Impressing Him (2)

Level 7, Country A

Jaemin entered the control room to find Minjoon already working there. Only the Top 5 were allowed in that room as it kept information of each and everything that was happening all around the world and data about every person living in the world which made Bulletproof the strongest gang out of all.

"What are you doing here?" Minjoon asked Jaemin.

"Taehyun asked me to check something," He replied and started working on a computer. Minjoon didn't say anything further but paid attention to the main screen. The Camera footage opened of Taehyun's house in Country B and started playing. Naeun walked out of the room after cutting Minjoon's call and entered the kitchen. There she spotted Taehyun's prepared sandwiches and a knife lying beside it. She wasn't there for the sandwiches but the knife. She grabbed the knife and went to the main gate.

"She is crazy but brave," Minjoon said and Jaemin nodded in agreement.

The silent killer then entered and Naeun went out to meet him. The man smirked evilly and took out his revolver.

"If I'm not wrong you are Naeun, right? His lady in red?"

"What if I'm? Are you here to kill me?"

"Well, I have to. I need to see that painful expression on his face when he sees his loved ones suffer."

"He doesn't care about me that much though." Naeun chuckled.

"I don't think that's true. He wouldn't be coming here if he didn't care."

"You should be scared then. I heard he doesn't forgive those easily who hurt his loved ones."

"I am just here for revenge that's all. But I think I know why he chose you. It's a pity I have to kill you. If I hadn't had to I would've taken you too. Too bad you have to die."

He placed his finger on the trigger and was about to press it when suddenly Naeun bent down and stabbed him in the thigh with the knife she had hidden behind her. He fell and Naeun knocked him in the head with her gun making him faint. She then dragged him into a room.

"Do we have the camera footage of that room?" Jaemin asked Minjoon.

"Yeah, It's camera no. 3310."

The footage opened and Naeun was tying the man to a chair. She then hid behind the door and aimed the gun at the entrance. Half an hour passed and then Taehyun burst into the room. Jaemin then closed the footage.

"That was a clever move" Jaemin complimented. "Aiming the gun at the door instead of the gangster. So if anybody could come she could shoot them instantly."

"She should've aimed the gun at the gangster. So she could threaten the gang if they broke in." Minjoon suggested.

"Maybe. But still her move wasn't bad."

"Her moves seem professional."

"True. Even a black belt in karate couldn't be that good. In her data that I read, I found that she used to beat up gangsters on her way to college."

"What if she's a hired spy from a gangster?"

"I don't think so Minjoon. And Taehyun seems close with her and attached too."

"But he shouldn't have a weakness. That's bad for the type of work we do."

"But Taehyung will need a woman for his future needs. And it's better if it's a woman that can defend herself and is close to Taehyun. Let's not ruin this chance for him. He's happy so we should be too."

"That's all okay but something still seems off."


Meanwhile, Taehyun and Naeun were on their way back to Country A. They had spent another day at the orphanage before leaving. Naeun noticed how happy Taehyun was with the kids and how energetically he played with them. It made her heart flutter but she shut it off like she was taught to. In Taehyun's private jet they were sitting side by side but not speaking a word. Naeun glanced at Taehyun. She didn't want to look in his eyes but something made her do it. She glanced into his eyes secretly and found...





If this wasn't such a serious situation she would've laughed at a mafia having these types of thoughts. True, Taehyun was a rock of emotions and the most powerful gangster in all of Asia but his heart was as pure as anything. She stared out the window lost in her thoughts.

Taehyun suddenly got a call and he wasted no time in attending to it. He didn't speak anything but canceled the call glancing at Naeun who seemed to be looking lost.

"Are you awake?" He asked.

"I am. Very."

"You look tired."

"I'm not." She denied.

"When the gangster placed his gun on your forehead you said that I didn't care about you."

"I did."

"Did you believe that?"

"I didn't. I said it so the guy could leave maybe thinking I wasn't important, but I know I matter to you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to save me." She explained and laid her head on Taehyun's shoulder.

"The moment we land in Seoul things are going to change. Everything will finally be according to your wish." Naeun knew what he meant. It didn't mean that she was going to live in luxury but it indicated that she was finally going to join the gang so things were going to get hard for her as she was going to be a newbie. But she wasn't a bit affected.

"But for now, let's just stay this way," Taehyun whispered and Naeun automatically closed her eyes from weariness. Taehyun pressed her hand tightly and kissed her cheek making her feel that weird feeling again. But for now, she didn't want to work her brain. Right now she just wanted to forget everything. Taehyun being a mafia, her being a secret agent, and the whole affair. She just wanted to be near Taehyun as much as possible. Who knew when they could be together like this again?