Task #1 Completed.

Naeun meanwhile reached her room accompanied by Jinhyun and entered. The room was comfortable looking and according to Naeun's taste.

"You can stay here for now. You will have to move when Jungwoo returns though, this is his room."

Better than I expected. This Jungwoo has good taste.

Naeun turned around to face him, "Can you tell me who you all are? Are you members of Taehyun's gang too?" She asked, pretending she already didn't know.

"Taehyun, me, and the two other guys you met down there and another guy who is stuck in prison are among the Top 5. We are also called the Unbeatables. The dorky guy you saw down there was Jaemin, he is in charge of the fighting department as well as torturing. He's really good at it so don't get tricked by the cheery guy you saw downstairs. Then there is the savage guy you saw downstairs. He's Minjoon and is in command of the hacking field. I am Jinhyun and I work in the finance department, controlling all the money and payments that our company receives. And the last guy Jungwoo is in charge of the planning field but he is in a cell these days."

"And what about Taehyun? What is he?"

"He's the leader of our group. The boss."

"But...urgh! Nevermind."

"I know what you're thinking. Taehyun never revealed his identity in public so nobody knows that he is the real leader of Bulletproof."

Why, may I ask?

"But why?" Naeun asked, curious to know the reason as she already knew who was who and what job they did. KIA had provided information but she had some hidden skills up her sleeve too. But his answer dashed all her hopes.

"I don't know. He might have a reason. Don't ask me more questions now. I've already told you enough."

You didn't tell me anything new...

"I didn't force you to."

Jinhyun went closer to where Naeun was, He had a dark, scary aura around him.

"Well, now you know who we are, you should also know we won't hesitate to kill you anytime we want. But I won't kill you now because currently, you are our guest."


Naeun gulped and he walked towards the door but before shutting it, said, "Oh, and don't mistake his sympathy for love, princess."

Don't worry, little prince. I won't.

Was Naeun supposed to feel bad after his threats? She should have but she didn't. Instead, she sat down on the bed, and a smirk slowly formed on her face. She took out her earpiece from her pocket that nobody had noticed and placed it in her ear as someone was trying to contact her.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Agent 002."

"What is it, Boss?" Naeun asked sarcastically.

"Hanjae has made me in charge of your mission."

"Well I'm doing good and you don't need to take it."

"Naeun you don't need to do it."

"What do you mean Agent 002? Are you perhaps mocking me?" She asked as he rarely called her except her agent name.

"I mean you don't need to take every single mission. This is the most dangerous gang we are talking about not some street rats or a minor small gang. This is serious."

Oh you don't know who these boys really are, Agnet 002.

"Really dangerous huh?" Naeun chuckled remembering the "dangerous" people she saw just now.

"Naeun I'm serious. In the process of gaining Taehyun's trust, you may get yourself hurt. You don't need to take this mission even if you are the best for it."

"Agent 002, task #1, accomplished."

"What! Already?! Well, maybe I did take you lightly. Are you sure there are no suspicions?" he asked.

"I have gained Taehyun's trust completely and I'll gain the trust of his gang soon too. Just make sure that Jeon Jungwoo doesn't escape or I'll be doomed."

"Ok. Task #2, Gain a high position within his gang."

"Got it. Don't contact me now, I will do it myself if I need to."

"Try not to get yourself killed. Farewell."

It'll take more than these boys to kill me.

Naeun took out the earpiece and taking her phone, took out the memory card and sim card and dropping them on the ground, crushed them beneath her feet. She flushed the parts in the toilet and went to the closet finding many girl dresses inside. Jinhyun must have prepared them before and taking the nearest one, she wore it and jumped on the bed, falling asleep in a second.