3 Months Later.

3 months later,

"How about a movie Lisa?" Rose asked after cleaning the front counter.

"Sorry, but I got college projects to deal with."

"Why~ You remind me of Naeun," Rose complained, pouting a bit. "She always used to say the same thing about projects."

"I promise I'll go next time," Lisa promised with a smile.

After getting settled down permanently in the cottage Minjoon gave her she got used to working part-time at the café after her college classes. Rose had become a dear friend and the staff was friendly.

Chan, a fellow part-timer who was on close terms with Rose and Lisa as well as Naeun in the past, entered the café through the back door and waved at the girls. The television suddenly started blaring the headlines and Chan increased the volume. The screen showed Taehyun's photo and the silhouette of a woman.

"Breaking News! The 5th Member of Bulletproof has finally been exposed. He is non other than Kim Taehyun who is the real, mysterious leader of the Bulletproof gang. Jeon Jungwoo was just acting as a leader in his place. The reasons for his secrecy are still unknown. And that's not all, citizens. We also have come to know that Bulletproof's new Underboss has been announced who is a woman. All we know about her is that she is called Princess but as a code name. Princess is 19 years old and was currently out of Korea for 2 months. She is known to be fearless and also, Taehyun's lover."

"Wait Taehyun? That guy who used to work here?" Chan exclaimed as soon as he recovered from the shock.

"He was a mafia boss all along? So hot~" A female worker chimed in, having sudden flashbacks.

"That guy kidnapped my Naeun from here! I'll rescue you, my love." Chan declared, dramatically falling on his knees acting as if in deep sorrow.

In a second, every soul in the café was gossiping away with this current news. It was scary, how a dangerous gangster was working in between them without their awareness as they all felt.

Meanwhile, Lisa who was unaffected by this news noticed Rose talking to herself in a low voice.

"Taehyun...Princess...19 years old...Taehyun's lover...could it be...Naeun?"

"Rose," Lisa whispered to her, "Don't tell anyone anything, that could put your life in danger."

Rose furrowed her brows in confusion but took the silent hint.

On the other hand, The boys were headed to the company in a limousine. They were going to meet Naeun because of her first official meeting as Underboss.

"So what was Naeun doing these past 3 months, by the way?" Jinhyun asked.

Jungwoo bit his lip after hearing Naeun's name and but kept silent.

"She had gone to get special training that would make her responsibilities clear to her," Minjoon replied, opening his eyes after taking a short nap.

"Would she have changed do you think?"

"She won't!" Jungwoo shouted and it came out unexpectedly loud. All the boys stared at him with widened eyes. "I mean she won't change, will she? The thing I hate the most is people changing, you know." He answered running a hand through his hair.

"Right..." Minjoon trailed off, his lips curving up.

"I told you not to jump to conclusions," Jungwoo argued.

"Did I say anything?"

"What conclusions?" Jinhyun asked while Jaemin gasped in realization.

"I think I know what they're talking about."

"Not really. What sort of conclusions?" Jinhyun asked once again.

"Naeun caught Jungwoo's eye." Jaemin squealed.

Jinhyun laughed, "Really? Well, that girl does have something special in her."

"You too, brother?" Minjoon asked in disbelief.

"No, I don't like her like that. Don't misunderstand. It's just that I have a feeling of care towards her. I want her and Taehyun to remain happy forever."

Jaemin nodded in agreement when suddenly Jungwoo started clapping.

"Well now, should I reveal Minjoon's secret?"

Minjoon who had leaned back his head closing his eyes was planning to take another nap. As soon as he heard Jungwoo he opened his eyes.

"Don't you dare Jeon."

In the Meantime, Naeun took off her sunglasses as her jet landed. The door opened and she stepped out. All around her, men dressed in black were surrounding the area. They were 'her' men. On the last step, one of them put out their hand as support.

"There's no-"


Naeun smiled seeing Taehyun walking in her direction. He lend out his hand which she took and gracefully descended the last step.

"Mr. Kim, you came all the way?"

"I had to pick Mrs. Kim up."

Naeun laughed a little.

"You can call me that when we get married."

"And when will that be?" Taehyun asked.

"Maybe 5 years? Or maybe 8 or 10?"

"Then I'll have to wait a long time."

"Deal with it."

"How did the training go?" Taehyun asked softly.

"It was pretty tough but I was okay with it. I had only one problem."

By now they had reached the car which was supposed to take Naeun to the company.

"I missed you."

Taehyun smirked and leaned closer to her face.

"Is that so? How about we have a reunion at night? I'll apologize for causing that 1 problem."

Naeun blushed slightly and leaned closer.

"I like the idea."

She got in the car.

"Then I hope to see you soon," Taehyun said and closed the door shut.

The car drove off as Taehyun turned to go to his next destination. He had to go somewhere else as Naeun had to attend a meeting. Her first meeting, which was with all the official big, leading members.