Who is Unknown?


My phone beeped for the 3rd time in a minute. "Who's texting you?" Julia questions.

"I have no idea," I say, picking up my phone and swiping across to view the messages.

"It says unknown," I add, and slowly my face formed a knowing look.

I decided to remain quiet, I didn't want to scare my friends and make them question me anymore than they had about that night.

It was that same number, the one that had informed me not to contact Alex. I thought it was a joke, maybe it is, but for some reason, something was nibbling at the back of my mind. Is it a joke Evelyn? Is it? Or should you have listened? This didn't calm my mind when I remembered Alex was hiding a big, dark secret too, one he couldn't share we me, yet… or ever?

"What did they say?" Caroline questioned, her eyebrows raise, forming a curious look.

"Some spam number telling me about how my debit card account has been hacked," I say nonchalantly, switching off my phone and placing it on the ground, continuing with creating our poster.

"I hate those stupid spam numbers, they are so obvious it's not even funny anymore!" Caroline hisses, roughly pasting glue on the back of a Damon Salvatore picture.

I chuckle lightly, beads of stress forming on my forehead. "I know, last night I was watching a movie and some random spam caller calls me telling me that my email was hacked and they need the password and my bank details, like what do they think I am… stupid?" She spits, taking an angry bite out of her sandwich.

The room erupts into laughter, before my phone pings again. I look down to see a missed call from Alex. "Hang on, I'll be back," I inform, before strutting off into Caroline's kitchen.

My finger slides against the missed call alert, redialling Alex. After three rings he picks up. "What?" I whisper.

"I need to tell you something,"

"What is it?" I question, continuing to whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" He asks suspiciously.

"That's irrelevant, tell me!" I scold, my eyes rolling.

A small chuckle can be heard from inside the phone, "You're so annoying," He teases.

I smirk, "I wouldn't be annoying if you didn't pester me," I tease back, my hand reaching to the hem of my skirt, playing with the tassels.

"This is one of the many reasons why I have missed you," He says softly, almost too softly to hear.

My smile fades and my eyes turn dark, I clear my mind and reply, "Well now we know we passed the long-distance test," I joke, making myself chuckle anxiously.

"Anyway, what did you have to tell me?" I question, pestering him.

"Oh, right. Almost forgot. Some random number keeps messaging me sending pictures of you and like your life during our 'break'," He informs suspiciously.

My eyes open, "You're kidding!"

"Not one bit, I got the text just a couple of weeks ago,"

"I got a similar message, except it told me not to contact you, and now –"I pause, looking at the current messages it sent me.

"and now –"I repeat, "it's telling me about this group," I add, "apparently you're involved,"

The line goes quiet and I bite my lip, "this true?" I question.

A sigh can be heard along the line, "Uh, - "

"Ev!" A melodic voice shouts out.

I jump, that had scared my soul out of my body, "I have to go, Alex, we'll talk later, don't reply to that number," I conclude, hanging up on a persistent Alex.

"Coming!" I yell out, running down the carpeted corridor of Caroline's apartment. I turn the doorknob and plaster a smile on my face, walking into the room.

"What happened?" Julia questions, squinting suspiciously at my actions.

"The unknown number called me, they started saying weird stuff, and then I blocked them," I mumble, playing with my nailbed.

Both Caroline and Julia eye me suspiciously, "whatever is going on you know we're always here and you can trust us, so, come to us when you're ready to spill the beans," Julia mentions, a serious tone coating her voice.

The sides of my lips tug upwards and I look at both of them, "thank you. Now, let's get back to sustainable farming and Damon Salvatore," I say light-heartedly, changing the subject and planting myself on the cushion laying where I sat ten minutes ago, before immersing myself back into gluing and gossiping, forgetting about my conversation and the unknown number.


My eyes flutter open to the light peaking through the white curtains. I sigh and turn to my side, grabbing my phone. I had received multiple more messages from the unknown number and a few from Alex, Julia, and Caroline.

I click on Julia first.

Julia: Hey, how are you feeling today?

Me: I'm actually feeling really good; do you fancy a lunch date today? How are you?

Julia: …

Julia: Hell yes! We are going to the beach and getting pizza! I'm fine as hell 😉 as always haha.

Me: Gosh I love you, deal! Let me tell Caroline.

Me: 1 pm?

Julia: Done! I'm booking it now!

I giggle, Julia always was unapologetically herself and it made me smile and laugh all at the same time. I click out of Julia, quickly messaging Caroline on our plans.

Caroline: Hey, I wanted to tell you what my lector said to me on my presentation! He said it was 'bland' and wasn't 'unique!' What the heck is that supposed to mean? What saving the planet is a trend now?

I could hear the hatred in Caroline's tone.

Me: What does he even expect you to write it on?! You were taking up a serious issue and spent a long time on it! Even using Ian Somerhalder and his wife as a reference for sustainable living!

Caroline: You don't say. I am definitely talking to him about this and speaking my mind, he can't say anything on something he is biased about!

Me: Hahaha. I love you, Caroline. Please do we spent forever on that poster!!

Caroline: Hahah, oh you watch me.

Me: Also, Julia and I made plans for all three of us to go to the beach and get some Pizza, she made a reservation for 1 pm at the hangout spot.

Caroline: Done deal I'm already dressed to impress :P

Me: You always are, I'm not surprised!

Caroline: Better get your butt moving!!

I laughed, a full hearty laugh. I would finally be having a great time with my friends, I felt everything was on the table, or soon was to be, and that we all understood each other. All I needed to do was come clean and that gnawed at my guilt.

Unknown: Choosing to ignore my messages?

Me: …

Unknown: I'll take that as a yes, don't say I didn't warn you when the truth is more hurtful than you realise.

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: Whoever you want me to be.

Me: I want you to be gone. Stop sending me these messages.

I figured I didn't need to mention Alex's warnings, it would probably feed into this unknown person's warnings and create a bigger nuisance than they already were.

Unknown: Ha, you wish. I just simply want to inform you of the truth, I think you deserve that after what he did, or what you did..

Me: I didn't do anything.

Unknown: He said you did.

That's when I realised this was much bigger than I had originally thought. This was all the history coming back to bite me in the rear end, even after I healed, or had I?

Me: Shouldn't listen to rumors.

Unknown: It's not a rumor you witnessed it.

Me: Did you mistaken me for yourself? Maybe you're just confused.

Unknown: Uh, uh, uh. I wouldn't push that line if I were you. You never know what could happen, especially during your girlie time.

Me: Get a life and stop trying to ruin people's lives. I don't care about Alex and I don't care about some pathetic event that took place over a decade ago. History is history, it stays in the past.

I shut my phone, unbothered to check Alex's messages. My rage overwhelmed me. Who the heck was this person and what did they want?

That's when my answer was clear when Alex decided to ring me.

"What?" I hiss.

"What's up?" He inquires.

"Nothing!" I spit, "Sorry, I just had a heated argument," I add in a softer tone.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Can we meet at like 8 pm tonight?" He questions, worry was present in his voice and it made me scared.

"Why?" I ask, suspiciously.

"We need to talk about 'unknown'," He whispers.

I bite my lip, "I need to tell you something," I start.

"Me too," He addresses.

I gulp, great maybe we both could get some clarification on what the hell was going on, because I was sure as hell confused on all levels, and I'm guessing so was he.

"Done, we'll meet by the lighthouse?" I schedule.

"Deal, see you at 8pm there," He ends and the line hands up, leaving me speechless and flabbergasted.