Chapter 43

Patrick had never stayed in one place for very long. What he did when his demon was asserting itself, meant that it was necessary to move around. Even if he didn't commit any crimes, he would have felt the urge to travel from one place to another. There was no pattern to his wanderings. No draw to any particular area. Well, not until today.

His latest girlfriend was attractive, twenty-four years old, and delightful. The last couple of weeks had been spent consolidating his hold on her and it had been most pleasurable. But now, the need to go on a trip was overwhelming. Even the sight of her laying naked in their bed couldn't deter him from leaving. Her pout showed what she thought about his decision.

Patrick dressed with care, he liked to look smart, and then studied his image in the mirror. Not bad for a sixty-three years old man. The image of the cottage appeared in his head. Each time he delayed his departure it asserted itself again.