfriend were also standing around her. In addition, after venting her emotions by crying, Layla's emotions gradually calmed down.

Layla fixed her sight in the 10 o'clock direction and asked everyone in the house for the first time, "Do you guys see anything wrong?"

Looking at her daughter's serious expression, Susan's heart tightened for no reason.

She didn't know if it was because she hadn't had a good rest or because she had been crying for too long, but Layla's large, beautiful eyes were already bloodshot.

This scene was truly somewhat strange.

Following Layla's fixed gaze in that direction, Susan turned around and saw that it was empty. There was clearly nothing there!

Susan looked at the empty spot and then turned her head to look at her daughter's serious expression.

She seemed to have sensed something and was about to say something when she heard a girl among Layla's classmates say bluntly, "There's nothing there at all. Layla, what are you telling us to look at?"

Listening to Jennifer's words and seeing everyone's blank and confused expressions, Layla understood everything in an instant.

In this place, everyone in this house was in the same situation as in the hospital. Only she could see that evil spirit.

Layla sighed deeply as if having come to terms with something.

Before she could say anything, Layla saw that evil spirit giggle. "This is great, Layla! Thank you for helping me find so many young and energetic toys!"