50 Million Dollar Robbery (1)

Kai entered the room and sat down on the head chair. Ruffling and Flipping through the pages he went through all the files within 5 minutes.

"Well looks like nobody's going to die today." He said scanning the last file; But he paused suddenly and looked up at a middle-aged man.

"Why didn't you complete your project, Mr. Hwang?"

The man stood up and spoke with his head bowed low, "Sorry Sir but it's too hard. I can't do it, please give it to somebody else."

"Mr. Hwang you have been working for us for a long time. Don't make me shoot a treatable fellow. You had the whole 2 weeks!"

The man didn't say anything and two guards came and grabbed him by the arms to take him out.

"Wait! I'll do it!"

Kai looked at Naeun and smirked.

"Park Naeun. Aged 19. Joined Today with no experience whatever."

Experience of 10 years, you mean.

"I'll try my best to do it."

"Listen princess you might think this is the easiest department but believe me. One wrong move and game over."

"I know. What's the deadline?'

"2 weeks. Good Luck! Meeting dismissed."

Naeun opened the file and scanned it. It was the project of planning another 50 Million dollar robbery.

"You didn't have to do that," Mike said.

"I'll need the help of the hacking department for this."

"Yes but-"

But he couldn't complete his sentence as Naeun left the room quickly and the man, Mr. Hwang came and stood next to Mike.

"I wish I could thank that miss. She seems nice and kind."

Meanwhile, Naeun was rushing towards the Hacking department. Mike had helped her explore some of the departments but briefly.

"Is this the hacking department?"

"Yes, it is young lady. And what may you be needing here." The guy asked who seemed to be a trainer.

"I need one of your hackers."

"You'll have to ask the boss that. He is in the room, 2 doors to the left."

"Thank you," said Naeun and she left for the room.

"Is that the Princess we have been hearing about? She looks hard working."

"Quiet boys! One more word and you will lose both your kidneys!"

Naeun entered the Boss's room who was sitting on his chair and working immobile to his surrounding. Naeun approached him slowly from behind and with a quick move the Boss tripped her with his leg and aimed his gun at her.

"Ah, it's you. Who else would have dared." Minjoon said and ran his gun across his forehead stressfully.

"I need one of your hackers to help me," Naeun said brushing off her dress getting up.

"Can't. All of them are busy. You can get one after a week."

"Can't do. My deadline is 2 weeks."

"Don't take projects. You'll lose."

"Wanna make a bet?" Naeun asked smirking.

"If you lose you leave the team."

"And If I win...you will do what I tell you to do."

"Deal. You'll get a hacker by tomorrow."

Naeun nodded and went out, leaving Minjoon staring at the floor deeply in his thoughts.

2 weeks passed. Naeun had worked all her might and main. She was seen working overnight but still finding time to go to the fighting department. She didn't hear from Taehyun all these days but being so focused on her project she assumed he was busy too.

She didn't used to go back to the mansion but used to sleep in one of the empty rooms at the fighting department. But after 2 weeks she knew who would lose and who would win.

Naeun entered the meeting room to find Kai and the others already present there.

"Greetings, Princess! Hope you didn't work too hard these past 2 weeks." Kai said smirking but turned serious when Naeun sat down on her chair.

"Well did you manage to complete the project or not?'

Naeun stood up and started explaining the project with a smile.

"Well, firstly we will plan to kidnap the man's daughter. In exchange for his daughter, we will ask for only 20 Million dollars. We will ask him to bring it someplace but when he takes that amount out of his bank the account security will lessen for 3 days. We will have to go and take out the rest of his money from his account by ourselves.."

Kai nodded and took the file from her hands. After scanning it in detail he raised his brows.

"Impressive! I will submit this and we will see then see if you are more than Boss's princess or not."

Naeun bowed and left the room but smirked turning to face Kai the last time.

"Oh and please do give me more projects."

She went out and suddenly got a call, She smiled seeing the caller ID. She picked it up and started waiting for him to speak.

"Hi," He said.

"Well you finally got time to call me, I see."

"I'm sorry I was busy. But I want to know what you have been doing these days."

"You can check the CCTV cameras or ask somebody."

"But I want to hear it from your lips."

Naeun blushed and started telling him everything.

"Well I got a project from Kai and I spent the last 2 weeks planning it. Ugh, that guy! I made a bet with Minjoon too. And the guys at the fighting department are fun to be around as well. I spend some time there as well and I just finished submitting my project right now. Oh! And everyone calls me princess around here or Boss's woman. It's annoying!"

"Hmm...Boss's woman? I like that."

"It's not funny!"

"And keep away from that guy you hang out with in the planning department."

"I smell something burning." Naeun laughed.

"Seriously. And keep away from the guys at the fighting area too. I don't care if their intentions are pure or not. They are still guys. I'll kill them if they get too close."

"Anything else?"

"Oh yes, I missed you."

"Really? Then why don't we meet up?'

"I like the idea. Meet me outside the mansion at 10:00 p.m. Can't wait to see you, my Princess."

"Tell Jinhyun to stop telling people to call me that!"

"Don't worry. One day I'll make you my Queen. Then everybody will call you Boss's Queen."

I don't think the Internet provided that information.

Naeun smiled looking down.

"I love your smile. It's beautiful," Taehyun said and Naeun looked up at the CCTV camera under which she was standing.

"You are watching me, aren't you?"


"Ok meet you at night. Good Bye." She waved at the camera and turned to leave. Naeun went straight to the fighting department and started hitting the punching bag. She decided she would do that until it was time to get ready.

9:50 p.m.

Taehyun was waiting for Naeun in his car outside the mansion. He was also checking the files of the planning department while waiting. He called Kai when he found something unusual.

"Hello, Boss. Is something wrong?"

"Wasn't Project 34 canceled? I thought it was impossible." He asked.

"Oh, it turned to be possible. A person was able to complete planning it. It was Princ- I mean Miss Park."

"Ok thanks."

He cut the call and looked out the window to find Naeun coming out. She was the most beautiful woman he had met in all his life. Wearing a simple red dress till her knees she was enough to make him lose control of himself. Naeun entered the car and smiled at Taehyun.


"You look beautiful tonight." Taehyun complimented.

"Only today? And I'm not wearing makeup or anything though."

"You are wearing your heart attacking smile and that's enough."

Naeun looked down shyly.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Anything you are comfortable with. I hope I didn't disturb your work though."

"Work isn't anything of importance in front of my Queen."