Evil Female Spirit in Red

She would not have known if she had not opened her eyes, but when she took a closer look, she freaked out.

An evil spirit, with long hair blocking its face, was currently leaning against the bathroom wall, wearing a long red dress.

Although Layla could not see her eyes, she could feel the female evil spirit staring straight at her.

This feeling, it was like she was staring at a delicious piece of food!

The liquid that had dripped on Layla's face just now was the blood flowing down from her body!

This time, Layla's hair even stood on end!


Layla shouted out loud instinctively, but before she could make a sound, she felt something tighten around her neck.

Layla struggled to break free, but the more she struggled, the tighter the restraint around her neck became.

Layla could feel the thing around her neck growing wildly. It directly wrapped itself around her head, loop by loop, and covered her mouth, leaving only her eyes exposed.

Only then did Layla realize that the thing strangling her neck just now was that evil spirit's long hair!

Layla was extremely alarmed, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not break free from the evil spirit's restraint.

The parts above her neck were all tightly bound by the evil spirit's hair, so she could not release any cries for help.

At that moment, Layla caught sight of a small pair of scissors on the washstand not far away. She used all her strength to support her body and quickly grabbed that small pair of scissors.

Layla immediately slashed towards the hair behind her. She suddenly felt the strength of the hair around her neck amplify exponentially.

Layla endured the difficulty of breathing and finally cut off that strand of hair before she was strangled to death by the evil spirit.

The evil spirit in red screamed in pain. Layla looked at the spot where her hair had been ripped. Black gas was lingering around it, as though it was repairing itself.

The moment she cut off her hair, the remaining hair that had been wrapped around Layla's head fell to the ground instantly as though it had lost control.

At that moment, Layla's face was red through and through as she panted heavily.

After hurriedly replenishing her lungs with a few breaths of fresh air, Layla did not dare to stay there any longer. She got out of the bathtub and tried her best to climb toward the door.

The evil spirit in red had probably not expected that Layla could see her.

That was why she had so easily let Layla get an opportunity and hurt her beloved hair.

This time, the evil spirit in red was completely infuriated by Layla.

She jumped straight down from the wall and grabbed Layla, who was trying to escape, in a swift move.

The evil spirit in red dragged Layla toward the bathtub and slammed her against it like she was dragging a doll.

Once, two…

Layla only felt her head buzz in pain as a sweet bloody taste welled in her mouth.

Her vision darkened, and the fear in her heart magnified infinitely before she succumbed to darkness.

In the first place, Layla's head was already dizzy from the impact. In combination with the fear and terror in her heart, she fainted immediately.

Susan, who had been in the living room, heard strange sounds coming from the bathroom. She called out to Layla gently but there was no reply.

"Layla, Layla…" Susan called her daughter's name as she hurried over to open the bathroom door.

Layla woke up in the hospital once again.

All she could see were white walls, and the unique disinfectant smell of the hospital filled the air around Layla.

This scene was almost exactly the same as it had been a few days ago. However, there was now an additional person keeping her company, Susan.

Tears streamed down Layla's face helplessly. She had been a great athlete since she was young, and her physical fitness was especially good. In the past twenty-two years, she had not been to the hospital many times.

Now, she had entered twice in a row, and the interval was so short.

Perhaps because she had detected Layla's low sobbing voice, Susan woke up.

Upon seeing Layla wake up, Susan held her daughter's hand excitedly. This time, when she saw the situation in the bathroom, she was nearly scared to death.

Thankfully, her daughter had woken up.

Layla did not want to cause her mother worry. She tried her best to calm her emotions down and said slowly, "Mommy, I think I have to make a trip to Uncle Andre's place."

After calming down and regaining her rationality, Layla's first reaction was that she had to find Andre!

Of course, Susan objected. Her daughter had only just fainted in the bathroom. How could she not worry?

Layla knew what her mother was worried about. She made up an excuse that she had left something important at Andre's house and would be back when she got it.

Unable to dissuade her daughter, Susan could only agree reluctantly.