Chapter 3

Tanya and Rob had been through the lengthy process of being approved to adopt a child. Now they were waiting to meet a baby that was available for them to take home. The social workers had told them about Anthony and how he had been abandoned in a box. The child had achieved the normal milestones of development, but he did seem slightly unemotional and quiet. They could not be sure if this was just a phase or if there was a problem.

The couple discussed the decision that they would soon have to make. There was a temptation to take the first child that came along, but they had to make a judgment as to whether the adoption would be right for them and for the baby.

"I know its going to be hard, Tanya, but we must keep our heads. When you see the boy, try to be objective." Rob said.

"I get what you are saying. I think that I will know once I see him. Don't raise your eyebrows at me, Rob. I know that there are practical things to consider, but we have to use our instincts, too."

"All I ask is that we meet the baby and then go away and discuss it before making a decision."

"Of course."

All would be revealed, they hoped, when they saw Anthony. He had been looked after by foster parents, since he had been found by Mr Billings, and they would be able to meet them, as well, to find out more about him. A nervous and emotional Tanya and Rob went to meet the child who might become a member of their family.

Anthony was clean and neat, his blond hair had been combed, and he was dressed in a cute outfit. The baby was alert and he seemed interested in what was going on around him. He watched the increased activity which was focused on him and as people arrived, he became more animated than he usually was.

Tanya and Rob were ushered into his presence and they looked at the seemingly perfect baby who was sat on the floor with some toys. Tanya got down on the floor next to him and she was greeted with a beaming smile. Anthony reached out his chubby little arms and gurgled in an adorable way. Jan and Terry were astonished by this display.

"Well, he seems to like you." Jan said.

"We were told that he was quiet. Unemotional, was the word used." Tanya commented.

"A lot of the time, yes. He does have the odd tantrum. You can get furious, can't you Anthony. Never lasts long though." Jan watched as the baby turned and stared at her at the mention of his name.

"He's smiling at you, Tanya. He seems happy that you picked him up, too. For a quiet baby he is making quite a bit of noise." Rob watched the interaction.

"Lots of gurgling and laughing. What are you trying to tell me Anthony? Do you want us to be your mummy and daddy?" Tanya was beaming.

"What did we talk about Tanya? Don't get too excited. There are still a lot of things to consider." Rob knew that he was wasting his words. The decision had been made.

Leaving the baby was difficult. Everyone knew that a match had been made. After Tanya and Rob departed Anthony assumed his usual aspect.

"What is going on in that child's head? All sweetness and light when they were here and then he's shut down again. No smiles for us."

Jan felt slighted by Anthony. What a crazy thing to go through her mind. As she shook the idea away, the boy gave one of his sneering smiles.

"I haven't seen a child like him in all my years. I've had no luck getting any reaction from him. Then, he sees that couple and he is all sweetness and light. Well, if they want him, they can have him."

The social worker nodded her agreement. "Good luck to them, is what I say."

Tanya had longed for a family for many years, but her and Rob had left it too late. They had secured themselves financially and then their plan to have a child was thwarted as Tanya had an early menopause. They were both now thirty-eight and had waited for three years to jump all the hurdles to be accepted as suitable parents and to find a child to adopt. Anthony would be theirs and they looked forward to the day when they could take him home.

"Somehow it all seems worth it now. All the paperwork and interviews." Tanya said.

"There were times when I thought about giving up. I know you did, too. There are unwanted children and we want to adopt. You would think that it would be more straightforward." Rob said.

"All those questions about religion and family history. Do we smoke? Have we got criminal records? I had to grit my teeth to get through a lot of it. Dozens of times, I thought, how is this going to make a difference? Nobody asks all this stuff before you have a baby naturally. Anyway, we can put it all behind us now."

"From the look on your face, when you were with Anthony, I take it that you have made up your mind."

"I know we said that we would discuss it, but did you see him, Rob? The way he reacted to us. An unemotional baby. Not as far as I could see."

"Okay. Let's do this. Now that we know we're having a boy, I had better buy some blue paint."

"Oh, Rob. I can't believe it. We are finally going to have a family of our own. I know its been a bit of an ordeal and that I've been emotional at times."

"Er, yes."

"Now, we can relax a bit. Thanks for all you have done, and put up with, over the last few years."

"No problem. Relax while you can Tanya. When Anthony gets here, we will be on a steep learning curve. Nappies, feeding, and those tantrums we were told about."

It was time for the baby to go to his new home. When Anthony had been taken from Jan's arms he had laughed and smiled. There were no tears at being separated from the only mother he had known for the last seven months. Terry passed a small teddy to the child and he immediately threw it to the floor. He turned his face away from his foster parents and did not look back.

"You know what?" said Jan "I'm more relieved than sad to see him go."

"I feel like a weight has been lifted. I really hope that he has found the right home. Tanya and Rob are really nice people."

Anthony was passed over to a highly emotional Tanya and he made no fuss as she wept and clung to him. She managed to control herself as she realised that he really was going to be their baby and no one was going to take him away. Rob took the passive infant into his arms and looked at his face. Anthony was making a close examination of his new father and when he saw a slight frown on Rob's face, he gave an appealing smile.

There was not a period of settling in or adjustment for Anthony. His new parents were a little lost at first, but he was patient as they fumbled with nappies and fretted about his welfare. He was a quiet baby as they had been told, but they thought that he was like that because he was content, not because there was a problem. At eleven months he was on his feet and getting into mischief like any other child of his age.

"Do you know what he did today?" Tanya asked Rob.

"Tell me."

"He hid my car keys. I was coming into the room and I watched him pick them up, carry them to the plant pot, and put them behind it."

"He's a year old, Tan, he wasn't actually hiding them, he was playing."

"Well, I ruined his game because when I went straight to them, he scowled at me. And when I then put him in his coat to go out, he was quite stroppy."

"Scheming so that he could stay home. Not bad for a baby. At this rate he will turn into a criminal mastermind by the time he's five years old."

"Don't say that." Tanya's hand flew to her mouth and she exchanged a worried look with Rob.

Anthony was delivered to nursery school for the first time and Tanya clasped her hands as if in silent prayer as he looked around the room. What would his reaction be to this? Holding her breath, she released him to Rebecca, one of the ladies who would care for him. The boy surveyed the other children and then headed towards them. Arriving at a box of toys he made his selection. He glanced back over his shoulder at Tanya. She had been dismissed.

"What have you done Anthony? Fern, did you see what happened? Katie is crying." Rebecca comforted the little girl.

"No. Check her for a bite mark, or maybe he pinched her. That's one of his favourite things to do."

"Yep, there it is. A mark on her arm. Anthony, that is naughty. I know you don't like being told off, but you have to learn that you can't pinch other people. Now, stop those tears and go and play nicely."

"He turns those tears on, you know. Anthony uses them to get away with being naughty. You have to keep an eye on him all the time."

"If it's not the tears, it's his butter wouldn't melt expression. All smiles and cute laughs to make you think he isn't capable of hurting the other kids. Have you spoken to his parents?"

"No, I've been putting it off, but after today I'll have to do it."

Rebecca watched the clock and Anthony watched her. When Tanya arrived to pick him up, Rebecca intercepted her and asked to have a word.

"Anthony pinched one of the other children today. Unfortunately, its not the first time he has done it. I told him off for biting in the first couple of weeks he was here and that stopped. Now, he has found a different way to hurt people. I told him off, but if you could talk to him too, that would help."

"Of course, I'm so sorry."

Anthony was staring at Tanya as she had the conversation. When called, he shuffled across to her and then clung to her legs. A single tear ran down his face. Rebecca noticed his performance and shook her head. Well played Anthony.