We're in trouble

"Now Ev, we've got the Kirkshire's ball this weekend..." Julia pauses, looking up at me.

I eye her suspiciously, "Hm, what are you suggesting?"

Her eyes twinkle, "Ballgown shopping tonight?" she says her eyebrows moving suggestively.

I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Fine, but, this time we are not going in the same dresses! The last ball was a disaster!" I finalise, my tone filling with laughter.

She puts her hands up in the air, just like a criminal who got caught by the cops would, "Fine, fine. Your opinion, but okay your royal highness," She grumbles in a sarcastic manner.

I roll my eyes and giggle. My eyes find their way looking at the flat piece of metal, I reached for it, working my way to my messages and searching for that one name.

Me: Hey, are you going to the kirkshire ball this weekend?

I waited, staring at my phone for a couple of minutes before I was dragged out of my blank state.

"I need your opinion on something Ev!" Caroline's voice sings sweetly.

I turn myself to her, "What?"

"Now, should I bring my hot date to the ball?" She ponders, pulling out her phone and showing me a picture of a honey-toned, gorgeous male. His bright blue orbs looking right into my soul and his full-round lips plump served on with a side of dimples.

My mouth dropped, "He's hot,"

She chuckles, "Oh I know,"

"What happened to that other guy?" Julia questions, sipping her fruit smoothie.

My eyebrows raise, "Oh right! What was his name?" I remark, looking at Caroline with a smirk plastered on my lips.

"Dean?" I start.

"Cory?" Julia adds.



"Oh my god, remember the guy who pretended to be Vin Diesel!" Julia reminisces, her eyes widening.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" I exclaim laughing.

"Ha-ha, very funny guys, his name was Santiago… And as a matter-of-a-fact, I have been searching for my long, lost love," Caroline says fuzzily, her mind going off into her own imagination.

"I think that's sweet," I confess, my own mind floating to the one and only.

"Hmph, love," Julia cackles.

"Ignore Julia, she still needs to find someone that cherishes her," I say loudly, nudging her.

"I think it's a nice idea to bring him to the ball," I say chirpily.

I look to Julia, "Maybe we'll be each other's dates," I wink and she chuckles.


"Fine, I know you like the free as a bird type of thing," I grumble.

"Oh yes,"

Then my phone beeps and I zone out, my attention completely directed on it.

Alex: No, I don't think the ball is for me.

Me: Ow, you'll miss out, it'll be fun.

Alex: Hmph, I'll think about it. I mean I would love to see one special person.

Me: Yeah me. Ha-ha, I'm joking. But, I mean it wouldn't hurt to see you.

Alex: Fine, count me in Juliette😉

Me: Deal, Romeo 😉

I giggle, placing my phone back into my purse and looking up, "Who was that?" Caroline asks.

My face turns pale, "I'm kind of talking to someone," I say nonchalantly, but my mouth betrays me, plastering a smile.

"Oo, and who is this someone?" Julia pesters.

"It's someone I've known for a while," I mumble, fear biting at the back of my mind.

Caroline's face drops, "It's not Alex is it?"

I bite my lip, horror plastered on my face, "Uh, yeah it is,"

"You're kidding me. I thought you were through with him, I mean after all that he's done!" Julia hisses.

"Look, he came clean and explained everything and I can't help how I feel," I explain.

"Uh-huh, sure," Julia retorts.

"I'm serious! He came clean about everything and why it happened!" I rant.

"Evelyn, it's just we don't want you to be hurt again, to go through what you did…" Caroline intercepts, her sweet voice cooling the tension.

"I get that, I know he's hurt me in the past, but, if I'm able to forgive, shouldn't you guys too?" I blurt.

Julia and Caroline both eye me, "You didn't see how we saw you through all that pain. It hurt us too," Caroline begins.

"And we just don't want you to have to restart again," Julia finishes.

"I know. I get you both want the best for me, but, I promise it won't be like that again… Please, trust me?" I say, attempting to convince them.

"Okay, we trust you," Caroline answers for the pair of them.

