Purifying the Evil Spirit

Upon hearing Layla's baffling words, Andre knew that the thing he had caught in his hand could not take it anymore. It should be negotiating with Layla at the moment.

Andre raised an eyebrow, but when he heard Layla's words, he was wondering whether she was praising or criticizing him.

"Hmph! Stupid prey. Let me warn you. Get this stinky man to let go of me quickly, or I'll burn him to death!"

The evil spirit realized belatedly that Andre was not afraid of its flames at all. Such a threat did not seem convincing at all!

The evil spirit turned around and said ferociously to Layla, "No… Or I'll burn you to death with fire!"

Upon hearing the evil spirit's deadly threat, Layla hummed calmly and complained. "I told you already, he doesn't stink at all. This person… Ah, that's not right. Why aren't you listening to me properly, evil spirit?"

Layla put on a serious and fierce expression and glared straight at the evil spirit. "Also, I kindly advise you not to have such a dangerous thought. I can assure you that before your flames come into contact with me, you will have been torn apart by this big boss' hands."

The evil spirit immediately became well-behaved. The arrogant and bossy aura on its body disappeared too because it knew very well that what Layla had said was true indeed.

Upon seeing the evil spirit rein in his temper, Layla spoke.

"I suggest you talk to me now about why you're pestering me. If you promise not to pester me in the future, I can help plead on your behalf to this big boss. He might let you go."

The evil spirit that had quietened down was like an obedient child, but that was indeed the case. It was indeed still a child.

Through her conversation with the evil spirit, Layla learned that he was actually a very pitiful child who had been abused to death by his parents.

After his death, the resentment knotted in his heart would not disperse and he became an evil spirit.

Because Layla was the only human who could see it in so many years, it had been pestering her.

"My only wish before I die is to make my parents love me again. Layla… Sister Layla, if you can help me find my parents, I promise I won't pester you anymore," the evil spirit said seriously.

Layla revealed an expression of contemplation. Although the evil spirit had been pestering her and causing her a lot of trouble during this period of time…

After Layla found out about his pitiful life and knew the whole story, she decided to help the evil spirit fulfill its wish.

However, when this child had become an evil spirit, he had been too young and did not remember his home address particularly well.

Layla could only help it recall if there had been any landmark structure nearby when it had been alive. Layla could only compare them bit by bit on the map through the vague descriptions it told her.

Andre also found out about this matter. He was a little surprised that Layla had decided to help the evil spirit.

He had not expected this little girl to have such a big heart despite being so young. She could let go of her grudges to help an evil spirit that had hurt her. This made him think highly of Layla.

Not only was this girl pretty on the outside, but she also had a tenacious personality. He had not expected her to be so pure-hearted either.

Upon hearing the description from the evil spirit, relayed by Layla, Andre felt that this matter was not that simple.

This evil spirit seemed to be describing the architecture style from 50 years ago.

Looking at Layla, who was trying her best to search for it on the map, Andre decided to help Layla fulfill the evil spirit's wish.

Andre mobilized his internal connections and got everyone to help him search. In the end, he finally found the place described by the evil spirit!

However, the news was that the whole family had passed away long ago, and hadn't left any descendants behind. Even the house was in ruins.

In other words, the evil spirit's parents had already passed away.

When the evil spirit heard this news, it looked up at the sky and laughed. For some reason, while laughing, tears began streaming down.

Human obsession was really a strange thing. Because it hated its parents, it became an evil spirit that had stayed in the human world.

However, as time went by, it had not expected that the people it hated would no longer be around.

The evil spirit was already free of attachments in this world. It promised Layla that it would not pester her anymore and decided to take the holy water and bid farewell to this world completely.

Under Layla's gaze, the evil spirit slowly became transparent and then finally, disappeared.

Layla knew that it was not that others could not see it this time. It had really disappeared.

Although Layla lamented the fate of the evil spirit, she was still happy from the bottom of her heart to be able to get rid of it.

After so many days, a relaxed smile finally appeared on her face.