Getting Suspected.

"You did not hear anything," Naeun said to Lisa who was standing at the door looking shocked.

"So you are an agent? Those clever people who wear black hats and clothes in the movies?"

They don't wear black hats and clothes all the time!

"I said you didn't hear anything," She repeated coldly.

"But why didn't you tell me?" Lisa said a bid sadly.

"Because I would've had to kill you if you knew."

"But what's been going on? And why are you here?"

"All you have to know for now is that I am an undercover secret agent and the gang downstairs is my enemy. I would've killed you but they consider you my best friend."

"It's ok. But this never changed the fact that we are still best friends." She said smiling and wrapped her arms around Naeun's dragging her downstairs. Naeun hated this. Even after threatening to kill her she still didn't stop being her kind self.

She will never change.

"So what do I have to do when we reach downstairs?"

"The same. Call your father and ask for 20 Million dollars or we will kill you."

"That's all? Ok..."

"Oh, and don't smile too much."


Because it's pretty.

"Because you're kidnapped. You're supposed to be upset and sad. Also, I don't want any of these gangsters to fall for you."

"Is my smile that pretty? Or are you worried?"

"Act sad, the stairs are ending."

"Let's go," She said sadly.

They reached the living room where Minjoon was still looking frustrated, Jaemin was still watching T.V. and Jinhyun was nowhere to be found. Minjoon looked up when he saw the girls enter.

"She agreed." Naeun simply said.

"Yeah...on which part?"

"The call. Was there any other part?"

"Oh silly me!"

"Your friend is dumber than you," Minjoon stated.

"Excuse me. You may call me dumb but please don't say that to Naeun. She's a girl after all. It might hurt her feelings."


"Do you know who I am?" Minjoon asked amused.

"I think your name is Min...Ji?"

Oh shit...

"Minji!?" Jaemin burst out laughing and after gaining control of himself corrected her. "It's Minjoon."

"Oh, I am sorry. I just knew it started with Min."

Naeun went and sat down on the couch accompanied by Lisa. Suddenly Jinhyun came out from the kitchen with a sick face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"Who made the rice kept in the kitchen?"

I really don't want to say Oh shit again...

Naeun gulped and saw Taehyun enter through the front door. He furrowed his brows seeing Jinhyun's pale face.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"I'm sick of the rice that somebody made in the kitchen."

"Wait...I made them."

"For who! Who could eat that poison!"

"He was probably making food for his lady! At least learn to cook first Boss!" Jaemin said laughing.

"Wait Naeun are you in a relationship with their Boss?" Lisa said.

'Wait Naeun didn't tell you?" Jinhyun asked.

"No. But what about the cute guy at the café that you told me about?"

"Are you talking about me?" Taehyun asked taking off his mask.

No she's talking about Albert Einstein!

"Yeah! You."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Taehyun."

"I'm Lisa. Nice choice by the way, bestie."

Taehyun chuckled and sat down next to Naeun intertwining their hands together.

"But you said my cooking tasted like your dad."

Naeun chuckled, "My dad was a bad cook."

"Taehyun I have something to ask you," Jinhyun said.

"What is it?"

"When are we getting Jungwoo out? I miss him."

"We'll get him out soon after the projects are over."

"Where is this Jungwoo?' Naeun asked pretending to be clueless.

"KIA arrested him. Or should I say Agent 007."

"Who's Agent 007?" Naeun asked still lying.

"She's an agent working for KIA. We don't know who she is because we haven't seen her face."

"So your not taking Jungwoo out because Agent 007 might attack the projects."


"She seems clever."

"She is," Taehyun said and glanced at Naeun with a mysterious stare.

Was there a chance that he knew about Naeun? Naeun thought there wasn't as he wouldn't have given her this much information and care if he did know. But she needed to be more careful and not let her guard down.

I shouldn't make the mistake of underestimating him...

Next day,

"Where are you taking me again?" Naeun asked after 10 minutes of driving.

"I'm taking you to meet my family, the real one this time."

"But I thought your parents died."

"But I still have a few relatives and my elders."

"Why do you want me to meet them?" Naeun asked.

"You'll see. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about Lisa. I left her at the mansion."

"Today is working day so the boys won't be at home. And even if they are they won't do anything. I promise."