"Thank you," I whisper, looking at them with adoration.

"Now for some gown shopping!" Caroline chirps.

I smile and chuckle, "Let's go,"


"How's this?" Caroline questions, twirling in a baby blue gown, the torso looked like a floral-laced singlet, that led to a silky skirt.

"That looks so nice on you!" I gasp, admiring the light blue contrast to her pale skin and grey eyes.

"I agree!" Julia chides in, happily eating scoops of her vanilla ice cream.

Julia had already chosen hers, a red, tight, sparkly dress that looked like the evil version of the 2015 Cinderella movie ball-gown. It looked gorgeous on her though, complimenting her bright hair.

"Your turn!" Julia and Caroline clamor.

I roll my eyes and smirk, "Fine!!"

I clamber to my feet, rushing into my changing room, glaring at my ball gown with awe.

It had a tan underlayer that had a black-laced overcoat, although it didn't cover the whole gown, allowing the sheer tan to have its crowning glory. I placed it on, it complimented my features and chestnut hair so well. I almost looked eye-catching in it.

I walked out, biting my lip, "How's this?" I ponder.

Both their faces stared at me, their mouths wide open. "You look absolutely stunning, Ev," Julia complimented, followed by a quick nod from Caroline.

I smiled, "Let's know 'em dead guys,"


The day of the ball had me nervous, Caroline, Julia, and I had planned to get ready together and do our makeup together. We each followed a makeup tutorial from YouTube, whilst munching on some pancakes Julia had remade several times because she had burnt them. This ball was an all-day event, starting from 12 pm to 12 am, and was loaded with many fun activities and some interesting bachelors, including some on the market celebs.

"Guys, I cannot do this stupid winged eyeliner!" I groan.

"Oh my god Ev, you have to swish and flick!" Caroline informs, rolling her eyes.

"No matter how many times I've taught you, you don't listen!" She grumbles, annoyance clear on her face, but within seconds her bubbly personality precedes her.

"Okay, I am not that much of a winged liner gal… And you sounded just like Hermione Granger!" I giggle, attempting to swish and flick my eyeliner.

Julia roars with laughter, "Can you guys shut it, I'm trying to concentrate!"

"Yes, yes," I murmur.

My phone then dings, I turn it over and swipe left on the message.

Alex: How's this looking Juliette?

He posted a photo of him in a fitted suit, with a cream tie and a pair of black, leather shoes.

Me: Absolutely devilish Romeo.

Me: 😉

Alex: Well I can't wait to see my Juliette.

Me: Well Romeo, it would be considered bad luck to show the dress.

Alex: Oh, is that so?

Me: Yes, you don't want to be cursed into not seeing the dress on me when I walk into the ball.

Alex: Now I shall consider that a blessing 😉

Me: Now I completely regret that. *Facepalm*

Alex: Oh, now Miss Juliette will forever be teased with that.

Me: I can tease you back in many ways, don't test me.

Alex: Now that is some teasing I can allow.

Me: Well maybe you might get some…

Alex: Don't threaten me with a good time.

Me: Oh, shut it.

Alex: Make me 😉

I roll my eyes and focus my attention back on my makeup until my phone dings again.

Unknown: Ready for the annual ball?

Unknown: Heard it's going to be killer.

Unknown: A little birdie told me you and Romeo have made up, I might care to see if it's true…

My face drains of any blood and I look at my screen in horror.

"Ev, what's wrong?" Caroline questions.

"Oh nothing, I-i think I scared myself," I ramble, attempting to come up with a lie.

Caroline and Julia chuckle, "It's not that bad!"

I force a laugh, "It freaked me out,"

"Here let me help," Caroline intercepts, carefully wiping away my makeup and starting from the top, whilst I screenshot my messages and send them to Alex.

Me: Alex, look.

Alex: Shit… She knows.

Me: I think she's hacked into our phones.

Alex: How?

Me: I have no idea.

Alex: Wait – do you think it's when we

Me: No don't say it.

Alex: Do you think?

Me: Yes... I do.