{"Evelina, perché non sei ancora sveglia?! Alzati, farai tardi a scuola!" A loud voice booms, jolting me wide awake from my deep sleep. [Evelina, why are you not awake yet?! Get up you are going to be late for school!]
I turn to face my bedside table, the clock blinked 8:45am. My eyes widened in shock, I had many questions I wanted answers, but failed to concentrate from the loud voices I heard downstairs.
"Evelina, sei già sveglia?" A voice barks. [Evelina, are you awake yet?]
"Si mamma!" I shout out so she can hear me. [Yes mum]
I rush to my bathroom, twisting the knob for the cold-water and letting it fill up in my hands before splashing it on my face, attempting to wake me up. I stare at my face in the mirror, it was clear and had no traces of acne, but my eyebags were dark and I looked like a zombie. My chestnut hair was frizzed up, from sleeping in one position too long and I had barely enough time to change, let alone brush my hair.
"Siete pronti?" My mum questions, her voice so loud I feel as though I can feel the walls shaking. [Are you ready?]
"Quasi mamma. Dammi due minuti," I yell out, frustrated from her rushing me, and frustrated that I didn't wake up on time. [Nearly mum. Give me two minutes]
"Sbrigare!" She shrieks, as I rush to my closet picking up a pair of blue bleached jeans and a black hooded jumper. I pair it with two white converses and grab my school bag that laid seamlessly on the wooden-tiled floor of my room, against my pastel blue coloured wall. [Hurry up]
I rush down the wooden steps, glancing over at the framed family photos my mum hung up one afternoon after we moved into the house. They were of the time we went to Italy together, before my father died. I looked down sombrely, I missed him a lot.
"Mamma! Sono pronto! Andiamo!" I yell out, rushing to the kitchen where she was chopping up some carrots and potatoes. [Mum! I am ready! Let's go!]
"Bene, andiamo. Fretta," She mumbles, grabbing her keys from the marbled counter. [Fine, let's go. Hurry]
"Se ti svegli di nuovo tardi. Non ti prendo, capito?" She threats, her dark brown eyes shining in irritation and her blossom lips scowling. [If you ever wake up late again. I am not taking you, understand?]
I gulp and nod, not wanting to say anything in case she stops. I glare out my window, the townhouses gleamed in the sun, the white exterior of majority of them made me feel confused, like I was going in the same direction over and over again.
As we made it to the school, I turned to my mum, "Grazie mamma," I thank, although the nervousness crept up inside of me because I was late. What would the teachers say? What would they do? Would I get a detention? Ahh too many thoughts, I wish I could just shut them off, my mum seemed to pick up on this. [Thank you mum]
"Starai bene piccola mia" She reassures. [You will be fine my little girl]
I smile and give her a big hug, placing a little kiss on her cheek, "ti voglio bene mamma" I mumble [I love you mum]
"Anch'io, ora vai," She commands, pushing me out the door and waving her elegant hands to me. [Me too, now go]
I bite my lip, anxiety overwhelms me as I step up the stone steps, one at a time, one, two, three. I breathe in and push the glass doors open, beelining straight towards the office.
"Do you have your sign-in card?" The lady at the desk questions.
"No," I answer, her expression seems bored as she blows a bubble from her gum. Her blue eyes hold absolutely no emotion and her hair matted, she didn't look after it well.
"What's your name?" She questions, continuously distracting me by the popping of her gum.
"Erm, Evelyn Giovanni," I respond, putting my hands on the front desk.
"Uh huh, and why are you late?" She questions, staring up into my eyes with her own sky-blue ones.
"Slept in" I confess.
"Ha, I wish I could do that," She announces, sarcastically, rolling her eyes and clacking away at her keyboard.
She prints out my pass and I rush into my class, BUS101, "Hi, sorry I'm late," I announce, turning every head towards me.
"Uh, here's my pass," I add, handing him the thin, white sheet.
"Have a seat.. ?"
"Evelyn" I answer, grabbing a seat next to a light brown-haired boy, one that I would get to know really well.
"Hi Evelyn," He greets, "I'm Alex Carmine"
I smile, "Hi Alex,"
"Welcome to the best class ever, Mr Fitzroy is the best teacher at this school, trust me, I've met them all," He says, smiling with the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen.
I chuckle, "I'll take your word for it," I remark, biting my lip.}
"Hey, Evelyn, would you like to go on a date with me? I've been really interested in you for a little while now," A soft-spoken boy confesses.
I smile and looking into his sweet green eyes, "I'm sorry –"
"Evelyn, I need to talk to you,"
I turn to look at this athletic-built man, his golden-brown eyes seeping into mine. "Oh and why is it that you have to rudely interrupt this nice conversation I was having with uh –" I start, turning to look at the guy who had confessed his feelings to me.
"Jordan," He introduces.
"Jordan," I reinstate.