"I'll trust your words."

At the Mansion,

Minjoon stared unbelievably at the girl playing in the garden and talking to the servants. She was supposed to be crying but instead, she was happy and excited. Minjoon put aside these thoughts and lighting a cigarette, started smoking.

Lisa entered the room and made face when she looked at Minjoon.

"That's why the living room smells so bad."

Minjoon looked at her blankly and said, "Then you should leave the room if it disturbs you."

"But you should put that down!" She exclaimed.

"Why? Because it's bothering you?" He asked coldly.

"No! Not because of me. I know that you're a professional hacker but if you ever opened a medical book you would find out why I said that."

Minjoon raised his brows and Lisa sighed, frustrated. Walking towards him with hands on her hips, she stood as she was scolding a kid for eating too many sweets.

"Smoking can cause heart diseases, lung cancer, and even death! You know you have a very short life! Why are you wasting it!"

"Maybe because I don't want to live long."

"Are you depressed? I'm so sorry." Lisa said worriedly.

Minjoon chuckled and stared at her amused, "Sorry but that's not the case. Anyway, you have a pretty smile." He complimented.

Lisa suddenly remembered Naeun's words and started blabbering.

"A pretty smile!? Me? You must be kidding I am so ugly! Do you feel hot? I feel hot! You know what? I'm going upstairs to sleep you should leave too. Bye and don't smoke!" Then she ran upstairs leaving Minjoon behind.

He smiled staring at her fading figure.

"Maybe things are going to get interesting now." He thought and got up to leave for work.

Meanwhile, Naeun and Taehyun reached his relative's house where all his family members were gathered. They entered a meeting room and Naeun tightly clutched onto Taehyun's jacket. He made her sit down next to him while facing his relatives.

"You all might be wondering what I called you here for. I am making Naeun my fiancée from today."

Naeun looked at him shocked.

"So this is the young lady?"

"Nice to meet you all," Naeun said.

"Hmm...she's not bad. What's her background?" An elder asked.

"Park Naeun. An orphan. Has a bad relationship with her family. Recently joined Bulletproof gang after escaping from her forced wedding." A woman answered.

"Damn, that's so cool!" A boy exclaimed.

"I heard she's the one who helped in completing the project that proved impossible to be completed."

The others nodded in approval.

"Are there perhaps any feeling involved?" An elder asked looking at Taehyun.

"I think that doesn't concern you," Taehyun answered holding Naeun's hand tightly.

"But she isn't one of us-"

"Well, I see no problem. I declare her your fiancée with my blessings." The elder declared loudly, silencing the person before he could complete his words.

"Thank you. We'll get going then." Taehyun said and got up along with Naeun.

"Won't you have dinner though?" The same boy asked who was one of Taehyun's cousins.

"No, I have some work to do."

"You have to decide the Underboss soon too Taehyun." An elder added.

"I haven't decided yet. I'll think about it."

"You could choose your favorite aunt." A woman said sweetly.

"Or your dear uncle." A man said while smiling.

"I'll think about it. Goodbye."

Taehyun went out of the room along with Naeun and got in the car. Naeun was supposed to feel happy that she was part of the Kim family. It would be great news for KIA but she felt bad that Taehyun was using her for his position.

So all along, this was just an act? No it can't be. He couldn't...

"You made me your fiancée for your position right?" She asked as soon as the driver started the car.

Taehyun didn't reply so Naeun considered it as a yes.

"What's an Underboss?"

"It's somebody that will become the leader after I die. He has the most power after the leader."

"So all your relatives wanted you to make one of them the Underboss."

"Yes. And you know what will happen after I do that."

"They'll all try to kill you to become the leader and have the power."

"Precisely, everyone in my family is at war with each other."

The car stopped at the mansion and Naeun opened the door to get out.

"You aren't coming?" She asked Taehyun when he didn't get out.

"I'll be in Japan for 2 weeks for some important business. I'm leaving right now."

"Ok. Take care." Naeun was about to leave but Taehyun held her back by her hand. He bought his lips to her hand and kissed it gently.

"Goodbye, my love."

Naeun smiled sadly and entered the mansion.

It's fair, isn't it? I'm using Taehyun for KIA and he is using me for his position yet we still act so loving towards each other. Why am I bothered by this, anyway?