"Because it is a best friend crisis and I'm in need of my best friend," He grumbles, annoyed at my unresponsive reply.
"Let me just finish talking to Jordan," I tease, winking at him, before Alex turns and death glares Jordan.
"Uh, it's okay, we can talk about it later Evelyn, bye," He utters, walking away ever so quickly.
"What was that for?!" I hiss, swatting at his shoulder.
"He was interrupting our friend crisis," He says nonchalantly.
I roll my eyes, "You can't do that every time a guy asks me out, if you didn't know," I scold.
He groans, "They're all stupid anyways, it's not like you're going to gain something from their presence,"
"I happen to quite enjoy their company actually," I declare coolly.
He death glares me, grabs my hand and pulls me into an emptied corridor, "do you now? I see the way you are begging to get away from their attention because you know you want none of them. None of them deserve you anyway," He spits.
My cheeks flush, this wasn't where I thought things would go. He comes close to me, his hot breath tickling my neck, his finger grazes my cheek and neck as he leans into my ear.
"What do you want Ev? What do you actually want? You've been playing these games with me for years," His tone turns serious and I no longer feel this is a game anymore.
"I-I don't know" I stammer, my skin is hot from his fingers pooling into their softness.
"Do you want them?" He asks, pulling his hands away and looking me dead in the eyes.
"Of course not," I state, looking down at his black sneakers.
"I thought so," He concludes and with that he left, he just upped and walked away like nothing happened. My mind was fuzzy and I was left questioning myself.
We continued to not talk for weeks, I would shoot him glares and he barely looked at me. Everything was off, he made me feel strange, a feeling I had never felt in my life before. As the bell rang one morning, I got up and chased after him, pulling at his jean coat.
"What on earth is wrong with you?" I hiss
"Nothing," He murmurs
"Seriously," I say turning him to face me, he looked confused.
"I don't know, if I'm honest," He confesses, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes yearning.
That's when he leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips, it tingled and I felt electricity spark, it felt as thought I had reached home and I had no idea why. This feeling made me so baffled, I didn't understand it and it seemed too unreal for me. Little rendezvous continued to happen, we'd kiss when no one was watching, in the cleaner's closet or empty hallways or behind the school, it was this tangible, lusting feeling I had no control over and I didn't want it to be with anyone else.
This also led to the most heartbreaking moment of my life. The day I felt I would die, yes it sounds overexaggerated but it was the truth.}
{I saw him, he was walking slowly along the beach, his hair glowed in the sunlight, his body looked like that of an Egyptian god, radiating the sun's energy.
"Alexandre!" I shout, a huge smile was plastered on my face, I couldn't help this feeling of butterflies erupting in my stomach every time I saw him; however, I received no response and he didn't seem to quicken his pace like he usually did whenever I called out to him.
"Alex!" I call out again, no answer. I was so confuddled, I ran towards him and tightened my arms around his waist.
"Did you hear me?" I question, furrowing my brows and looking up into his eyes, raising my hand to shielding the sun's rays from my eyes.
"Yeah," He admits, completely stiffly.
"What's wrong?" I ponder.
"Nothing," He replies, still dryly.
My brain was murky, what the hell was wrong with him. "I need to talk with you," He starts, as I looked closer into his eyes I noticed they were puffy, he had been crying and from that sentence I knew nothing that came out would be any good.
"We need to break up or end whatever this thing is," He remarks, ouch. That stung, really, really bad. Whatever we were? What the hell was he implying?
"Whatever we are?" I spit
"Don't play games with me, like you even care," He hisses.
"What are you implying? That I'm playing games right now? With you?" I howl.
"Don't mess with me, you've been playing with everyone," He growls
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I spit, tears stinging my eyes, threatening to drop.
He rolls his eyes, "Are you talking about when we both teased each other? I never played those boys they genuinely wanted to ask me out!" I snarl.
"Don't make excuses this needs to end, I'm moving houses far, far away," He barks. Ouch, that hurt even more. My heart crumbled into a million pieces.
"N-no," I stammer, my voice failed me.
"I'm sorry," He drones, as he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"You don't seem it," I spit.
"Get out of here, leave, I don't care," I screech, throwing sand at him.
I was in so much pain, it was complete unbearable, my heart wailed as he bent down and hugged me. "I don't want you to touch me," I shout, pushing his arms away from me, but my strength was no match compared to his.
"I need you to know I had to do this," He whispers in my ear before walking off.}
{"You have to get up Evelyn," One voice commanded.
"You can't let him consume you," Another one chided.
I completely ignored every single word.
"Mangiare! Devi mangiare! Questo ragazzo stupido e idiota non ne vale la pena, non ti distruggerai per un idiota!" My mother screamed at me one evening after I returned yet another plate of food. [Eat! You have to eat! This dumb, idiot boy is not worth it, you are not going to destroy yourself for some idiot!]}